Chapter 2808 The emperor destroys the god, occupying the center of the imperial court 1

“Don’t force me!”

The Emperor Court God Emperor, known as Lao Yan, heard them, his pupils almost overflowed with blood, and he looked at Wang Xian and the others crazily, and roared violently.

“Hehe, what if I force you, today you are dead!”

The Dragon King stared at him, his eyes full of murderous intent.

“If I can’t kill you today, I can dictate myself!”

Tianzhen squinted his eyes slightly, and the two avatars next to him were surrounded by a triangle.


The Flame God Emperor Abyss Seed with huge wings swept across Wang Xian and the others, let out a low growl, staring bloodthirsty at the God Emperor in the Emperor Court.

This is not the first time it has hunted down a god emperor with Wang Xian and the others.

“Tow the battlefield closer to the exit.”

“Lao Yan, forgive us for not being able to help, and flee at all costs.”

In the upper air position, the light-shrouded figure headed by Emperor Court roared with extremely embarrassed expression.

As he spoke, he dragged the battlefield toward the exit of the abyss.

At this time, they didn’t dare to desperately support, but they couldn’t directly escape from here.

Otherwise, they fled, besieged one by eight, and could easily kill Old Yan.

They could only lead the little blue house and the others to the edge of the abyss. This was also to prevent that after Lao Yan was destroyed, he immediately besieged another of them.

What they can do is help Lao Yan contain the other three.

Once Old Yan falls, they will also run away directly.

This is their best approach today.


Lao Yan also knew her current situation, and if she wanted to survive, she could only fight on her own.

With a violent face, he directly attacked Wang Xian.

In his opinion, the Dragon King of Dragon Palace is the best breakthrough position.


Wang Xian snorted coldly when he saw him attacking, with a cold expression on his face.

He curled up his arms, and a dragon claw appeared, directly attacking him.

“Get out of here!”

Lao Yan’s eyes were blood red, and with a wave of his arm, a flame spear appeared, directly bombarding the dragon’s claws.


There was a terrifying collision, and Wang Xian and Lao Yan paused.


But the next moment, Lao Yan flushed and rushed forward, turning her whole body into a flame spear.

The flame spear carries endless power, as if to penetrate Wang Xian.

“Huh, the five elements work, earth!”

Wang Xian snorted coldly, his body shook, and the Five Elements Great Grind appeared on his head.

Damo revolved, and city walls appeared in front of Wang Xian.

“Hehe, you don’t put us in your eyes.”

At the side position, the sky formation arm waved, and the formations were condensed one by one, and they went directly towards Lao Yan.

One trapped formation, two attack formations, even if he wanted to fight hard and flee, it was impossible.

The dark cage completely surrounded it.

Lao Yan’s flame spear also fell on Wang Xian’s defense.

The powerful attack caused cracks in the khaki city wall, but that was all.

“not good!”

When Lao Yan saw this scene, her heart beat violently.

In a one-on-one situation, it was extremely difficult for him to contend with the dragon king in front of him.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, the two attacks of the sky array had already covered him.

This made his heart sink.

“Falcon Gunner!”

He gritted his teeth and shouted, a sharp gun three meters long appeared behind him.

The falcon gun was shining brightly, and a flame condor rose into the sky to meet the two attacks from the sky array.



As the attack passed, a wailing sound sounded, and the entire Falcon Gun was dimmed a lot.


At this time, the attack from the Abyssal Flame God Emperor came and rushed towards him.


He swept his spear with a fiery face, and swept toward the Flame God Emperor Abyss with vast energy.


But when he attacked, Wang Xian’s dragon claws moved towards the sky above him and directly attacked him.



Lao Yan reluctantly resisted the Flame God Emperor Abyss Seed, but was suppressed by the mighty power covered by the dragon’s claws, and his whole body flew down, spitting out a lot of blood.

Even his body collapsed in an instant and slowly healed.

“No, no, the Emperor Yan Taizu is under the siege of the Dragon Palace and they are now in a weak position!”

“Our Emperor Yan Taizu is dangerous, dangerous, what should we do, what should we do?”

“There is no way for the other three Taizu, what can we do, I hope Taizu can escape!”

At the location outside the abyss, more than a dozen people were suspended in the sky. They were the guardians and elders of the imperial court.

It is also a few people who just stayed here and did not flee immediately.

They looked at the situation in the abyss, their hearts beating violently, and they shouted in a low voice in embarrassment.

Who would have thought that this would be the case?

Nowadays, even a great ancestor is in deep danger, and he may not be able to get out of the abyss…

“Boom boom boom!”

At the location of the battlefield, the sky formation once again released three extremely powerful formations, attacking towards Lao Yan.


Lao Yan’s injuries have not yet recovered. Seeing the terrifying three attacks, her eyes were blood-red and raised the Falcon Gun in the sky to resist.


“Puff puff!”

The immense power made the Falcon Gun’s brilliance completely disappear, a wave of power passed down, he vomited a lot of blood, and his arm slowly split.

“The five elements are great mill, obliterate!”

Wang Xian didn’t give him the slightest chance to react, and a long river of gloomy annihilation moved towards him.

“Hahaha Lord, you leave, I can’t hold it, I can’t hold it!”

“The emperor, must avenge me, must kill all of them!”

Lao Yan saw the attacks coming one after another, with a look of despair on her face.

What to resist? It can’t be resisted at all!

His face was savage, and he roared very sadly.

“Roar, Lao Yan, don’t worry!”

“I will chop off all their heads to sacrifice your spirit in the sky!”

“I want to destroy all of them, all of them, I swear by my life!”

The emperor, headed by Emperor Ting, shuddered when he heard Lao Yan’s words, his body trembled.

Even if he could have anticipated this situation, he was still very angry at this moment, and the killing intent in his chest rushed into the sky.

He gritted his teeth and swore.

“Hahaha, good good!”

“I am waiting for you down below!”

Lao Yan let out a big laugh with dead ashes in her eyes, and glanced over Wang Xian and the others.

He smiled sharply and stopped confronting.


“You should wait for your imperial court people to go down and accompany you!”

Wang Xian’s dragon claw stuck out and grabbed his body.

The dragon’s claws covered his body, held tightly, and the annihilated energy rushed into his body.

A god emperor in the emperor court, his vitality disappeared!

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