Chapter 2768 War begins, the emperor star domain is terrified 4

“Hi, is the power of this Dragon Palace? There are so many gods, look at it, at least 70,000!”

“So strong, the person next to the head dragon king should be the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the immortal king.”

“The power of the Dragon Palace is really strong, this is still two-thirds of their power!”

When Wang Xian led a group of powerful people in the Dragon Palace to fly over, people from the surrounding forces looked over, with shocked expressions on their faces.

There are more than 70,000 Dragon Palace members, and each one exudes a powerful force.

There are more than 70,000 immortal god king powerhouses, this is only two-thirds of the strength of the dragon palace, and the strength of the entire dragon palace is stronger than the previous night clan.

“I don’t know how many immortal god king peak powerhouses in Dragon Palace!”

Even Teacher Jiuxiao looked at them, and their hearts were slightly shaken.

The strength of Dragon Palace is too strong!

Around, some powerful figures and disciples from the Imperial Court of the Ye Clan flew over and looked at Wang Xian and the others sideways.

But soon, the night clan chiefs and their mouths slightly cocked.

This time, the Ye Clan has 50,000 immortal god king powerhouses and disciples below tens of millions of god kings.

The imperial court has 40,000 immortal god king powerhouses and disciples of more than 20 million god kings or less.

There are more than 40,000 immortal kings of the Great Sect in Jiuxiao Dajiao, and millions of disciples below the gods.

The rest of the great sects have twenty to thirty thousand immortal god king powerhouses, and the total number of disciples below the god king is hundreds of millions.

These are all the elites of the Emperor Star Region, the core powerhouses!

The number of immortal kings and powerhouses in this battle is no less than 300,000


Just after all the powerful disciples arrived, a figure appeared on the Dianjiang stage.

The aqua-blue light enveloped it, making it look full of sacred majesty.

The night god emperor’s gaze scanned the surroundings coldly, and his gaze stayed at the Dragon Palace for a few seconds.

“Meet the Night God Emperor!”

When everyone saw the arrival of the night god emperor, they immediately worshipped respectfully.

The sound spread throughout the void.

“Next, I will lead you to the abyss. This battle will also be a crucial battle, and strive to kill a large number of Immortal King Peak Abyss Species.”

“In this battle, I will contain the abyss seed of the void god emperor level. The rest of the battlefield is led by Dragon Palace. In this battle, Dragon Palace must destroy the three immortal god king peak abyss seed!”

The Night God Emperor stood on top, faintly commanded.


The words of the night god emperor stunned everyone for a moment. The next moment, everyone looked in the direction of Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian stood there, not too surprised by the words of the Night God Emperor.

All their plans, Wang Xian has already known!

“Emperor of the Night God, why do I have my Dragon Palace as the head? Why do I have to destroy the three Immortal King Peak Seeds in my Dragon Palace.”

Even if Wang Xian had already learned about it, he couldn’t show it at this moment.

At this moment, his face changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice.

“Because the god emperor owes favor to the two ancestors of Tianya Dajiao, and because of the last time you cheated our night clan in the Dragon Palace!”

“Is that enough?”


The night god emperor stared at Wang Xian, a terrifying might and power towards Wang Xian and the crowd covered them, and the powerful pressure instantly made Wang Xian and their faces pale.

“Hey, this… sure enough, the Night God Emperor will take action against the Dragon Palace!”

“Unexpectedly, the Ye God Emperor should owe Tianya Great Teachers’ favor, and this is really bad luck for the Dragon Palace!”

“Let the Dragon Palace have to destroy the three Immortal King Peak Abyss Species, this… even if the Dragon Palace can be destroyed, it must have suffered heavy losses!”

“This Dragon Palace may be over!”

When all the forces saw the direct coercion of the Ye God Emperor, their expressions changed, and they secretly said in their hearts.

“Several guards of the Imperial Court, our Dragon Palace hunted so many Abyssal Seeds, are we going to end up like this now?”

Wang Xian looked at the four guardians of the imperial court and said with embarrassment.

“The power of the god emperor is inviolable. Originally, the night god emperor wanted to destroy your dragon palace directly, but my emperor court pleaded for mercy and did not directly destroy it!”

An imperial court guardian looked at Wang Xian and said lightly.

“Now that the abyss is invading, and this battle is led by this emperor, we will give you the Dragon Palace a chance to redeem your merits. As long as your Dragon Palace can destroy the three immortal kings of the Peak Abyss Species and establish great merits, this god emperor can let you go. One horse!”

“When this god emperor speaks, you Dragon Palace don’t have to doubt it, but if you don’t complete your merits, your Little Dragon Palace will be destroyed by waving my hand!”

“Hmph, if it is normal, you will not have this chance to survive!”

The Night God Emperor said coldly.

Wang Xian’s expression changed when he stood there.

“You Dragon Palace, do you agree?”

The Ye God Emperor asked coldly again, the power on his body continued to press forward.

Once Wang Xian said that he did not agree, the result would be to face the attack of the Night God Emperor.

“I hope Ye God Emperor will do what he says!”

Wang Xian closed his eyes slightly and said.

“Naturally, this god emperor does not bother to lie to you Little Dragon Palace!”

The Night God Emperor said lightly.

“All forces bring war equipment and follow this god emperor into the battlefield!”

The Ye God Emperor gave a soft drink and turned and flew towards the abyss.

“Led by Dragon Palace, in the center!”

The patriarch of the night clan said coldly.

“Dragon Palace disciple, enter Longfeng!”

Wang Xian gave a soft drink and flew straight towards Longfeng.

The disciples immediately followed.

Arriving on Longfeng, Wang Xian stood on the podium and scanned the surroundings coldly.

“Let’s go!”

He said faintly, the Heavenly Formation was driving Longfeng and came directly to the front center.

On the left and right, are the disciples of Ye Clan and Emperor Court.

The huge Dragon Palace and Dragon Peak are exceptionally eye-catching.

“Longwan, let your remote disciples stay in the war equipment, and all the melee fighters will come out!”

When the huge dragon peak came directly, the night god emperor suspended in the sky again commanded.

“Ao Qitian, Ao Jian!”

Wang Xian gestured towards them, and the two of them moved and flew to the left and right of Longfeng.

At the same time, in Longfeng, except for Mou Zesen and their Arrow Dragon species, the rest are on both sides of Longfeng!

“Very well, follow the emperor and step into the abyss!”

Ye God Emperor roared loudly!

“Go out!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan followed with a roar.

“Go out!”

“Go out!”

“Go out!”

Immediately, the disciple of the strong night clan, the disciple of the imperial court, and the disciples of the other powerful forces, raised their weapons and roared, and immediately followed behind and flew forward.

“Dragon King and the others will suffer heavy losses in this battle!”

“Killing the three immortal kings, the peak of the abyss, the night god emperor, will let the dragon palace go. This is very difficult. Maybe the god kings of the dragon palace will fall!”

“Hey, let me see that this is a good thing for us. Dragon Palace deals with most of the abyss species. We will reduce a lot of pressure and reduce a lot of losses!”

“Yes, with the Dragon Palace, we won’t lose much even if we lose again!”

Some forces watched Dragon Palace discussing, and some forces gloated.

For the Dragon Palace as the main force, they would rather be happy to see it!

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