Chapter 2872

A murderous roar resounded over the blue moon planet.

This also started the dispute between Bahuang and Dragon Palace.

Everyone looked at the figures of the god emperors and the strong masters in the sky with awe.

“Fuck, boss Wang has declared war with Bahuang, this is too fierce!”

From the position below, Tactical Invincible looked at the sky, listened to this murderous voice, and couldn’t help but say.

The God Emperor of Sheung Shui frowned slightly.

The Dragon Palace is the enemy of the Eight Wilds, the tactics are invincible and the relationship with the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is so good, which is not a good thing for them.

“Let’s go, when you meet the strong people of Bahuang in the future, keep a low profile.”

The God Emperor of Shangshui patted the head of Invincible Warfare, reminded him, and left directly with him.

As a god emperor, Bahuang did not dare to trouble him as a god emperor.

“From today onwards, everyone in the Dragon Palace is forbidden to step into Bahuang Liuhe. Once they step in, all the disciples of Bahuang will directly kill them without mercy!”

Soon, what happened on the blue moon planet quickly spread throughout the entire Bahuang Liuhe.

This news made the entire Bahuang Liuhe shake and boil.

Soon, Yahuang also released a message on the communication network.

Once all Dragon Palace members enter their territory, they will directly kill without mercy.

This represents the complete collapse of Bahuang and Dragon Palace.

Many people have anticipated this situation.

However, they were still a little surprised by the news from the crowds of people on the blue moon planet.

The Dragon Palace and Dragon Kings are very powerful, and they don’t give Bahuang any face.

Even before leaving, the Dragon Palace God Emperor directly asked the Bahuang people to wash their heads.

This has aroused verbal abuse from many Bahuang disciples on the communication network.

Even if Dragon Palace became famous in the first battle, their Bahuang strength is second only to Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace is so arrogant, it simply doesn’t take them seriously.

This made the Bahuang disciples very dissatisfied, and sent out various insults to the Dragon Palace.

“Master Desolate God Emperor, God Emperor Wu, the emperor court god, come to see you!”

At the same time, in a palace on the Eight Desolate Continent, fifteen god emperors once again lived in the main hall.

A guardian of the Eight Wastes entered and reported respectfully.

“Let him in!”

The barren god emperor sitting on the god deer said faintly.

“Meet the Desolate God Emperor!”

Soon, Emperor Wu, the Emperor God, once again entered the hall, with a smile in his eyes, bowing respectfully.


The Desolate God Emperor nodded and looked at him.

“My Lord Desolate God, I heard that Dragon Palace was unwilling to take responsibility for the death of God Emperor Feng Mie, and was extremely arrogant towards the Eight Desolations. On behalf of the Imperial Court and the Cheng Wuhui, I once again invited the Eight Desolations to stand on the same front with us.”

God Wu said directly.

“Our hatred has not yet reached the point where you will never die.”

The Desolate God Emperor looked at him and said lightly.

“A god emperor was killed. This is a great enmity, but compared to our imperial court and Cheng Wuhui’s hatred, it may be shallower. Dealing with the Dragon Palace does not require all power from the Eight Desolations.”

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is now very clear. We only need the Desolate God Emperor to assist us. We are also confident that the Dragon Palace will be severely damaged. If Bahuang sends some more power, we are sure to completely destroy it.”

Shenwu God Emperor said confidently.

Although they lost miserably in the last battle, they had already understood the strength of the Dragon Palace.

If they can have a second-order Void God Emperor on their side, they will be 100% sure to defeat Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace suffered heavy losses.

With a few more god emperors, they have the confidence to completely destroy the Dragon Palace.


The Desolate God Emperor raised his brows.

“We can guarantee that everyone in Bahuang will not suffer any damage.”

God Wu continued.

“Dragon Palace is so stupid, wouldn’t they think of us uniting?”

The Desolate God Emperor said lightly.

“My Lord of Desolation, don’t worry. According to my guess, the Bahuang Liuhe and the Dragon Palace are far away, even farther away from the Sky Witch Realm. They may not know that I am here. If I am not here, there is almost no possibility of our two parties joining forces.”

“There is another possibility. Next to the Dragon King is a disciple of Sanctuary. We need to find out if the Dragon Palace has anything to do with Sanctuary.”

God Wu said.

“For specific cooperation matters, let’s talk with the emperor wizard in detail in the future.”

The Desolate God Emperor groaned for a while and said.

“It’s the Desolate God Emperor.”

God Emperor Shenwu showed a slight smile on his face, arched his hands and left.

“Master Desolate, we are united with the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui, and we can easily destroy the Dragon Palace, and let them know the price of offending us!”

Shen Wu God Emperor left, an eight-horse god emperor said coldly in his eyes.

“For such a thing, we need to plan in detail, and we can’t take a wrong step.”

The Desolate God Emperor said lightly.

The other god emperors nodded slightly.

This matter is not a trivial matter, it is about the life and death of a powerful force in the bright starry sky.

Before you are sure, it is best not to fall into a deadly battle.

However, in the eyes of their god emperors, if they were to unite with the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui, they would be at least 90% sure to destroy the Dragon Palace.

After all, they are the three major forces in the bright starry sky.

If this can’t destroy the Dragon Palace, then the Dragon Palace is too defying.

“Dragon Palace, it’s still too arrogant.”

The Desolate God Emperor murmured.

“According to the news revealed by the Eight Desolate Experts, the Eight Desolate God Emperor bluntly said that it will not be long before the Dragon Palace will pay a heavy price for beheading the Eight Desolation God Emperor!”

It didn’t take long for a message to spread on the communication network in Bahuang Liuhe.

Bahuang did not continue to make any statement, which is also a bit like a rumor, and not many people believe it.

The entire Bahuang Liuhe people are talking about it.

“This time I have a good harvest. After these holy feathers are all conceived, my strength should be improved.”

At this moment, in the Dragon Palace in the distant Emperor Star Region, Wang Xian had been back here directly for a while.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Xian looked at the harvest in front of him with a smile on his face.

All forty-nine holy feathers were obtained, and Fengyu also obtained forty-two, including one of the second-order Void God Emperor.

In addition to these, there is also the corpse of a god emperor, and the strength of three god kings at their peak.

With these corpses, Dragon Palace could have one more god emperor.

“Prime Minister Turtle, call the Nine Wind God Dragons over.”

Wang Xian ordered to Prime Minister Turtle.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately.


“Meet the Dragon King!”

Soon, the nine wind gods came to the Dragon King Palace.

The cyan dragon scales have huge dragon wings. This is the only dragon in the dragon family that has dragon wings.

Nine divine dragons crawling in the Dragon King Palace, their huge stature contains a vast dragon’s might.

“You can absorb these Fengyu as soon as possible to improve your strength.”

Wang Xian passed all the Fengyu to them.

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