The 2914th chapter show time

“How is this going?”

“Hey, look, the whole demon army seems to have stopped!”

“Look at the demons and evil spirits at the peak of the eight god kings ahead, they are screaming frantically, and their bodies are festering again, as if they are going to die!”

“This… a terrifying attack, what is that!”

“This is really numb to the scalp. What is that guy threw out? The whole army of evil spirits seems to be quickly infected!”

At this moment, on the battle platform, all Liuli soldiers stared wide-eyed and looked forward with some shock.

The demons and evil spirits at the peak of the eight gods were collapsing, and their vitality quickly disappeared.

The demon and evil army of billions of troops stopped in the void, and the most miserable voices were endless.

The whole army of evil spirits, as if entering hell, screamed from the soul.

All the soldiers looked at this scene, but also felt a little tingling on their scalp.

These monsters, their billion soldiers can contend with them.

However, what the kid brought out could almost wipe out the entire army of evil spirits.

The evil spirits in front of them died in pieces, hundreds of millions and hundreds of millions of them fell down.

After death, their bodies looked hideous and disgusting.

“It should be a toxin. Look at the corpses of the evil spirits. This is a very terrifying poison. Even the strongest of the gods will die. It is really terrifying!”

“This toxin shouldn’t be given to this kid by the deputy commander, right? The deputy commander shouldn’t give him such a dangerous thing.”

In front of the battle platform, several battle group commanders said with shock in their eyes.

That annoying boy, the treasures he took out were more terrifying than each.

“Look, four-fifths of the entire demon army is dead.”

Shocked voices came from around, and all the soldiers stared blankly.

The guy who disgusted them, that timid as a mouse, who seemed a little shameless, had almost wiped out a demon army.

You know, none of their Third Army can achieve such a record.


Located in the forefront of the void, the besieged Emperor Shangshui and the fourth elder Taishang also sensed the situation here, and their minds swept away, revealing a look of surprise.

“Well, invincible, I can still support it for a while!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui showed excitement on his face. He knew that his apprentice should have obtained good things from Dragon Palace to save his life.

But this thing is a bit fierce!


The four elders also showed a smile on their faces.

Once a group of soldiers is sure that they are in danger, they can also escape.


However, at this moment, suddenly, the three first-order monsters of the god emperor who besieged the god emperor Shangshui directly attacked towards the invincible tactics.

“not good!”

The face of the God Emperor of Shangshui who had been passively defending changed dramatically, and he quickly resisted.


But at this time, the other two Divine Emperor Tier 1 Abyss Species suddenly became fierce and rushed directly at him.

The God Emperor of Shangshui looked terrified and his body was swept away by energy.


A mouthful of blood was spit out directly.

“Invincible, run away!”

God Emperor Shangshui roared loudly, anxious expression on his face.


That one was about five kilometers in size, like a mantis-like Void God Emperor Tier 1 evil spirit, staring at the invincible tactics ahead, its figure flickered, and it rushed at an unusually terrifying speed.

“No, a god emperor demon is eyeing that kid!”

“Oops, being locked in a space by the god emperor, even if you want to return to your own god’s country, you can’t do it!”

“It’s over, it’s a pity that kid is disgusting, but he did a beautiful job just now!”

On the battle platform, a group of soldiers saw a god emperor first-order monster attacking toward the invincible tactics, their faces changed drastically.

The god emperor shot and killed the god king powerhouse, it was too simple, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn’t escape.


Tactical Invincible sensed that he was enveloped by great terror, his body trembled, he cursed, and with a wave of his arm, he put the dragon weapon into the space ring.

Before he took out the treasure to resist, he saw a huge claw falling towards his head.

“Grandpa Tianzhen bless you!”

At such a terrifying speed, he couldn’t tolerate any reaction from Invincible Warfare. He could only stand there blankly.

“It’s over!”

The second elder sister turned pale when she saw this scene, and quickly closed her eyes.

On the battle stage, all the soldiers frowned slightly, looked at them, and sighed slightly in their hearts.


A terrifying collision sounded, and the invincible figure flew backwards for dozens of kilometers.

However, there was no slightest injury on his body.

At this time, the mark of the venerable on his body bloomed with a bleeding red light, behind him, there was a 10,000-meter-sized, blood-red phantom covering it.

“Hahaha, really awesome, quack!”

Tactical Invincible saw that he did not have the slightest injury on his body, and he sensed the stalwart phantom surrounding him, with an expression of excitement on his face.

“Little beast, dare to attack the little master, you don’t want to see who is covering the little master!”

Tactical Invincible suspended in the void, raised a middle finger towards the mantis-like god emperor Tier 1 evil spirit, and roared disdainfully.

“This is? This is the treasure of defense, it can withstand the attacks of the god emperor!”

“Fuck, how many treasures does that guy have in his hands, even such a treasure!”

In front of the battle platform, the group commanders saw this scene and couldn’t help but burst out swearing, shouting in shock.

The extremely powerful water attribute cannonball artifact, terrifying toxin.

Now he has taken out the treasure of the body protection, which can resist the attack of the god emperor.

This guy is almost full of treasures, which is too awesome.

“This guy has a lot of treasures!”

All Liuli soldiers sighed in their hearts.


But at this time, the mantis-like god emperor Tier 1 evil spirit saw that the tactics of invincibility was intact, his bloodthirsty gaze stared at the phantom that wrapped him, and his face showed a sorrowful look.

His figure moved again and rushed towards the invincible tactics.

“I’m really bullying Xiaoye?”

Invincible Warfare saw the evil spirit attacking him again, with an angry look on his face.

With a move of his palm, the bright Zhanxian Gourd appeared in his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, he pulled out the gourd cover, and his mind moved.

A handle wind attribute law cuts the immortal sword with a kind of terrifying speed, towards the god emperor first-order evil spirit attacking away.

The wind attribute Zhanxian Sword that had accumulated for two years flew directly out of half.


The instant that the impulsive God Emperor Tier 1 Monster Evil appeared, he felt a threat of death.

There was a look of horror in its eyes, trying to stop his figure and escape.

However, the distance between them is too close, and the sword sword is too fast!

“Swish swish swish!”

The thirteen sword swords instantly covered it.

Every slashing immortal sword can now burst out of the first-order attack power of the god emperor.

This is equivalent to thirteen god emperors, all attacking together.

It was still in the situation where the first-order monster of the god emperor hadn’t had time to react!

“Puff puff!”

At the next moment, the thirteen-handled sword of the sword penetrated directly through his body.


A painful scream came from the mouth of the first-order monster of the god emperor.

His vitality disappeared at a terrifying speed, and his body slowly fell towards the bottom.

The first-order monster of the god emperor fell.

When Invincible saw this scene, his heart was beating violently, he pursed his mouth and raised his head slightly.

“Who is not good enough to provoke me?”

He pretended to be calm.

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