Chapter 2741 The abyss species evolved? Down

“Kill, there is a law protector, we will destroy this group of abyss seeds!”


What happened last time in the abyss and what happened this time really made many imperial court powerhouses jealous.

In just two short times, more than 30,000 strong imperial court gods and kings fell.

Among them, the elder-level powerhouses also all died.

For today’s abyss species, many imperial court powerhouses have already felt jealous.

Because the next time they enter the abyss and disappear, it is them.

This time the law protector personally led the team and led them to hunt down the Abyssal Seed. Many strong people also understood that this was to increase the morale of the strong imperial court.

And under the leadership of the two elders, the powerhouses and disciples of the Imperial Court were indeed full of confidence.

Staring at the group that has more than 100 million Abyssal species in front, all the strong and disciples directly rushed forward.

“Contain that beast!”

The two law protectors stared at the most central Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed with cold faces, and rushed directly over!


At the center of the abyss population, the head raised, the immortal king pinnacle of the abyss, stared at the two powerhouses in the imperial court.

It didn’t have the slightest fear, directly impacted away.


The terrifying power dissipated directly towards the surroundings, and the violent roar immediately ordered all his subordinates to tear away towards the human beings in front.


For a time, the sky-shaking roar resounded across an area of ​​tens of billions of kilometers.

“Kill kill kill!”

The powerhouse of the imperial court, locked a powerful abyss seed, with overwhelming energy covering the front.

Fight, break out!

This level of battle can be regarded as a relatively large-scale battle.

However, this kind of battle has occurred more than a dozen times since the outbreak of the war.

It was not the first time that the Imperial Court guard led a team to enter the abyss to hunt down the abyss species.

Around, some small abyss race groups saw such power and immediately hid.

“Kill kill, we have a comprehensive suppression here!”

The advantage of human beings lies in judging the situation and knowing how to use their own advantages.

The so-called enemy is weak, we fight, the enemy is strong, we retreat, the same is true here in the Imperial Court.

They knew that the strength of this group was not as good as their 200,000 army, so they proceeded to attack.

The Abyssal Seed is a little silly, under this circumstance, what they are thinking about is tearing all humans apart and devouring them.

In a moment of collision, the Imperial Court has achieved considerable suppression, and the Abyssal Species were beheaded violently.

“Hahaha, cool, kill and kill!”

A famous emperor court expert hunted and killed the abyss species with a full face of fighting spirit and sorrow.

The powerful weapons are arranged in teams to form a square defense, and the abyss species cannot penetrate at all.

This caused an expression of excitement in the eyes of the imperial court expert.


In the upper position, the Immortal King Pinnacle Abyss Species confronted the two imperial court guards, and made a roar that shook the sky from time to time.

However, under the restraint of the two law protectors, it can only passively resist.

The two law protectors also knew that it was difficult to kill him, and did not fight hard.

The battle continued, and within half an hour, at least 40 million of this group of Abyss Species were killed!

“Grass, these stupid guys, knowing that they can’t beat them, they won’t run away.”

At this time, the evil spirit who flickered an abyss race group led a group of abyss species flying towards the battlefield here.

When he saw the battlefield ahead, he couldn’t help but vomit.

If he encounters this situation, he will definitely lead the little brother to escape as soon as possible.

And he will flee to other abyss race groups, when humans dare to chase after?

“Brother, you lead your men to rush directly, and I block their way!”

Mo Sha immediately roared towards the immortal god king peak and abyss beside him.


However, the Immortal King Peak Abyss Species seemed to have not heard his words, staring at the battlefield ahead with bloodthirsty eyes, and directly let out a roar.


The men behind it also raised their heads and roared.

As if telling the other person, I’m here.

The evil spirit turned black when they heard their roar. If their group of guys knew how to cooperate and surrounded them directly from the rear, wouldn’t they be able to catch them all in one go?

“Damn, what a stupid thing!”

The evil spirit roared and directly ordered all his subordinates to follow behind him, and he flew directly towards the back of the imperial court.

What he wanted was to kill the powerhouses in the Imperial Court. As for the two Imperial Court guardians, they couldn’t kill them with their strength.

“Huh? Oops, how come other groups come to support?”

At this moment, the two guardians who were in the upper air position that was holding the immortal king pinnacle abyss seed heard the roar from the side, and their expressions changed drastically.

“How can there be other Abyssal populations to support? Isn’t the Abyssal populations that don’t have orders from the strong and won’t support them? What’s the matter? Did they evolve?”

The two imperial court guards couldn’t help but let out a low growl.

In previous battles, there was very little cooperation between the abyss races, and as for this kind of support, there was no more.

How can a powerful group suddenly rush over to support?

This makes them a little doubtful whether the Abyss Species has evolved.

The powerful abyss species are not mentally retarded, but their living environment is an environment full of bloody killing, devouring evolution, basically no communication, the strong is king, so there is no other intrigue.

Only kill and kill!

When fighting humans, the mighty Abyss Species has evolved a bit, knowing how to support?

They guessed in their hearts.

If the evil spirit knew their thoughts, he would vomit blood.

In the mind of the powerful abyss species, there are several commands of the abyss species of the god emperor level, one is to prohibit the abyss species from fighting each other.

The other is the mutual help among the abyssal races.

The first command of the Abyss was executed, but the second command of the Abyss was not executed.

In the bones of the abyss species, other abyss species are also prey. It is basically impossible to cooperate with each other like humans.

Maybe that god emperor-level existence also knew about it, and ignored it.

“Stop them, you can’t let that immortal king pinnacle abyss seed rush into our imperial court army!”

An imperial court guardian shouted with embarrassment.

They are aware of a very serious problem. Perhaps the powerful abyssal intelligence within the abyss has been improved.

Perhaps this is also the reason why so many disciples of the Imperial Court were killed.

“All imperial court disciples, exit the abyss, exit the abyss!”

Another ancestor of the Imperial Court immediately ordered.

This time I was in trouble on the expedition.

“Oops, there are two powerful large abyssal races rushing over again!”

“Stay in formation, retreat towards the rear, and exit the abyss!”

Immediately, among the 200,000 people, a dozen elders headed by them immediately gave orders loudly.

They were also caught off guard for the two large abyss populations that came suddenly!

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