2883 Born-19 Dec 1918

“Holy Lord, I want to build an inheritance teleportation array at the edge of the sanctuary, which can give us a planet in the Dragon Palace, just a barren planet with an ocean.”

In the mother holy tower, after talking with the holy lord and them for more than half an hour, Wang Xian said.

This is also one of his purposes here.

“Long-distance teleportation array? Can Dragon Palace build such a long-distance teleportation array?”

The Holy Master asked slightly in surprise.

“Yes, I want to set up a teleportation formation in Sanctuary close to the ancient heavens of Heaven’s Punishment. It will be much easier to go to Bahuang Liuhe in the future.”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“This kind of trivial matter is natural. We can go and find you a planet for the Dragon King to use to arrange the formation.”

The Holy Lord responded with a smile and stood up.

“Thank you very much, then.”

Wang Xian arched his hands.

“Dragon King, come with me, we will pass through the teleportation formation here.”

The Holy Master said, with a wave of the scepter in his hand, he led Wang Xian to fly below them.

“Here is our Sanctuary Strategic Teleportation Array, which can reach most planets directly.”

A sacred emperor said with a smile on his face.

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

“The most marginal place, we can reach this side.”

With a wave of the scepter in the hands of the Holy Master, it clicked to a place.

Under them, the formation began to light up.


The next moment, they appeared in the open space of a palace.

“Meet the Lord Lord, and some Lord God Emperors.”

The soldiers guarding this place saw the Lord Lord and the others come, with a look of awe on their faces, and they knelt down immediately.


The holy lord nodded faintly, and looked at Wang Xian on the side: “I remember there is a planet near here. There is no human inhabited on it, but there are many wild beasts.”

“Thank you Holy Lord, I let my hand go down and look for it.”

Wang Xian arched his hand towards him and motioned to the six Feng Shenlong aside.


When the six Fengshenlong figures moved, they immediately flew towards the sky.

At the same time they let out a low growl in their mouth.


A horrible dragon rushed out of them, and the six wind gods on a field of 20,000 meters spread their dragon wings and flew towards the surrounding starry sky.

“This is?”

When the six Fengshen dragons showed their figures, and when the mighty dragons filled the world, the Holy Lord and the god emperors were slightly surprised, staring at the Fengshen dragon with wide-eyed eyes.

“Fuck, this… what is this? What is this?”

The tactical invincible on the side rubbed his eyes and roared with shock on his face.

“Shenlong, the legendary dragon, hiss!”

The body of the saint next to him trembled, and his face was full of shock.

Shenlong, the pinnacle in the universe, the legendary heaven and earth race, powerful and invincible.

“This is Fengshenlong!”

Wang Xian stood aside and said lightly.

“No, boss, there is a dragon in the Dragon Palace. Is this a purebred dragon? Is this a purebred wind dragon?”

“I… I’m invincible and saw Shenlong?”

Invincible Warfare felt incredible and roared, his eyes filled with blazing heat.

The divine emperors of Sanctuary kept changing their faces, looking at the bodies of the six wind gods, full of awe.

Even with them, they looked at the Dragon King on the side, also full of respect.

Dragon Palace, own the dragon!

If this is let other people in the bright starry sky know, it will surely make the whole bright starry sky boil.

The legendary dragon, the existence of the pinnacle of the universe.

This kind of existence, as long as they are given enough resources and enough time, they can stand on the top of the universe.

This is not the top of the dazzling starry sky, but the top of the universe.

Everyone was shocked.

Seeing the terrifying strength of the Dragon King, they were already very shocked, but the six wind gods displayed in the Dragon Palace now made their hearts more tumultuous.

This is no longer a shock to describe.

Longyou Shoal, but so.

“Dragon King, here!”

Soon, the voice of a Fengshenlong came.

Wang Xian looked at it, his figure moved, and he instantly appeared in the void.

Below, the holy lord and a group of people still stood there blankly, watching blankly.

“Dragon Palace, Shenlong, Dragon King!”

The Emperor of Shangshui murmured.

“It is rumored that the rise of the Dragon Palace only took a few years. They defeated the Imperial Court within a few years. Did the Dragon King get the inheritance of the Shenlong?”

A god emperor in the sanctuary opened his mouth slightly and said.

“The inheritance of Shenlong?”

Everyone shook.

The inheritance of Shenlong, this is the pinnacle of the universe.

Since the fall of the Shenlong clan hundreds of millions of years ago, there has been very little information about Shenlong.

But there is no doubt that the inheritance of Shenlong is against the sky.

“Let’s go over!”

The Saint Lord of Sanctuary pursed his mouth, and looked at Wang Xian’s figure with a look of awe in his eyes.

Regardless of the others, only the six Fengshen dragons displayed in the Dragon Palace, and the future Dragon Palace, are the existence they need to look up to.

Even if these six wind dragons are not purebred dragons, they can still become their irresistible existence.

“Shenlong, it turned out to be a Shenlong!”

Ye Luying and the group of seniors said in a daze.

“Hahaha, no wonder the Dragon King has risen so quickly. When I first met me, he was only the power of the divine lord, and now he has reached the divine emperor in less than ten years!”

“I’m going to send out invincible tactics, I’m going to post it thoroughly!”

On the side, Warfare Invincible danced with excitement and excitement on his face.

The Dragon Palace has the Shenlong, so as long as he hugs the thigh of the Dragon King in the future, he will be able to travel through the stars with invincible tactics, and no one dares to provoke him.


Thinking of this, he couldn’t help laughing wildly.

However, at the side position, the hearts of the god emperor and the god emperors of Shangshui were slightly stunned.

A few years ago, it was still the strength of the divine master, but now it is the divine emperor?

This is simply going against the sky.

Wouldn’t it be possible to reach a higher level in a few years?

They couldn’t help swallowing and spitting, and they couldn’t help silently mourning for the imperial court of Cheng Wu Hui.

Provoked the Dragon Palace with the inheritance of the Shenlong, prepare to wait for death.


A dozen people moved and flew towards the planet.

“This this this…”

At this moment, the sanctuary soldiers guarding this teleportation formation stared wide-eyed. They looked at each other and felt a deep shock from it.

Dragon Palace, is it so scary?

At this time, Wang Xian had entered the ocean of the planet and began to build the Dragon Palace.

The speed of building the Dragon Palace with the system is very fast, but in the eyes of the holy master and the crowd, this is the power of the dragon.

“Well, you can directly reach our main dragon palace from here. I don’t know if you are interested in going to the Emperor Star Region as a guest.”

After the Dragon Palace was finished, Wang Xian invited them with a smile on his face.

“Then we should respect our fate!”

The gaze of the holy master flickered, they looked at each other, and nodded expectantly.

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