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It’s like a voice from ancient times, like a terrifying existence in the abyss awakening!

It’s like a special sound wave, special and weird…

The sudden sound immediately caught everyone’s attention!

The forces of Jiuxiao and Duantian standing outside the abyss opened their eyes wide, full of shocking expressions!

This voice, this roar, definitely came from the existence of the god emperor level.

“An abyss seed of the Void God Emperor has appeared in the abyss, this…this…”

“Hey, oh, we only have one Void God Emperor on our side. If another God Emperor Abyss Seed comes, they may attack!”

The crowd shouted with dignified and embarrassed faces, their eyes fixed on the abyss ahead!

It’s a pity that maybe the abyss of the god emperor level is too far away, they didn’t see the slightest figure!

“The situation is bad enough, I didn’t expect another Void God Emperor Abyss Seed to appear!”

Some people have a bitter look on their faces!

“The frontline planet of the Imperial Court was attacked by the Dragon Palace. Some of the disciples of the Imperial Court who had fled publicized the matter on the Intellectual Brain. Now the entire Intellectual Brain is boiling!”

Thinking of the bad news, a middle-aged man looked at the information on the brain and said to the ancestors in front of them.

“En? Make a statement immediately, Master Jiuxiao can fight the Abyss Seed, but Jiuxiao will not participate in human internal fighting!”

The ancestor of Master Jiuxiao frowned slightly, opened his brain to take a look, and immediately said to Master Jiuxiao.

“It’s the ancestor!”

Master Jiuxiao also took out his brain, and opened it up, all kinds of things about Dragon Palace’s attack on the frontline planet of the Imperial Court.

Countless disciples of imperial court experts clamored angrily to destroy everyone in the Dragon Palace, and all the forces related to the Dragon Palace were wiped out.

Let them know the fate of attacking their Imperial Court planet.

Among them, there are countless comments that are incomparable, a dragon palace dare to attack the imperial court?

Is this Dragon Palace killing itself?

Master Jiuxiao looked at the messages one by one, and shook his head slightly. Now the entire Emperor Star Region still doesn’t know what happened in the abyss!

Master Jiuxiao immediately edited a message and released it under the name of Master Jiuxiao.

“Following Jiuxiao University to teach them this, we will send one too!”

The ancestor of the Great Sect of Broken Sky next to him also gave orders.


But at this moment, the voice just now came again.

Everyone looked into the abyss again, their faces dignified!

“Oops, another Abyss Seed of the Divine Emperor level is coming towards this side!”

At the same time, in the sky above the abyss, the night god emperor heard this voice again, his face instantly embarrassed.

The Void God Emperor Abyss Seed in front of him has already made him very difficult, now is another one?

“Isn’t the Emperor Court saying that there is only one Divine Emperor Abyss Seed?”

He scanned the surroundings with a sullen face.

Going to escape!

A Void God Emperor Abyss Seed appeared again, which was no longer what he could resist. A bad one might be severely injured!

“Find a way to escape, and then destroy the Dragon Palace!”

He thought with a gloomy expression on his face.


However, the violent attack of the God Emperor in front of the abyss made it difficult for him to get out.

If he could get out early, he would have already withdrawn and destroyed the Dragon Palace!

“Damn it!”

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were fierce, ready to go desperately!


The Divine Emperor Level Abyss Seed in front heard the deep voice approaching, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

It should be the only one here, why is there still a god emperor coming?

Listening to this voice, it should be one of the two behemoths!

It roared and immediately conveyed a meaning, besieging the guy in front of itself.

This guy looks a little weak in his opinion, he can suppress it even in a one-on-one situation, if the one from the behemoth system comes again, even if he can’t stay here, he can still be hit hard!

However, its roar did not receive a response.

“Xiao Zhai, I feel the breath of the Dragon King, over there, over there!”

And it was the little house, Kun!

On the top of the small house, the earth-sun was standing on it, pointing in one direction!


Kotaku’s huge pupils swept across, and his eyes fell on the figure, which felt a familiar feeling from his body.

His elder brother also contained this kind of breath, very kind.

With a low growl, he speeded up and flew directly towards the figure.


The Void God Emperor Abyss Seed saw the little house flying past and flew towards the group of humans, puzzled in his heart, and his body was slightly paused!

But it also did not communicate.

“Is this Void God Emperor-level Abyss Seed?”

When the Void God Emperor stood in the abyss, the Night God Emperor was also slightly surprised.

“Its target is the rest of the people, the abyss species of the god emperor level have extremely high wisdom, it knows that it is difficult to destroy me, so it will attack the rest of the humans!”

A ray of light suddenly appeared in front of the Ye God Emperor!

Most of the humans in front of them are now strong in the Dragon Palace, and under his influence, there are 270,000 God Kings in the Dragon Palace, which must be all the power of the Dragon Palace.

If the abyss seed of the Void God Emperor level rushed over, it would be impossible to resist with the power of the Dragon Palace!

That God Emperor Abyss Seed can easily slaughter everyone in the Dragon Palace!

Thinking of this, he dispelled the idea of ​​running away immediately, but continued to entangle with the Void God Emperor Abyss Species in front of him!

“It’s cheaper for you Dragon Palace. There is no pain to die in the hands of Abyss Seed. If you die in my hands, it will definitely make you unhappy!”

A cold secret in his heart!

“No, that’s an abyss seed of the Void God Emperor level, he flew towards us!”

“Hi, it’s really an abyss species of the god emperor level, so terrifying power, we’re done!”

When the little house flew over here, the disciples of the slaughtered Heavenly Demon Great Sect Ye Clan and other forces saw their faces showing despair.

The situation in front of them is difficult for them to fight, and now there is another one like this?

“Hahaha, the abyss seed of the god emperor level has flown over. It is here to kill us. Not only are we going to die, but everyone in the Dragon Palace will also die, hahaha!”

Suddenly, a slightly crazy voice came.

His words made all the disciples of the Night Clan of the Heavenly Demon Great Sect and other forces stunned for a moment, and their faces tightly locked also slowly revealed a hideous look.

The eyes of some strong people and disciples who are more eager to survive shined brightly.

Perhaps, the arrival of this Void God Emperor Abyss Seed could bring them a ray of life.


When several roars sounded, Wang Xian sensed that a great horror might come.

But this roaring sound made him feel very familiar, even a touch of kindness.

He stopped attacking the four guardians of the imperial court who had been wounded in front of him, and looked towards the depths of the abyss.

A slightly hideous, huge and terrifying figure flew over here!

The speed is terrifying!

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