Chapter 3043 Small Group Of Willow God Dojo (1)

“Hello, Junior Brother Wang Xian.”

“Haha, a newcomer, Junior Brother Wang Xian, now is not during the assessment period, how do you join the Liushen Taoist Temple?”

In the Liushen dojo, several middle-aged young people looked at Wang Xian ahead, walked over with smiles and greeted.

Two middle-aged and three young people.

Wang Xian glanced over, a smile appeared on his face.

“Occasionally, I got a willow heart stick, so I directly joined the Liushen Dojo.”

He said politely.

“Liu Xintiao, I didn’t expect Junior Brother Wang Xian to have such a chance, I don’t know from which power the Junior Brother comes from?”

A middle-aged man with long hair holding a folding fan came over and asked with a smile on his face.

“A loose person.”

Wang Xian responded with a smile.

“Oh? Loose people?”

The faces of the people who came round showed surprise.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian came here for the first time, today I am in the Yuhai Tavern for a treat, everyone celebrate.”

At this time, an old man flew over and announced loudly with a smile on his face.

“Wow, thank you brother gentleman.”

“Haha, I have a blessing, thank you gentleman brother.”

Around, the disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple happily said.


Wang Junbao looked at the old man, hesitated for a moment, and arched his hands: “Thank you, brother gentleman.”

“You are welcome, you are welcome.”

“Junior Brother Wang Xian came here for the first time. We came here earlier than you. Naturally, it is easy to entertain you. You can engrave your name there, Junior Brother. It is also the tradition of our Liushen Taoist Temple.”

Senior Brother Gentleman pointed to the front position and said.

Wang Xian looked at it, and there was a huge wooden sign in front of which was carved with names.

There were more than 10,000 names on it, and Wang Xian waved his arm and left his name on it.

“Welcome to the big family of Liushen Taoist Temple, walk around, Yu Hai Tavern.”

Senior Brother Gentleman laughed and waved.

“Tsk tusk, let’s go!”

“Senior Brother Gentleman treats us, we can have a good meal.”

There were more than 3,000 members in the Liushen Taoist, at least more than 1,000 people immediately followed.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian, follow me!”

Senior Brother Gentleman said, leading Wang Xian to fly towards the outer area.

The Liushen Taoist Temple is very small, and they flew for tens of seconds to reach a slightly prosperous small bazaar, a bazaar with an area of ​​tens of kilometers.

There were not many people inside. Some people saw them coming, all with awe and envy on their faces.

These are some Taoist children, that is, those who followed the disciples of Liushen Daochang.

They live here and serve their followers.

“Boss, I have packed the Yuhai Tavern today to celebrate the joining of Junior Brother. Whatever you have in the tavern, please come up.”

A crowd of people flew into a luxurious small courtyard with a very beautiful scenery, a small rockery and a small fountain.

“Yes, gentleman.”

The owner of Yu Hai Pub saw all of them and said respectfully.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian, this is the best tavern in our Liushen Taoist Temple. The wine in it is brewed with diluted fluid. The food here is all made from the god emperor-level water beasts, which is absolutely comparable to those in the Milky Way. Top hotel establishment.”

“That is, our gentleman brothers are rich. If we let us come and eat once a month, it would be nice.”

“This time we are in the light of Junior Brother, hahaha!”

A chubby middle-aged walked to Wang Xian’s side and said with a smile.

“Oh? Really? Then I have to thank the gentleman brother a lot.”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Hehe, our gentleman brothers are well-known good people in our Liushen Taoist Temple.”

The chubby middle-aged smiled and said, patted him on the shoulder: “You’ll know if you stay here a little longer.”

Wang Xian nodded and looked at the gentleman brother in front.

Under his induction, it possesses the strength of the peak of a god emperor.

He saw the strongest in the Liushen dojo.

Once the Liushen Dojo breaks through to the rank of the Universe Venerable, it will automatically be sent out.

This is one of the rules of the Liushen Dojo.

In addition, if there are disciples in the Liushen Dojo who hold an important position in a race, they will also be sent out of the Liushen Dojo.

As a neutral Liushen Taoist, disciples can come from all major races, but they cannot hold important positions in their races.

This is the rule of Venerable Willow.

Wang Xian looked at the surrounding atmosphere and felt very relaxed.

“Come on, everyone welcomes Junior Brother Wang Xian to join.”

The wine and food came up quickly, Senior Brother Gentleman raised his glass, walked to Wang Xian, and said with a big smile.

“Well, welcome Junior Brother Wang Xian to join, welcome!”

“Haha, if you have anything to do in Yinhe in the future, you can call me Old Tang.”

The disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple said enthusiastically.

“Thank you, and give me more advice in the future.”

Wang Xian smiled and raised his wine glass, thanking him.

Looking across everyone, he liked the atmosphere very much.

Since stepping into the universe, there have been fights everywhere. There are very few such quiet and harmonious places.

“It’s easy to talk!”

The disciples said with a smile.

“Thank you, brother gentleman.”

Wang Xian picked up the wine glass and respected the gentleman brother.

“You’re welcome. If you don’t know anything about cultivation in the future, you can come to me or find other people. The friends here are very enthusiastic.”

Senior gentleman shook his head indifferently.

Wang Xian nodded, and walked over to the table and toasted a cup.

He still knows some etiquette.

The other party is so enthusiastic that he can’t do anything.

“Under the investigation of the realm detection stone, he has the third-order realm of the god emperor, see if he can draw it to us.”

“A scattered person, given him enough benefits, he should not refuse, but he is afraid that other races will draw him in.”

At a dining table, ten people sat there, swept Wang Xian aside, and spoke.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian, come here.”

At this time, Wang Xian, who had just finished paying respect to all the disciples of the Liushen Daochang, saw the fat middle-aged who had just spoken to him saying hello to him.

“Sit down, Junior Brother Wang Xian, you just came here, and you are still a separate person, and it is estimated that someone will invite you to join some forces, so be prepared.”

As soon as Wang Xian walked over, the fat middle-aged reminded him directly.

“Oh? Invite me to join some forces?”

Wang Xian showed a surprised look.

“Hehe, come on, let’s talk to you. The Liushen Taoist is not as enjoyable as you see. In fact, it is divided into dozens of small groups. Brother and I, like you, are scattered people. I just reminded you.”

The middle-aged Wei Chuan said to him, and pointed to the rest of the people on the table: “There are also people at our table, and the people at the next table are all scattered people and have not joined any forces.”

When Wang Xian heard his words, he was contemplative.

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