2919: Words Crush Variety-Embodiment?

“Deserve it, this kid is owed!”

“Good fight, this guy is simply too arrogant. It’s too rubbish to spray our Liuli soldiers into our Liuli domain’s brains. I want to fuck him!”

“I think too, but this kid’s cards are too deep, not to mention, he has a treasure that can withstand the attack of the emperor!”

“Is the Dragon Palace really so strong? Although they are rising fast, our glazed background is so deep, and the Dragon Palace is only more than 20 god emperors, if it weren’t for our domain lord and a group of strong guards. We will definitely not lose on the border of the Armament Sovereign Domain here!”

“The Dragon Palace may not be stronger than us. The relationship between Invincible Warfare and the Dragon King is the only way to get so many treasures, but we also have a lot of treasures in the Glazed Glass Domain. We directly took out five or six in the last war.”

“There are more than 20 god emperors in the Dragon Palace. Our entire glazed domain is more than the Dragon Palace, but the Dragon Palace is not much weaker than ours. They have the legendary dragon.”

Hearing the screams of Invincible Fighting, and seeing him being carried away by the deputy commander, all the soldiers on the battle platform smiled gleefully and started talking.

Provoked by Invincible Fighting Techniques, they were also curious as to whether the strength and strength of the Dragon Palace could be comparable to their Glazed Glass Domain.

But as soldiers of the Liuliyu, according to their understanding, they still think that they are stronger.

The background of one’s own side is also relatively deep.

“Too great elder, I brought this bad guy here.”

At the same time, in the assembly room in the center of the battle platform, God Emperor Shangshui walked in with the invincible tactics and spoke.

“Cough cough, cough cough!”

The invincible tactics was released, he coughed, and his gaze swept across the gods and emperors in front of him.

“The kid is invincible in combat. See you seniors.”

He bowed and said quickly.

For the strong god emperor, the tactics of invincibility still know the measure.

“Hehe, invincible, right? This time our Liuli should thank you very much for killing two god emperors and evil spirits, but it has reduced our great troubles.”

The Great Elder said with a smile, and gestured to sit down toward the God Emperor of Shangshui and Invincible Fighting Technique.

“Hehe, no thanks, just beheaded, beheaded!”

Invincible tactics pursed his lips and sat down with a smile.

Around, the faces of the god emperors turned black, and this kid was really shameless.

“Invincible, there is one thing for you to help when calling you over.”

The God Emperor of Sheung Shui patted his invincible shoulder.

“Master, what can I do to help? I can do it, and I will definitely be on the sword!”

Invincible Warfare raised his head slightly, and said unshirkably.

“Don’t talk nonsense, this matter is related to the fate of the Liuli Region. Now you know a little bit about the situation in the Liuli Region. We, Liuli, want to seek help from other forces.”

“Today’s dazzling starry sky, besides us, the strongest is Dragon Palace. We want to seek help from Dragon Palace.”

God Emperor Shangshui said.

“Of course, let the Dragon Palace and the others send the strong to help us. Our Liuliyu will pay enough rewards. It is invincible. Hearing from your master, you have a better relationship with the Dragon King and can contact the Dragon King, so we will call you over and ask you to help. Busy, please ask Liuliyu for us.”

“This is the list of treasures that our Liuliyu has come up with. We are willing to devote these resources to ask Dragon Palace to help us tide over the difficulties.”

“In addition, the Dragon Palace can also offer conditions, or exchange for other treasures, we can consider it.”

“Invincible, this matter is related to the life and death of our Glazed Glazed Domain. I will trouble you Invincible on behalf of the Glazed Glazed Domain.”

The elder Taishang took the words of the God Emperor of Shangshui, and he stood up directly and passed a list to Invincible.

At the same time, he bowed deeply towards the invincible tactics.

“Ahem, elder, you don’t have to be so polite, I can contact the Dragon King about this, but I can’t decide on the specific situation.”

Invincible when he saw the Great Elder stand up directly, he was also taken aback, stood up and said quickly.

He knew that the Great Elder of the Glazed Glass Region, but the existence of the second-order god emperor.

One of the pinnacle powerhouses in the entire Glazed Glass Region.

“The situation is a bit urgent now. If we give us enough time, we will not contact you through Invincible.”

“Now this situation is very unfavorable for our Liuliyu, and we have to try our best to contact Dragon Palace as soon as possible.”

The Great Elder said slightly.

The situation nowadays has indeed reached a very urgent point, and they get a response from Dragon Palace as soon as possible, and they are also ready.

Whether you agree or refuse, you must prepare in advance.

“Elder Taishang, I will contact Boss Wang now. There should be no problem. I chatted with him not long ago!”

Invincible Warfare immediately nodded.

He also felt the crisis on Liuliyu’s side.

The emperor may fall, and the situation can be imagined.

However, when he looked at the list of resources in front of him, his heart beat!

This resource is really scary!


Invincible tactics smacked slightly, took out the communication stone tray and prepared to talk to Wang Xian.

At this moment, in the Imperial Study Room of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian was sitting in it, and had just received a message from the Sanctuary Domain Master.

The sanctuary domain master sent a message that the Liuli strongest domain master contacted him on the glazed domain, and wanted the sanctuary to extend a helping hand to help them through this crisis.

Their sanctuary has not responded to it for the time being.

The sanctuary domain master’s message also said that the colored glass domain might request the assistance of the Dragon Palace in the future.

When he saw this information, he was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that the situation in the Glazed Glass Domain was so bad now, it was so bad that the master of the Glazed Glass Domain personally asked for support.

“The invincible tactical boy said yesterday that he killed a lot of monsters and demons. It seems that this boy is bragging.”

Wang Xian murmured.

The holy master of the sanctuary sent him a message, mainly to see the meaning of their dragon palace.

If Liuliyu finds Dragon Palace next, and Dragon Palace is willing to make a move, they may also agree.

If Dragon Palace does not agree to support, they will also refuse.

After all, in terms of strength, the Glazed Glass Region is several times as much as their Sanctuary.


As Wang Xian was thinking, the communication stone on the side trembled.

“Huh? That guy with invincible tactics?”

Wang Xian looked at the message and opened it directly.

“Wow, boss Wang, you are so handsome today!”

As soon as I opened the video, I heard the exaggerated voice of Invincible Fighting.

This made his face a little dark.

“Fart, let it go!”

He said silently and directly.

“Hehe, Boss Wang, there is something, and it’s still a big one, but it’s about the Liuliyu.”

“Boss Wang, Liuli’s strong seniors, want me to contact you, want to ask Dragon Palace for support!”

Invincible tactics said with a smile.

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