
Day by day, it has been a year since Prime Minister Turtle reported about the war in the Liuli Region.

Over the course of a year, Wang Xian got some information from time to time.

Today’s Dragon Palace is extremely lively.

Because of the New Year today.

New Year is a Chinese festival, and it is a festival of Wang Xian on the earth.

Because of the rapid development of the Dragon Palace and the war in the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian and the others have never spent much of the Spring Festival.

After a long time, sister Xiaoyu and a group of girls suddenly mentioned that Wang Xian was going to celebrate a Spring Festival for a year.

Located on the Dragon Island in the Emperor Star Territory, the entire island looks lively.

The people of the Emperor Star Territory didn’t know what day it was today, but they knew that the Dragon King was going to celebrate the New Year.

Although I don’t understand, it also makes the entire Dragon Island extremely prosperous.

As the place where the main dragon palace of the dragon palace is located, many people from the witch domain come here for vacations.

Even in Bahuang Liuhe, some people came to the Emperor Star Territory to play.

Because of the rule of the Dragon Palace, Bahuang Liuhe now has its own order. If you want to kill for no reason, you have to pay a price.

With the Dragon Palace suppression, no one dares to offend.

“It’s been a long time since the Chinese New Year, so I miss it!”

Inside the main dragon palace, there are lights and festoons everywhere, and Ao Nu leads a group of dragon palace maids to set up.

Next to the peaks of the submarine mountains in the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian, a group of girls, and a group of friends were walking and chatting.

“I didn’t expect that Dragon King, you guys would rise from a small civilized planet.”

From the side, Hong Fengyan said to Wang Xian with surprise on their faces.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that when I got the inheritance of Shenlong, I would come to this point.”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face, slightly emotional.

“Hey, Boss Wang, this is just the beginning. In the future, Boss Wang will unify the great existence of the universe!”

The tactics on the side are invincible flattering.

Tianxin next to him patted him silently.

“Hehe, go, let’s go out to see the fireworks, and then have a meal together!”

Wang Xian smiled, and a group of friends flew out of the Dragon Palace and came to the sky above.

“Wow boom boom boom!”

“Wow boom boom boom!”

Outside, the night was dark, and a series of fireworks rose into the sky, bursting out brilliant brilliance, taking care of the entire Dragon Island.

On Dragon Island, countless people watched the fireworks, full of curiosity and surprises.

Such things as fireworks do not exist in the Emperor Star Territory.

“Come on cheers!”

After enjoying the fireworks, a group of people came to the Dragon King Hall to toast and drink.

Wang Xian raised his wine glass with a smile on his face and respected the crowd.

Hong Fengyan and his apprentices are invincible with his master and his girlfriend Tianxin.

There are also a group of powerhouses in Dragon Palace.


While eating, God Emperor Shangshui took out the communication stone tray, his face was slightly startled when he saw the information on it.

“What’s the matter, Master?”

The tactical invincible on the side saw that the face of the master who was very happy today changed drastically, frowned slightly, and asked with concern.

“For the matters on the Liuliyu side, wait a while for the master to go to the Liuliyu.”

God Emperor Shangshui closed his eyes slightly and said slowly.

“This…Master, I’ll go with you!”

Invincible Warfare was taken aback for a moment, and said immediately after the opening.

“Don’t go, just stay here at Dragon Palace!”

God Emperor Shangshui looked at him and said.

“How can it be done, Master, if you go back to your hometown, how could I, an apprentice, not follow you? My tactical invincibility is not an unfilial person. You know this master. I have such a great quality!”

Fighting Invincible raised his head and said to his master.


The God Emperor of Shangshui patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Brother Invincible, you…”

Beside, Tianxin yelled softly.

“It’s okay, I’ll go out with the master, and I’ll be back soon.”

Invincible Warfare said to Tianxin with confidence.

“I haven’t gone back in a million years, hehe, come and drink!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui sighed slightly, raised his glass and said to his apprentice.

Throughout the banquet, the rest of the people did not notice the conversation between the masters and apprentices of the God Emperor of Sheung Shui, and the crowd enjoyed themselves.

Two hours later, the banquet was over, and a group of girls met to stroll around the streets of Dragon Island.

Wang Xian came to the study next to the bedroom.

“Prime Minister Turtle, what needs to be reported!”

Sitting on the chair in the center, Wang Xian looked at Prime Minister Tortoise and asked with a smile.

“Dragon King, there is new news from the Liuli Region. The form over there is a bit in crisis. One day ago, Liuli lost five god emperors.”

Prime Minister Turtle came over and handed a copy to Wang Xian.

Now that the Dragon Palace occupies three major territories in the bright starry sky, it is necessary to understand the situation of the rest of the bright starry sky.

“Five god emperors have fallen?”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly: “Is it so serious?”

“A dozen god emperors on the evil side directly attacked the glazed glass domain, and the robots in the weapon emperor domain sent a terrifying mechanical army to attack.”

“In order to deal with the evil side, the god emperor fell one, and to deal with the weapon emperor domain, four fell, and the situation is a bit serious.”

Prime Minister Kame said.

“Send Ao Yao and the others to learn about the strengths of the evil spirits and the weapon emperor domain, and we will also prepare in advance.”

Wang Xian ordered to Prime Minister Turtle.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

The Armament Sovereign Realm and the Demon Realm are the enemies of mankind. Although they are far away, the Dragon Palace still needs to make some preparations.

“Boss Wang!”

At this moment, the voice of invincible tactics came from outside.

“Huh? Come in!”

Wang Xian looked at it and said immediately.

“Boss Wang, I’m here to say goodbye to you.”

Invincible Warfare walked in and said towards Wang Xian.

“Farewell? Where are you going?”

Wang Xian looked at him and asked curiously.

“Take a trip to the far door to the Liuliyu.”

Invincible tactics responded.

“What are you going to do in Liuliyu?”

When Wang Xian heard what he said, he was slightly taken aback, with a look of error on his face.

“Boss Wang, you don’t know, my master is actually Liuli’s disciple, a disciple for generations. I heard that my master seems to have a conflict with his father and family members, and he hasn’t returned for a million years.”

“Now it seems that something has happened to Liuliyu. My master wants to go back, and I will follow.”

Invincible tactics said.

“Shangshui God Emperor is from Liuli?”

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly and looked at the invincible tactics.

“Go to Liuliyu to pay attention to safety.”

He reminded.

“Don’t worry, boss Wang, the dragon weapon you gave me, boss Wang, will not be dangerous. What’s more, the Liuli forces are also very strong. Although war has occurred over there, my safety is still guaranteed.”

Invincible tactics patted his chest.

“Hehe, this is for you to use for self-defense.”

Wang Xian smiled, waved his arm, and the Zhanxian Gourd on the top of the ancestral tree appeared in his hand. He stretched out his palm and said to the invincible.

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