Chapter 2801 The war begins and makes the whole world quiet 9

“Hey, what a terrifying war, is this the battle of the abyss? The dense abyss is endless!”

“The strength of our imperial court is so strong, is there a battle between god emperors in the sky? I can’t see the specific battle situation at all.”

“Even through the video, I can feel this suffocating breath, it’s too strong.”

“Dragon Palace, they are attacking the people of the imperial court. They want the abyss to swallow our realm. They are our enemies.”

“I also want to go to the abyss battlefield, and I also want to cheer for the soldiers of our imperial court!”

The entire Emperor Star Region was paying attention to the outbreak of the Battle of the Abyss.

But no one knows the specific circumstances of the war.

When someone shared a video of the war on the front line, and even a group of people started the live broadcast of the war, it instantly attracted the attention of the entire Emperor Star Domain.

Through some slightly blurred images, they can feel the corner of the war.

Some people saw someone coming to the back of the battlefield, and some were bold and ready to move.

Such a vast war is a visual feast for many people.

Of course, they even wanted to see the Imperial Court defeat the Abyss Clan, destroy the Dragon Palace, and achieve a complete victory.

People from other parts of the Emperor Star Territory couldn’t help but rush towards this side.

The imperial court did not prevent some people from coming to watch the battle, but everyone was also tested by the imperial court to prevent accidents.

“There are a lot of abyssal species, and there is no edge at all in this dense and dense, can our Imperial Court win?”

“My grandpa and the others are also on the battlefield, I hope grandpa and the others can kill these beasts!”

“Look over there. Those are from Dragon Palace. They are attacking us, killing them, killing them.”

More and more people gathered in the back of the battlefield. They stared at the vast war ahead, shouting with excitement and anger.

Standing here, feeling the fighting of the powerful imperial courts, they have a feeling of resentment of the same enemy.

Especially those who have their relatives fighting in the war ahead have a deeper hatred for Dragon Palace.

“Why don’t our imperial court counterattack, just passively defend? Why don’t we counterattack?”

“Yes, our imperial court has been defending and did not take the initiative to attack, but we completely resisted the other party’s attack.”

“Our imperial court seems to be waiting for a certain opportunity to find the right opportunity to completely destroy the Abyss Seed and the Dragon Palace. I heard that this battle is the main defense!”

On the imprisoned stage, a crowd of people talked about it, and in just one hour, the number of people gathered here reached hundreds of thousands.

All were disciples of the imperial court who came after hearing the news and paid attention to this war.

There are also specialized media who came here to conduct live broadcasts and give on-site explanations.

The entire Emperor Star Region is paying attention.

Such great attention naturally made Dragon Palace more infamous.

There are increasing comments on the affiliation of the nine tribes, annihilation of all, leaving none of them, imprisoning them, and torturing them for hundreds of millions of years.

“Hmph, Little Dragon Palace, even if you use the power of countless abyss seeds, don’t even want to break through our defenses. From now on, wait for our imperial court’s sanctions, hahaha!”

After three hours, the battle lasted for three full hours.

The entire battlefield was completely stalemate, and even the fighting spirit of the countless abysses around was consumed a lot.

On the flame god star, an imperial court guardian shouted at Wang Xian and the others with a big smile, his face full of hideousness.

“Association with beasts, you are doomed to the demise of your Dragon Palace, kill our imperial court people, behead the human god emperor, your Dragon Palace sins are unforgivable!”

In the command hall, a guardian also roared cheerfully.

This situation is the most ideal situation for their imperial court.

After this war, after the arrival of the Heavenly Witch Realm Cheng Witch Guild, it was the time when the Dragon Palace and even the Abyss Species all perished.

“Destroy the Dragon Palace, destroy the Dragon King!”

“Destroy the Dragon Palace, destroy the Dragon King!”

Three hours later, on the imprisoned platform behind the battlefield of the abyss, millions of people had gathered here at this moment.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, they roared with flushed faces.

The laughter of the guardians represented that this battle was beneficial to their imperial court.

This is also an exciting thing for them.

“Baqi Demon Sha, ignore them.”

At the side position, Baqi and Mosha wanted to yell at them, but Wang Xian stopped them.

The next attack will be unexpected.

Since the raid, the people in the Imperial Court felt that their Dragon Palace had no hole cards.

“Jie Jie, since the Dragon King said it, let’s put away the words of quality!”

Baqi Mosha smiled faintly, and said.

“Wait, keep waiting!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

The war is not so easy to end so quickly, even if the imperial court’s defenses cannot be broken, the battle will last for two or three days.

It’s only three hours now.

He glanced at the position behind the front of the imperial court, and listened to the faint voice from inside, with a sneer on his face.

Soon, all of you will shut up!

“Hehe, the guys on the Dragon Palace side have already shut up.”

In the command hall, a guardian stared at the Dragon Palace full of murderous aura, and said coldly.

“It’s nothing more than the grasshopper after autumn, it won’t be a few days before jumping.”

The Great Protector glanced, his gaze turned to the side.

Compared to the entire abyss population, the dragon palace is not important, the abyss species is the key enemy.

“The Dragon Palace and the Abyss Clan attacked our imperial court together. It has been more than ten hours now. The casualties of our imperial court are almost negligible!”

“The attack of the abyss race and the Dragon Palace is doomed to fail, and they are doomed to not break the defense of our god emperors.”

“In the entire Emperor Star Region, our Emperor Court is invincible. In this battle, our Emperor Court defends. In a few days, it will be the time for us to counterattack, and it will be the time when the Dragon Palace and the others are destroyed.”

“Up to now, our imperial court has killed and injured no more than 10,000 disciples, and the loss in Abyss Seed is thousands of times!”

“This is our imperial court, our heritage.”

The war situation here is rapidly spreading on the brain.

One by one news, many people are slightly excited.

At least for now, the Imperial Court has the upper hand.

Everyone was talking frantically, and time passed by a little bit.

From the outbreak of the war, a day passed quickly.

The entire battlefield is still stalemate, and the abyss seeds in the abyss are still roaring.

Dragon Palace’s attacks were still released continuously.

But the situation has not changed.

“It’s almost time. The imperial court didn’t release a powerful hole card to break the situation all day, and their hole cards shouldn’t be too many.”

When it was nearly thirty hours, Wang Xian scanned the surroundings and murmured in his mouth.

“It’s almost the Dragon King, I also think we can do it, Ao Yao has already entered the opposite side.”

The corner of Tianjin’s mouth was slightly cocked.

“Well, it’s time to silence the Emperor Star Region!”

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