Chapter 2862 Bright starry sky, Dragon Palace and Dragon King 2

“Oops, we’re going to die!”

“How come you meet the god emperor of Bahuang, damn damn it.”

When seeing the wind surrounding them, the face of Fighting Invincible showed an anxious look.

God emperor of Bahuang, once they are caught, no one can save Wang Xian.

Even if his master came here in person, it couldn’t be saved.

“not good!”

Ye Luying and his brothers and sisters were also pale for an instant, and they looked around with some anxiety.

“This Lord God Emperor, can I make a deal, I can owe you a favor!”

Hong Fengyan clenched her fist slightly, and said to the god emperor in the sky.


The god emperor Bahuang looked at Hong Fengyan with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He looked aside again, and raised his brows slightly when he saw the corpse there.

Combining the words of their Bahuang disciples just now, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Who killed it!”

He asked coldly.

“Master Feng, it is the young man, the disciple of our Bahuang who killed by that young man, the disciple of the God Emperor of Shangshui is invincible, and the guardian of the sanctuary wants to protect him!”

“The guardian of the sanctuary is now a half-step god emperor!”

The Eight Desolation Guardian holding the whisk immediately opened his mouth and reported to him.

“The God Emperor Feng Mie is here, I didn’t expect the God Emperor of Bahuang to come here at this time!”

“Now they don’t want to run away, the young man is probably going to be killed.”

“Not necessarily, the guardian of the sanctuary is willing to owe a favor to the young man. You must know that the guardian of the sanctuary is about to become a god emperor. The favor of a god emperor is very valuable!”

“I don’t know what God Emperor Feng Mie will do!”

When the Eight Desolation Protector reported, everyone around was also surprised.

This thing can be described as twists and turns.

It involves the invincible warfare of the disciple of the God Emperor of Shangshui, and it involves the guardian of the holy feather, the existence of one foot into the realm of the god emperor.

But now that the Emperor Feng Mie has arrived, it is estimated that the matter will have a result.

“It’s definitely him!”

God Emperor Feng Mie squinted his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on Wang Xian’s body.

He can now be sure that this figure flew out from the depths of the windless forest valley.

However, to his surprise, this young man looked a little weak.

“Master Feng Mie Divine Emperor, can you see if you can see my boss let go of the face of my master and his old man, don’t worry, I will definitely let the master and his old man take out the treasure to compensate!”

Invincible Warfare looked at God Emperor Feng Mie, and said respectfully.

Facing the god emperor, he didn’t dare to be arrogant!

“Well, no matter what, we have to pay the price for killing our Bahuang disciples. We Bahuang does not need the favor of the future god emperor, nor the treasures of the god emperor Shangshui!”

“Now hand him over, if you are guarding, I don’t care whether you are the protector of the sanctuary or the apprentice of the god emperor, just kill it!”

The God Emperor of Tian Mie glanced at the red face and the invincible warfare, his gaze fell on Wang Xian’s body.

If he said that on weekdays, he might hesitate to face this condition.

However, he had chased it from the depths of the windless forest valley for this figure.

How could he let him go?

Even if he didn’t kill Bahuang’s disciple, he would directly capture it.

“Damn it!”

Hearing the words of God Emperor Feng Mie, Tactical Invincible couldn’t help cursing, his expression was very embarrassing.

Hong Fengyan’s face also changed slightly.

“I’ll entangle them later, you run away first, I’ve broken the confinement circle for you!”

She said with a deep voice towards Wang Xian.

Now she couldn’t help feeling a little regretful. She had known that Wang Xian had been returned to her own God’s country just now, and this situation would not be the case now.

To the effect, she thought that relying on her current strength would be enough to take it away.

But he didn’t expect a god emperor to appear suddenly on the other side.

When Wang Xian heard her voice transmission, he couldn’t help but smile, walked a few steps forward, swept everyone in Bahuang, and landed on God Emperor Feng Mie.


Hong Fengyan on the side was taken aback for a moment, reaching out to hold him.

But before she was in a trance, she could not stop it, which made her slightly startled.

“I’m physically injured, I didn’t want to shoot.”

Wang Xian stared at the God Emperor Feng Mie, and said lightly.

He really didn’t want to take action. It will take a month for this injury to fully recover. If he continues to do it, it may take a year to cultivate.

One year is a long time for him.

So he kept watching and didn’t say anything. If he can leave today, he will go to Yahuang again after Tianzhen Baqi and the others come. Now it seems that Tianzhen Baqi and the others will not come again, so he has to do it.

But if he does it, it won’t be so easy.

However, he saw a greedy look in the eyes of God Emperor Feng Mie, and saw that he was sure to win for himself, which made him slightly curious.

He doesn’t seem to know this guy!


“What’s the situation of that young man, so calm? He doesn’t want to take action when he is injured, is there a problem in his brain? Is he talking to the God Emperor Feng Mie?”

“The injury on his body seems to be the result of a fight with the Bahuang disciple. Did it hurt his brain?”

The people around looked at Wang Xian who walked forward, and they were slightly taken aback and talked in confusion.

God Emperor Feng Mie was also slightly taken aback, staring at Wang Xian for unknown reasons.

“The disciples who kill our Bahuang are our enemies. If you stand there, I will kill you all!”

Divine Emperor Feng Mie sensed Wang Xian’s breath, his eyes turned towards the red face and the tactics of the battle could not be seen, and said directly.

Regarding the red face who is about to be promoted to the god emperor, and the closed disciple of the god emperor of Shangshui, he still has a little hesitation.

But that’s all, if the opponent is not good or bad, he will kill it today.

How is the other party resistant to him?

An unconcealed killing intent dispersed towards the surroundings.

Feeling this murderous aura, their faces changed slightly and pale.

“Brother Invincible, come here quickly, come here, Brother Invincible!”

Everyone around could clearly sense the killing intent of the God Emperor Feng Mie.

The two young people behind Tian Xin shouted anxiously towards the invincible tactics.

“Invincible, don’t try your best!”

Tianxin also shouted toward the invincible tactics, looking anxious.

“Grass, my invincible tactics is the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?”

Fighting Invincible looked at Tianxin and them, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and said with his head held up.

His words made Tianxin and their faces pale.

“Wang Xian, are you ready to…”

Hong Fengyan also opened her mouth and wanted him to run away, but she didn’t say anything, so Wang Xian waved her hand to stop her.

“I want to see the strength of the Bahuang God Emperor.”

“At the same time, I also tell you that you are in trouble!”

Wang Xian’s eyes fell on God Emperor Feng Mie, his eyes were cold.

God Emperor Feng Mie frowned slightly when he saw Wang Xian staring at him without shyness.

Thinking of him flying out from the depths of the windless forest valley, I felt a little uncertain.

“Hehe, then let this god emperor see your abilities.”

God Emperor Feng Mie was astonished in his heart, and said coldly, did not dare to attack!

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