Chapter 298


There was a roar of an airplane in the sky, and a thirty to forty-meter plane crashed towards the ground out of control.

The roar, the sound of breaking wind, and the screams of all the passengers on the plane resounded around the plane.


However, at this moment, two soft drinks came from under the plane.


Wang Xian and Sui Huang were shocked, and two huge wings appeared directly behind them.

Emperor Sui, flaming red, red like blood, appeared on both sides of him like wings of lava stone.

After the two huge wings spread, it was about ten meters long, which was extremely terrifying.

Slightly incited, exuding a terrifying high temperature, if it weren’t for his intentional protection, he might be able to burn the plane directly.

The wings behind the Sui emperor were completely beyond the comparison of the powerhouses of the Vulcan sect.

And behind Wang Xian, there was also a fiery red wing.

The energy of the dragon ball turned into a dragon wing, a dragon wing like a wind dragon. Although the huge wings were not the size of ten meters of the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, they had already reached seven meters.

Moreover, the wings behind Wang Xian are more flexible, and the slight incitement is exuding the terrifying power of the dragon.

“Boom boom boom!”

The two raised their hands and looked at each other, with a slight smile on their faces.

The roar of the plane came again, but this time, the plane stopped swiftly descending towards the ground.

Under the powerful strength of the two men, they stopped abruptly, and strangely stopped in the air motionless.

“Ah, what’s the matter, what’s the matter, why the plane is not moving?”

“Could it be that the plane has recovered? Is it recovered?”

“Has the danger passed? Has it passed?”

At this moment, the passengers sitting in the plane did not know that an unbelievable scene was happening under the plane.

They opened their eyes one by one, and some people still had tears on their faces, and asked in a panic.

Even the staff inside the plane looked suspicious.

“Could it be the chief and that boy?”

The staff in the cockpit were in a trance. When the two jumped directly out of the plane, they were in despair and did not care too much.

Seeing that the plane stopped in the air weirdly, one by one couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

“We still have salvation, and salvation. The chief and that young man are powerful ancient warriors!”

A trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of a staff member, and his body trembling said.

“There is help, we are saved, it’s great, it’s really great!”

The faces of all the staff in the cockpit showed excitement.

“Dear passengers, the plane is stable now. Don’t panic, don’t panic, we will land safely, we will definitely!”

A staff member quickly communicated and comforted all the passengers in the plane.


“It’s stable, great, I thought I was going to die!”

“Haha, great, great, we are still alive!”

Inside the plane, a crowd of passengers heard the voice of the staff and their faces showed excitement.

The excitement of the rest of his life gave everyone an expression of excitement.

“So strong and terrifying, is this the strength of Emperor Sui?”

In the first-class cabin of the plane, the middle-aged man of the innate strong was resisting the position of the breach with powerful energy. He saw a huge flame wing with a look of horror on his face.

Support the entire plane with flesh and blood!

“A dozen kilometers away, let’s go!”

The Sui Dynasty yelled to Wang Xian, his body moved, his eyes turned to the front, his wings fluttered slightly.

“Haha, go!”

The two held the plane and slowly flew forward.

With the strength of two people, they carried nearly a hundred tons of planes in the sky.

They do not fly fast, but they can reach forty to fifty kilometers per hour.



“Horror, really scary!”

In the headquarters of Shanghai Beijing Airport, all the staff slowly stopped their work and watched the scene under satellite surveillance with shocked faces.

One by one, his eyes widened, looking incredible.

Two people, giving birth to huge wings, carried the entire plane in flight.

This shocking scene, this immortal-like method, made everyone stunned.

Carrying the plane to fly, and still moving forward at a very terrifying speed, can this be done by humans?

Simply like a god like a devil.

The executives of the airline headquarters stared at this scene with wide-open eyes.

“Quickly, quickly organize all the planes in the airport, and provide enough time for the plane to land. Quickly, let the staff deal with it immediately, call all the security personnel, and block the area where the plane landed!”

A senior hurriedly ordered to the surrounding staff.


“It’s great, great, it’s great to have a powerful man in the world flying through this crisis with the flesh and blood carrying the entire plane on the plane!”

The rest of the senior executives said with excitement, and continued to order: “Keep calling, now the speed of the plane has dropped, contact the a934j plane, and ask about what happened inside, and what…the two Peerless powerhouse!”


The plane moved forward in the air under the powerful forces of Wang Xian and Sui Emperor. Ten minutes later, the airport of Beijing appeared in the sight of the two.

“There is someone below, let’s go down.”

Sui Huang looked at a location below and saw several staff members waving red flags and motioning towards them!


When Wang Xian moved his body, the wings on his back disappeared. At this time, if the wings were still on, it would be too high-profile.

Emperor Sui also removed his wings, and the two of them took the plane directly into the air.


A group of security personnel guarding the surrounding area and a group of high-level airlines swallowed and spit.

The two strong men flew directly in the air holding the plane, which is really like a fairy method.


A one-hundred-ton aircraft, under everyone’s shocked gaze, was gently put on the runway of the aircraft by the two powerful men.

“Oh my god, what a god!”

A group of senior executives of the airline ran toward their position with awe on their faces, and they bowed slightly, as if seeing a fairy.

“Two… two great gods, hello, thank you very much!”

A group of airline executives really didn’t know what to call them, and they said in a panic.

“Well, the next thing is left to you!”

Sui Huang looked at the airline’s people impatiently and took out the red certificate, and waved at them!


When the crowd saw the document, their pupils couldn’t help but shrink, and their faces became more in awe.

“It’s the chief!”

A group of airline executives responded loudly with fear and sincerity.

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