Chapter 291 I will send you into the abyss 5 (fourth!)

As the founder of the dark witch, the strongest of the dark witch, the witch master hasn’t made a move for a long time.

The invincible image of the witch master has already taken root in their minds.

That is their god, their faith.

Just now, when the Sorcerer came out lazily from the coffin, their hearts were so stable and peaceful.

As long as the witch master is there, their dark witch will not be in any danger.

In their view, the witch master can kill the enemy with one move, even if the enemy is very powerful in their eyes.

However, the scene before them made them all feel incredible.

They looked at the abyss mask man whose arms had turned into monsters in shock, and their eyes were full of fear.

“Is this his true strength? Just now… he didn’t use all of it just now!”

The body of a strong dark witch was trembling a little, his body that was rotten from taking the medicine gradually shed blood, and his eyes were full of fear.

“No… it’s impossible. The Sorcerer will not be defeated!”

The old woman let out a hoarse scream in disbelief.

It is impossible to lose, and it is still so thorough. I just walked out, just said a few words, and just started to lose!

It was as if a small person was pinched to death at will. This gap made it difficult for them to accept.


Just as the old woman had just finished saying this, the glass above slowly cracked, and a stream of lake water poured directly on top of her head.

It seemed to tell her that it was cold, and the dark witch was completely cold.

“Kill them!”

Wang Xian’s cold voice sounded in the dark witch base, this time it will really start: I will send you into the abyss.


“Haha, hahaha, I just said that this tengu is something of my holy spirit gate, do you still want to snatch it?”

At this moment, on the outside of the lake, a group of strong men and disciples of the Holy Spirit Sect surrounded the tengu.

Tengu stepped on the lake and let out an unwilling growl!

A middle-aged holy spirit gate stood arrogantly outside the encirclement, staring coldly at the surrounding dozens of forces and said.

The faces of all the martial artists around were extremely embarrassed, and some helplessly looked at the people of the Holy Spirit Gate.

Tengu was surrounded by them, and their first-level forces did not dare to snatch things from the Holy Spirit Gate.

They can compete with the Holy Spirit Gate for things of no owner, but now the Tengu is surrounded by them and is already in the bag of the Holy Spirit Gate.

If they robbed them again at this time, they would be unable to get through with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit Gate, a sacred gate with a profound foundation, only when all the forces present are added together can it be possible to win with it.

But how can a plate of loose sand deal with a holy gate?

The disciples of the Holy Spirit Sect showed pride on their faces, staring coldly at the dozen forces in front of them.

Tengu, already belongs to them!


And at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the bottom of the lake, followed by a figure flying towards the sky above.

A figure that suddenly appeared and rushed up from the bottom of the lake shocked everyone at the Holy Spirit Gate.

Some disciples of the Holy Spirit sect hurriedly went to the side to hide.

“What is this?”

“A figure?”

“How can something suddenly rush out from the bottom of the lake.

Everyone was stunned, and the disciples of the Holy Spirit Sect and even the dozens of powerful men gathered around here were all confused.

They watched the thing that looked like a human figure rushing out of the lake a hundred meters high, and then slammed it towards the lake.

The figure with a look of astonishment appeared on everyone’s face.


The figure fell into the lake again, splashing huge water splashes.

“What’s happening here?”

“It seems to be a person? Is it free to fly?”

Everyone looked at it with astonishment.

“Chong, catch the tengu!”

At this moment, a powerful old man suddenly beamed his eyes and shouted with excitement on his face.

The group of people at the Holy Spirit Gate was stunned for a while, followed closely, and they discovered that the tengu, which was originally surrounded, rushed out at the moment when the group was stunned.

“Fuck, this is our Tengu of the Holy Spirit Gate!”

A young man from the Holy Spirit’s gate looked around, with an angry look on his face.

Tengu rushed out of the surrounding of their Holy Spirit Gate, and once again became a masterless thing, and the surrounding forces once again had the qualifications to snatch it.

“Tengu belongs to our holy spirit!”

The three innate powerhouses of the Holy Spirit Gate were shocked, and they didn’t even care about who was flying to the sky. A terrifying power shook towards the surroundings, and an old man slowly took out a white from his arms with a gloomy face. Of beads.

“Under the envelope of the Holy Spirit, everyone will be illuminated, and everyone will bow down!”

The old man murmured, the Holy Spirit Pearl in his hand was radiant.

Carrying the light, he rushed directly in front of all the forces, his face was holy and cold, like everyone in front of the judgment.

“No one can take a step forward!”

The coercive voice of the old man sounded, and white light enveloped a hundred meters in a radius. In this space, there was only white, endless white.

Even the sun can’t get in.

“What? Holy Spirit Orb!”

“No, I didn’t expect the people from the Holy Spirit Gate to bring the Holy Spirit beads over!”

“It’s awful. Although the power of the Holy Spirit Orb is not very powerful, it can temporarily block four or five innate strong people in the hands of a strong Holy Spirit Gate!”

The faces of the surrounding forces became embarrassed again, and their faces were gloomy, and they did not expect that the Holy Spirit Gate was always hiding their strength.

The horror of the Holy Spirit Gate once again made them understand.

Unfathomable, the hole cards are far from what they can compare.

“Beast, if you dare to escape, you will be killed!”

An innate strong man of the Holy Spirit gate showed a fierce light, and a powerful might enveloped the tengu.

“Want to escape? Ask if we don’t agree with the Holy Spirit!”

A group of disciples of the Holy Spirit once again surrounded the tengu and locked it tightly.

“Roar, barking~”

The tengu roared and turned around, staring at the people around him angrily.

“Haha, if you can escape this time, then our Holy Spirit Gate is in vain as a holy gate. How dare to be a demon if a beast is?”

The holy gate disciples stared at the tengu coldly.

“Huh, forget it, don’t fight, you can’t fight the Holy Spirit Gate at all!”

“This tengu belongs to the Holy Spirit gate, we are hopeless!”

“This time it will be difficult for Tengu to escape!”

The surrounding forces sighed slightly.

“Boom boom boom!”

When everyone was discussing, suddenly, there was another figure flying towards the sky from the bottom of the lake.

This time, more than one person.

Everyone was stunned again, and the disciples of the Holy Spirit Sect were also stunned.

Everyone looked at the figures that rushed out one by one.

However, unfortunately, the place where they rushed out was also the area where the tengu was.

A group of disciples of the Holy Spirit sect hurriedly avoided, but the tengu, once again found a chance to escape.

“Who the hell is it, is it going to die!”

An innate strong man of the Holy Spirit Gate saw this scene and shouted angrily.

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