Chapter 2832 Grand Ceremony

“The Grand Ceremony for the Establishment of the Dragon and Phoenix God Dynasty is about to begin, and it’s about to begin soon!”

“The vast palace is open. This is the first time I have come here. I feel so small in front of me!”

“Everyone who enters inside must not make noise, otherwise they will be punished with contempt!”

In the early morning of the next day, the Emperor Starfield called it the first day of the Dragon and Phoenix calendar, the day of the establishment of the dynasty.

In front of the vast palace in the inner island of Dragon Island, countless powerful men and forces from the Emperor Star Region walked towards the interior of the vast palace.

Everyone looks very luxurious in their clothes, and none of them are ordinary people.

At the positions on both sides, the hands of the large religious organizations in the last month of Jiuxiao Broken Sky reminded everyone.

The slightly noisy voice disappeared, and everyone looked around, with shocked expressions on their faces.

In the past, they were not qualified to enter this vast palace.

Now standing on the road of the vast palace, they feel extremely small.

There are about billions of people walking inside with a hint of shock, a hint of curiosity, and a hint of awe.

Only a few billion people have the right to enter the vast palace to watch it in person.

Billions of people walked through a gate. In front of it was a large square. At the very front of the square, there were nine huge pillars.

On the pillars are entrenched dragons of various attributes.

Each pillar is one hundred thousand meters high, straight into the sky, looking majestic and majestic!

Around the entire square, the most elite disciples of Jiuxiao and the others were neatly arranged.

All of their god kings and powerhouses were all present.

He was dressed in neat clothes, with the words “Dragon and Phoenix” written on his chest.

The mighty power makes all the arrivals feel a little bit cold!

After all, today’s Jiuxiao Broken Sky and Last Moon, they are the three most powerful forces in the Emperor Star Territory.

However, in the most forward position, a line of swordsmen stood neatly.

The golden sword, with a blank expression on his face, carried a cold aura.

Behind them, there are a group of people, they have slender arms, carry a long bow, and their eyes are sharp.

“That’s a strong man in the Dragon Palace, so cold breath.”

“It is the Dragon Guard of the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Guard is the guard regiment of the Dragon King. The archers are the arrows of the Dragon Palace. Each member of this arrow group is a powerful person above the King of Gods. Each archer can reach hundreds of millions. Kill the enemy instantly within a kilometer. When the abyss battlefield broke out, the Dragon Palace Arrows hunted and killed countless abyss species!”

“This is the elite power of the Dragon Palace, the power that can defeat the imperial court Cheng Wuhui, and the momentum alone makes one’s heart palpitating.”

When everyone slowly entered the square, they saw the Dragon Guard and the members of the Sky Eye Arrows in front of them, slightly surprised, and their faces were full of shock.

“All stand up!”

At this moment, a voice containing endless majesty sounded in everyone’s mind, and everyone couldn’t help but shudder, their eyes widened, and their hearts were terrified.

This is the voice of the god emperor!

Everyone looked at the location of the sound source together, with awe in their eyes.

In the most central position, there are eleven seats, and on either side of the eleven seats, two elderly people stand.

They wore black dragon costumes, and they were meticulously dressed.

They stood there quietly, and when they saw it, they would give people a kind of palpitations and panic.

God king and strong, can’t give people this feeling.

Two god emperors.

Two god emperors in the Dragon Palace exist.

Everyone’s pupils shrank slightly, and they stood neatly and didn’t dare to move.

A joke, even if the god emperor doesn’t look over here, he can know what everyone is doing.

Everyone came together and stood there quietly.

On the intellectual brain, this scene in the square is also presented.

In front of Zhinao, countless people were staring, as the grand ceremony of the dragon and phoenix dynasty, and as the future masters of the entire Emperor Star Territory, they, as citizens, naturally paid great attention to this.

“All stand up!”

“All stand up!”

At this time, all the bullet screens on Zhi Brain were all these four words, and the densely packed four words were screened.

Because these four characters are also four characters spoken by Baqi.

The people of the Emperor Star Territory also saw that this was a god emperor.



A little bit of time passed, everyone stood there afraid to speak, and after five minutes, a roar sounded.

Vastness and majesty.

Everyone heard this sound and looked towards the sky ahead.

The voice was a little cheering and joy, and no one doubted that if the voice was full of rage and anger, they would be killed by it.

Two giants appeared, one more than 100 kilometers in size, and the other 70 to 80 kilometers in size.

The real star behemoth.

Many people have never seen Xiaolan and Xiaozhai. When they saw the existence that could cover the sky and the sun, their eyes widened slightly, with a look of horror.

The behemoth Xiaolan and the small house appeared, and they quickly came to the sky above the main hall in front of the square.

“God, are these two of the dragon queen’s favorites?”

“This behemoth can kill us all with one sneeze?”

Some people couldn’t help but roared in a low voice.

In front of Zhi Nao, they all opened their eyes, even if they weren’t watching the scene, they could feel the wildness and hugeness through Zhi Nao.

“A group of dragon queens are on that giant beast!”

At this time, everyone saw ten shadows standing on the giant beast.


At the next moment, ten figures floated and flew towards the position below.

Phoenix robes, ten figures wearing phoenix robes, exuding nobility and holiness, at the same time, they also exuded a wave of power.

That is the power that belongs to the peak of the god king, the ninth rank of the god king.

Ten shadows fell in front of the square, in front of the phoenix chairs.

“Welcome people to come and watch the grand ceremony of building the dragon and phoenix dynasty.”

Feng Luan swept across everyone in front of her, and the female emperor Fan was full, and she walked forward two steps slowly, and said.

“The Dragon and Phoenix dynasty was established, taking over all areas of the Imperial Court, Pingyi Island, Ye Leng Island, and Devil Island.”

“The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty established eleven female emperors to jointly manage the emperor star field…”

Feng Luan spoke, introduced the entire dragon and phoenix dynasty, and announced one thing.

When everyone heard that the Dragon and Phoenix God Dynasty had established the Eleven Female Emperors, they were slightly surprised.

“That’s the Emperor Star Girl, that’s the Star Goddess!”

Soon, many people in the Imperial Court discovered that the former star goddess is now also a member of the female emperor.

“Hi, do you feel the power of the star goddess? What realm is that? It’s terrifying!”

“It is the ninth rank of the god king, the strength of the ninth rank of the god king, how big is the star goddess, and actually has such a terrifying strength, this… this…”

Faster, people noticed the strength of the Emperor Star Girl, one by one was full of incredible.

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