Chapter 3041 Yalong’s situation, the vast galaxy

“Benefactor, in today’s universe, due to the demise of the purebred dragon blood, Yalong’s life is not easy. Many people want to be dragon knights and want to have a battle pet with the blood of the dragon.”

“Except for the nine dragon god races that are more powerful today, the rest of the Yalong have been hunted down.”

“There are not many dragons on the galaxy side. A few years ago, there was a relatively strong sub-dragon race called the fairy dragon race. They lived in the galaxy and possessed a trace of the dragon’s blood. There were also a lot of them. At that time, they suffered. Hunted by many powerful races.”

“Later, a powerful earth dragon appeared in the fairy dragon clan. The earth dragon is said to be a real dragon. He has the strength to overwhelm the sea and help the fairy dragon clan resist a group of races.”

“However, the strength of the earth dragon and fairy dragon clan is still not the opponent of the major races of the galaxy, and now I don’t know where they are hiding.”

Mi Xinlu introduced to Wang Xian some information about Yalong in the galaxy today.

“Fairy dragon? Earth dragon?”

When Wang Xian heard her, he frowned slightly.

“Do you know the image of the earth god dragon?”

Wang Xian asked towards him.

“I don’t know, but it is rumored that the appearance of this earth dragon is exactly the same as the legendary dragon!”

Mi Xinlu shook his head.

“Exactly the same? Will it be the emperor of the earth dragon? Will Lingxiu be here?”

Wang Xian frowned and said inwardly.

Time passed quickly, and Wang Xian’s speed was also terrifying. Two days later, they reached the edge of the Milky Way.

Looking at the vast world ahead, a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

In the front position, there is a vast ocean.

The void below the ocean is black, and there is called the inanimate zone. According to legend, even the cosmos venerable enters this inanimate zone and will die instantly.

This vast ocean is the Milky Way.

For many people, it is an endless galaxy.

There is no record of the length of the Milky Way, and it takes hundreds of years for a powerful person to fly from one end to the other.

As for the area of ​​the Milky Way, it is still unknown.

In the galaxy, there are countless aquatic creatures.

Hidden the existence of the universe’s venerable level.

“Gong, this is the edge of the galaxy, and the area here is the realm of the Nine Sword Race. We have to be careful!”

Mi Xinlu looked ahead and said with a frightened face.

“Just call me Wangxian. They don’t know what your human shape looks like, right?”

Wang Xian nodded and asked towards her.

“do not know.”

Mi Xinlu shook his head.

“That’s fine, let’s go, we have to go through the teleportation formation here to the Liushen Taoist side.”

As Wang Xian said, he approached the Milky Way.

On some planets, the continents are connected to the ocean, but here is completely different, here is the planet close to the ocean.

It is the entire continental plate that is close to the ocean.

The stars inhabited by human beings look extremely small in front of the Milky Way.

Wang Xian brought Mixinlu to a planet.

The arrival of Wang Xian and the others did not attract attention. They took the teleportation formation and immediately teleported towards the Liushen Taoist Temple.

The Liushen Taoist Temple is located in the center of the Milky Way side, deep into an island ten light-years away in the Milky Way.

“Lots of people, so prosperous!”

When Wang Xian and the others teleported to a location near the center of the Milky Way, standing on a continental plate nearby, he looked at the location on the right with shocked expression on his face.

There is the endless galaxy sea.

On the sea, there are ships.

Sailboats of special materials, ships with powerful high-tech.

There is also a yacht that looks extremely luxurious.

There are also some weird nautical artifacts.

There are many people around, and at a glance, there are at least a billion people in the area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers.

All are cosmic monks.

Among them, there are many god emperor level existences, and god kings can be seen everywhere here.

However, Wang Xian also found that there were not many god emperors around him.

His strength, placed here, is also relatively top-notch.

“Go, let’s go to the Liushen Taoist Temple.”

Looking at the magnificent ocean, Wang Xian was in a good mood, and said to Mi Xinlu.

“Big Brother Wang, are you going to the Liushen Dojo? It is not possible for disciples of the Liushen Dojo to enter.”

Mi Xinlu said to him.

“Don’t worry, I will join the Liushen Dojo!”

Wang Xian smiled and moved her figure to fly directly to the front.

On the surface of the sea, he felt like a dragon swimming in the sea.

The water pushed his body and flew forward at a terrifying speed.

His terrifying speed caused some people around him to look sideways, with a look of awe in their eyes.

In the Milky Way, there are more than a dozen primary races in the universe, and hundreds of domain-level races.

Wang Xian’s strength is placed in the domain-level race, and it is also the existence of the town clan.

He is here, too.

However, his strength is still not qualified to be arrogant in the galaxy.

Stepping on the water and quickly surpassing all kinds of ships, Wang Xian also looked around curiously.

Some ships are not simple, and can compete against the powerhouses of the fifth and sixth ranks of the god emperor.

Some ships also have powerful formations on them. It is estimated that once the formations are opened, the attacks of the ninth rank of the god emperor and even the peak can be resisted.

However, the number of such ships is relatively small.

It has been flying forward for half an hour, and there are still many ships around.

Wang Xian even saw some people fishing in the sea.

This made him very curious.

“Brother Wang, anglers are not uncommon here in the Milky Way. On the contrary, there are many anglers. Some of the top powers of the god emperors are all fishing. When fishing, they can improve their control and do not delay training.”

“In addition, you can also catch the wild beasts in the water in the galaxy. With a good bait, you can catch very powerful wild beasts in the water. Of course, the premise is that you have the ability to catch them!”

Mi Xinlu explained Wang Xian’s curious appearance on the side.

“Really? Then I have to take a closer look.”

Wang Xian raised his brow slightly.

“Yeah, I heard that too, but I saw the video of Venerable Youyu Zhou fishing on the Universe Brain.”

Mi Xinlu nodded and said.

“Venerable Universe fishing?”

Wang Xian was even more curious in his heart. It seemed that this fishing was completely different from the fishing he had imagined.

“When you arrive at Brother Wang, you will see the Liushen Taoist in front of him. Venerable Liushen is the most respected and powerful man in the galaxy.”

“Unfortunately, it is very difficult to join the Liushen Dojo. The entire galaxy is so big that only more than 10,000 people have entered the dojo.”

Mi Xinlu pointed forward, eyes full of yearning.

Obviously, she had also heard of the name of the Liushen Taoist Temple.

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