2827: Words Crush Variety-Patients Level 1 Answers

“Resist, resist with all my strength!”

“Evacuate, evacuate quickly.”


“Boom boom boom!”

On a planet north of the Imperial Court Realm, everyone looked to the right side blankly.

In the entire imperial court, there are hundreds of billions of people, and countless kingdoms of God stand in the void.

The sound of fighting and the sound of fighting are endless.

The vast team retreated to the north.

In the rear, the Dragon Palace is chasing and killing, and the Abyss Seed is chasing and killing.

They could clearly see that there was an extra blood stain in the void.

The whole team slowly disappeared to the north, disappearing into everyone’s sight.

“In the upper air position, how many god emperors are fighting against the imperial court and Chengwuhui? Those are…the god emperors of the Dragon Palace?”

“There are more than a dozen god emperors, and there are more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace. How is this possible!”

“The imperial court will become a witch who will be defeated? The Dragon Palace chases and kills them for hundreds of millions of miles? There are more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace? Does anyone believe this?”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I couldn’t believe it.”

Over the planet, countless people stood there, roaring with horror on their faces.

The scene just now was too shocking.

“The Dragon Palace is about to rise, and a new king is about to be born!”

An old man murmured.

“Our emperor star field is going to change, the emperor court falls to the altar, and the new king of the dragon palace is born!”

“The Dragon Palace has more than a dozen god emperors. They can compete with the two powers of the Imperial Court and the Cheng Wu Hui, and chase and kill the disciples of the Imperial Court Cheng Wu Hui for hundreds of millions of miles. It’s too strong!”

“Hey, the result of the battle has already appeared. The Dragon Palace will win, and the emperor court and Cheng Wu will flee. Who would have thought that this will be the result?”

“It’s too miserable. The Abyss Seed led by Dragon Palace is chasing and killing the imperial court and the strongest witches.”

Soon, everyone on this planet uploaded the news to Zhi Brain with shocked faces.

“When spreading rumors, you must be cut, bragging must be drafted, little rubbish, there are more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace, do you know what the concept of more than a dozen god emperors are? Five god emperors, in the entire emperor star field, including history, no more than six god emperors exist at the same time.”

“Puff, your fucking deceitfulness is also a bit level, what strength will become a witch? One person can resist at least two people of the same level, how could Dragon Palace be their opponent.”

“Not to mention other things, there are more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace. It’s a big blow. No, it’s blown. It’s the Dragon Palace that is fleeing at this time, right?”

When this news first reached Zhi Nao, there was no slight fluctuation on the face of the person who saw the news.

The news is false at first glance, and this f*ck is too good to blow.

Throughout the billion-year history of the Emperor Star Territory, the total number of powerhouses at the Divine Emperor level is less than twenty.

There are no more than six god emperors at the same time.

You said there are more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace?

Who believes this?

This is too fake.

Almost no one believed this kind of news, even if hundreds of millions of people later responded under the information, no one still believed it.

Because the entire Emperor Star Territory is more than a trillion people, the response of a few hundred million people is equivalent to a few people to 10,000 people.

Not many people believe it.

This makes everyone on that planet full of helplessness.

The scene just now was too shocking, and they didn’t have time to take pictures and shoot videos.

However, within a few hours, this kind of news came out again.

But this time, there was a clear video.

In the video, in the upper air position, the Dragon Palace Dragon King led more than a dozen god emperors to attack the imperial court emperor and the Cheng Wuhui wizards.

In the lower position, the Dragon Palace powerhouse and countless abyss species were chasing and killing the emperor’s court and the disciples of the Cheng Wuhui powerhouse who were fleeing in front.

In the video, the screams of killing can be clearly heard.

I can see that there is a long bloodstain in the void.

The bloody escape route.

When everyone saw this video, their bodies shook and their faces were full of incredible expressions.

“This…this turned out to be true, Dragon Palace and the others actually defeated the Imperial Court and Cheng Wuhui, they were the two pinnacle forces!”

“Hey, there are more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace. There are more than a dozen of them. The Dragon Palace is going to be against the sky!”

“The Dragon Palace is already against the sky, going against the sky, and achieving the throne!”

“The Imperial Court and the others fled. In the future, our Emperor Star Territory will be the world of the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace will be the king!”

Countless people screamed with wide-eyed eyes.

They stared at Zhi Nao in a daze, their bodies trembling.

The Dragon Palace goes against the sky and achieves the throne!

They knew that the sky of the Emperor Star Territory was about to change.

Everyone feels a little unbelievable about the power of Dragon Palace.

Resist the imperial court and Cheng Wuhui with one’s own strength, this power is trembling.

Time slowly passed, and more and more news came about that the Dragon Palace was chasing and killing the imperial court and the Cheng Wuhui.

All came from some planets in the northern part of the Imperial Court Realm.

More and more videos are posted on Zhi Brain.

This shocking scene stunned everyone.

In the next two days, there were more and more videos of this kind, and at this time people in the Emperor Star Region also found out.

The Dragon Palace led the Abyss Seed, chasing and killing the imperial court, chasing and killing the Cheng Wuhui has already chased and killed half of the imperial court domain.

I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of miles I chased.

From the time periods when the videos were released, everyone in the Emperor Star Territory could find that the number of strong disciples in the Emperor Court was rapidly decreasing.

No one can imagine how much the Imperial Court lost in this battle.

And this escape road is also called the bloody road.

“According to the latest news, the Ye Clan on the Ye Leng Island fleeing, fled to the south, into the void, and should have already escaped from the Emperor Star Territory.”

Not long after, a message came from Ye Leng Island.

Ye Leng Island, as the base camp of the Ye Clan, is also a force that has stood for hundreds of millions of years.

The ancestor was a god emperor, and a god emperor was born not long ago, pushing the Ye Clan to the peak.

However, because of offending the Dragon King, the Night God Emperor became the fastest God Emperor to fall.

Now, after learning that the Dragon Palace had defeated the imperial court to become a witch, and had more than a dozen god emperors, he immediately fled.

Because they know that if they don’t flee, they may be destroyed.

After all, the Night God Emperor once killed the apprentice of the Dragon King.

As soon as this news came out, everyone could feel that the heaven of the Emperor Star Territory had really changed.

In the future, the master of the Emperor Star Territory will be Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace, where more than a dozen god emperors sit, will have a prestige far surpassing the imperial court in the future.

Looking at the Emperor Star Territory, who would dare not follow?

“Order all the powerful masters to bring most of the treasures in our Nine Heavens Treasury, and go to the center of the Imperial Court island, ready to worship the new king!”

“Take all the disciples, and bring the heavy gift, we will go to the imperial court island right away, meet the new king, and see the new king!”

On the Devil Island, the two major sects, Jiuxiao and Duantian, learned of the results and saw videos one by one.

They couldn’t sit still, and immediately took a lot of treasures and went to the Imperial Court!

Go worship the new king!

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