Chapter 3034 Do, the violent old man

“This…what’s the situation? What is the relationship between the Mingxuanzhi of the Tianming clan and the Dragon Palace?”

“Hey, what’s the situation? Blessed father? Dragon Palace is the benefactor of Senior Ming Xuanzhi?”

“Now, there is a good show to watch.”

When everyone saw the old man of the Heavenly Ming clan, Ming Xuanzhi, the legendary figure of the starry sky, flew directly towards the dragon palace and the crowd, and called out his benefactor, everyone’s faces showed a look of error.

What is the relationship between the Mingxuanzhi of the Tianming clan and the Dragon Palace?


“Draw the ground as a prison? Humph!”

Ming Xuanzhi ignored the exclamation and discussion around him, looking at the red light under Wang Xian and the others, with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

He lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the whole red light collapsed and disappeared a little bit.

In the front position, God Emperor Hongtian saw this scene, his face changed slightly, his eyes fixed on Ming Xuanzhi.

“Old man Ming, are you trying to intervene in our affairs?”

Divine Emperor Hongtian showed a sorrowful look in his eyes, and said coldly.

“My old man was able to come out alive, thanks to the people in Dragon Palace, you want to kill Laozi’s benefactor now, are you looking for death!”

Ming Xuanzhi stared at him coldly and roared violently.

“Huh? What? He was rescued by the people of Dragon Palace when Ming Xuanzhi was able to return?”

The powerhouses of all forces were slightly startled when they heard these words, and looked at them with twinkling eyes.

“Old man Ming, the people of Dragon Palace killed my apprentice. This is the grievance between our Red Mist tribe and Dragon Palace. You’d better not get involved!”

When the Emperor Hongtian heard his words, his face was a little gloomy, and he asked coldly.

“Hahaha, Laozi’s benefactor’s business is Laozi’s business, don’t say whether Laozi should care about it, just do you, so what?”

Divine Emperor Hongtian said coldly, without showing any affection to Divine Emperor Hongtian at all.

This made the God Emperor Hongtian condensed his eyes and his face was very embarrassed.

Ming Xuanzhi, his every move does not represent him personally, but represents the entire Tian Ming clan.

Especially, if the patriarch of the Ming clan today is his son, he is also the existence of the peak of the god emperor.

Mingxuanzhi’s decision can represent the Tianming clan.

For example, the strength of the Pluto race today is definitely one of the best in this starry sky.

The background is much stronger than the Red Mist Clan he just established.

When the surrounding forces saw the powerful Mingxuanzhi, they also slapped their tongues slightly.

This didn’t give the Hongtian Divine Emperor any face.

However, Ming Xuanzhi was also rare in this starry sky who could not give the Hongtian Divine Emperor the face.

“Old man Ming, I don’t need to do it today, but you have to know that this is my face for the Tianming clan, not for you.”

Divine Emperor Hongtian’s expression changed, and he said sternly.

As he said, he looked at Wang Xian and the others, with murderous aura flashing in his eyes: “This time you are lucky, but next time you won’t be so lucky!”

“Ha ha!”

When Wang Xian and the others heard the words of the God Emperor Hongtian, their eyes were full of sorrow.

I came to participate in the ceremony for the establishment of the Red Mist Clan today, but I didn’t expect this to be the case.

Moreover, the Hongwu tribe, the God Emperor Hongtian, obviously knew that it was their Dragon Palace who killed his tribe’s apprentice.

But they still invited the Dragon Palace, just want to destroy them, and use witchcraft to find the place of the Dragon Palace.

This is obviously a banquet!

“Ming Xuanzhi, do one thing for us, and after doing it, we can not owe each other!”

“Of course, you can also refuse!”

A trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, he looked at Ming Xuanzhi, and said directly.

“Dragon King, don’t say one thing, my Ming Xuanzhi’s life is for you to save, as long as you say a word, I will definitely not refuse!”

Ming Xuanzhi patted his chest and said loudly.

“Help us attack the Red Mist race now, and not owe each other afterwards!”

Wang Xian continued, staring at him.

Ming Xuanzhi narrowed his eyes when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

“Hahaha, I like this kind of gratitude and enmity like my benefactor, and if I have the strength, I will do them.”

“Well, my benefactor saved my life. Whoever you say, I will do it, isn’t it the Emperor Hongtian, haha, kill!”

Ming Xuanzhi laughed, his face full of murderousness, and his face full of violent roar.

A book and a staff appeared directly in his hands.

“Jie Jie Jie, well, old man Ming, you help us deal with the god emperor Nahongtian, and the rest of us, even if it is not their opponent, will let their Red Mist tribe’s grand ceremony climax.”

Baqi laughed wildly, and shouted with excitement and ferociousness.

Wang Xian also smiled, and a terrifying aura rose on his body.


“We retreat!”

“Hey, this… the people in the Dragon Palace are so fucking crazy, just fucking the Red Wuzu tribe?”

The strong men of the forces sensed the murderous aura on them, and felt the power, their expressions changed slightly, and they immediately retreated towards the rear.

God Emperor Hongtian stared for a moment, clenched his fists slightly, his expression was unusually embarrassed.

The rest of the Red Mist clan experts also stared at them with murderous and vigilant gaze.

“Ming Xuan Zhi, are you completely going to be an enemy of our Red Mist Clan? Are you Tian Ming Clan going to be an enemy of us?”

God Emperor Hongtian roared in a low voice.

“Laozi only represents himself, not the Tianming Clan, don’t worry!”

Ming Xuanzhi said faintly: “Who asked you to provoke Laozi’s benefactor, let this grand ceremony of the clan boil today, hahaha!”

As he said, with a wave of his arm, the scepter in his hand was spotted on the book in front of him, and black flames flew out of the book, directly attacking the Emperor Hongtian.

“Jie Jie Jie, get dry, get dry!”

The evil spirit roared wildly, he didn’t hesitate at all, his body moved, and he flew towards the rear in an instant.

In the rear, there are tens of thousands of strong men below the level of the Emperor of the Red Wu tribe.

This level of existence, in the case of Demon Sha, can easily take a large amount of seconds.


Wang Xian did not hesitate in the slightest. With a movement of his figure, Wu Shi Sheng Wing instigated him, and attacked at a terrifying speed towards the emperor of the Red Mist tribe in front.

Tianzhen Baqi did not hesitate at all, and immediately released the attack.

The battle broke out in an instant!

“You guys are looking for death!”

The Emperor Hongtian saw Ming Xuanzhi take action, saw Wang Xian and the others attack, his eyes showed crazy murderous, and he roared furiously.

“Kill, kill them for me!”

He angrily commanded all his men.

Today is the day when their Red Mist clan was established.

However, at this time, it was attacked.

This is entirely a provocation and humiliation to their Red Mist tribe.

After today, their Red Mist tribe will also become a joke among many forces.


The group of guys who killed the Dragon Palace, let them know the end.

Let Na Mingxuanzhi know the consequences of offending him.

A violent murderous aura shot out from the Hongtian Divine Emperor, and above his head, the Houtian Lingbao Yuan’s magnetic aperture bloomed with red brilliance.

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