Chapter 2748 the whole army strikes (1)

“After the teleportation array is successfully researched, the distance to the teleportation talisman research is not far away!”

Tian Zhen said with a smile on his face.

The teleportation array also needs to be teleported at a fixed point, and if the teleport symbol is used, you only need to crush the teleport symbol to wrap yourself up and send it within a second.

This is a great way to save lives in the abyss.

“You continue to study, let’s go to Longfeng.”

Wang Xian nodded, said with a smile on his face, and flew straight towards Longfeng’s position.

After the Tianzhen Life-saving Talisman has been studied, Dragon Palace will be able to better deal with the next crisis.

Even facing the Imperial Court Night Clan, they have a great ability to escape.

“Next, all the forces will enter the abyss, let the evil spirits be more careful, and let the evil spirits find a better abyssal species to hunt, and look for opportunities to see if they can hunt down an immortal king of peaks.”

Arriving in Longfeng, Wang Xian said towards Du Jiu.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

“Dragon King, how about the Imperial Court and Master Tianya? Do you want to parasite some powerful night clan?”

Du Jiu nodded and asked.

“I don’t need it for the time being. The Ye Clan is united with Tianya Dajiao. Eight Qi is there, and some information should be passed on quickly.”

“Go, let’s enter the abyss ahead!”

Wang Xian looked forward and said towards the sky formation.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianzhen drove Longfeng quickly toward the front.

In the Dragon Peak, there are more than 60,000 immortal kings and powerhouses in the Dragon Palace, a large number of members from the Sky Eye Arrow, the Thorny Dragon and Xingmu Dragon.

“Walk around, immediately go to the abyss to check for some news, the task assigned by the imperial court must be completed.”

“Everyone must be vigilant. Not long ago, the two hundred thousand disciples and strong men led by the two guardians of the Imperial Court were wiped out. We must be vigilant!”

“Let’s see if we can find forces to cooperate!”

When Longfeng flew toward the abyss, the rest of the forces also flew toward the abyss and began to detect the situation.

One day passed quickly, and on the next day, all the forces gathered in front of the entrance of the abyss.

“All the forces will immediately enter the abyss. I hope that the various forces can unite and cooperate to deal with the abyss species in the abyss.”

Not long after, the voice of an imperial court guardian sounded.

Located in the center, the guardian of the imperial court led at least ten million imperial court experts into the abyss.

There are people from other forces around to reduce their pressure, and they are also much safer.

“Let’s go, let’s get in too!”

Wang Xian said to the sky array.

The Emperor Court entered the abyss, and they could also relieve the pressure on Dragon Palace.

At the beginning, Dragon Palace hunted the Abyss Species by relying on other forces to attract firepower, plus Dragon Palace’s powerful attack power.

When the Dragon Palace entered inside, it did not immediately hunt down the abyss species inside.

Longfeng suspended on the edge of the abyss and waited quietly.

Similarly, other forces did not enter the attack rashly, but were investigating some situations.

At the beginning, it was relatively calm.

Wang Xian stood on Longfeng’s command podium, waiting for news one by one, and also waiting for the formation of the sky formation to be completed.

“Dragon King, Master Tianya and Ye Clan are preparing to attack an abyss race group tomorrow. The two ancestors of Tianya Dajia and the two God Kings peak powerhouse lead the team. The target has been selected!”

“Dragon King, the imperial court is going to attack an abyss race tomorrow, and there will be two imperial guardians leading the team!”

In the evening of the next day, Wang Xian received two messages.

One was sent by Baqi, and the other was sent by the parasitic imperial court powerhouse.

Two messages.

“The Great Sect of the End of the World and the Ye Clan sent four immortal kings of peak power.”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and immediately sent a message to Demon Sha.

And sent him the location of the abyss race that Tianya Dajiao and Ye Clan were going to hunt tomorrow.

See if you can let the evil spirits cause them some trouble.

It is best to slay some of their strong players.

As for the imperial court, Wang Xian was not ready to do it.

“Okay Dragon King, tomorrow I will go to flick the strongest abyss race. If I can flick them over, the Great Sect of the End and the Night Clan will surely suffer heavy losses.”

“By the way, Dragon King, I have a message about the Abyssal Clan, right next to my control of the Clan. Tomorrow Dragon Palace can hunt them, I will install some of my own people in this Clan, and then I will have the news to pass on to the poison. Nine!”

Soon, news came from Mosha.

Wang Xian nodded. In the abyss, the largest group has three immortal king peak abyss species, plus the devil and the abyss species that were attacked by them, there are five immortal king peak abyss species. At that time, Tianya Dajiao and Yezu will also suffer heavy losses.

Of course, there is a prerequisite, the evil spirit can fool the abyss race to help.

And the message of an abyss population group sent by the evil spirit, there is an immortal god king pinnacle abyss population group sitting, and thirteen immortal god king ninth-order abyss species.

This is a huge group with more than 200 million Abyssal species.

However, with the power of the Dragon Palace, it can be easily wiped out.

“Tomorrow use all the power to destroy this abyss race group at the fastest speed.”

Wang Xian handed the information to Tianzhen and said to him.

“It’s the Dragon King. Tomorrow’s teleportation formation can be completed, and I have placed a layer of defense on Longfeng, which can withstand a blow at the level of the emperor. The time for this blow is enough for us to escape!”

Tianma nodded.

Once as the Void God Emperor, he would have a good grasp of what he did.

“Well, there shouldn’t be any Abyss Seed of the Void God Emperor level. Even if you do it, there should be a strong God Emperor of the Emperor Court sitting behind.”

As Wang Xian said, he looked at the rear position.

This time, the Emperor Court sent tens of millions of elite disciples, and there is definitely the Emperor Court God Emperor sitting in the back to avoid accidents.

The relationship between the Dragon Palace and the Imperial Court is still very harmonious on the surface.

If there is a god emperor level abyss species rushing over, the god emperor of the imperial court should stop it.

So tomorrow’s battle should be very safe.

For this kind of relatively safe battle, Wang Xian likes it the most.

“just in case!”

Tian Zhen smiled faintly.

Wang Xian also smiled and nodded, it is absolutely correct to be fully prepared.

In the depths of the abyss, Demon Sha shook his huge body and flew towards the strongest abyss race in the center.

There was also a huge corpse in his mouth.

The evil spirit is not for anything else, but now to find the three god kings peak and abyss kind of contact relationship, to prepare for tomorrow’s Keng Tianya Great Sect and the Ye Clan.

The Dragon Palace controls a God King Peak Abyss Seed, which may be something that everyone and the forces could not think of.

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