Chapter 2737 Someone Is About To Be The Emperor

Familiar voice, familiar breath.

The emperor of the earth dragon can be said to be the son of the true dragon. He can entangle with the five immortal king peak powers, which means that he has completely become the earth dragon.

“Emperor Tulong is here, does it have anything to do with Qingyue and the others?”

Wang Xian recalled the words of the voice just now, and muttered.

Our revenge has just begun?

The revenge of the Emperor Tulong, whose revenge is there?

“Who is that? He actually looted all the treasures in the Meritorious Exchange Hall. He heard that the space ring dedicated to the corpses of the Abyss was stolen by that person!”

“What kind of person is that person, dare to do such a crazy thing, dare to snatch the treasures of the imperial court here, hiss!”

“Immortal God King Pinnacle powerhouse, that person is the Immortal God King Pinnacle Existence, does he have enemies with the Emperor Court?”

“There are many treasures in the Meritorious Exchange Shop, especially the corpses of the Abyss. I don’t know how many days it has accumulated.”

At this time, shocked discussions came from the surroundings.

Someone dared to rob the Imperial Court, this was extremely shocking news.

The dignified imperial court has stood in the emperor star field for hundreds of millions of years, and has dominated the emperor star field for hundreds of millions of years. It is the existence of one of the strongest forces in the seven domains of the bright starry sky.

The forces in which the Void God Emperor was sitting had some daring to come here to make trouble.

He also said that he was going to destroy the Imperial Court. One can imagine how shocking this is.

“The entire teleportation planet was blown up, and all the merit exchange halls above were looted. This is really an individual talent.”

Wang Xian glanced around and saw that the entire planet had been split and the halls had been destroyed one by one, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

“It’s really a talent.”

The evil spirit on the side also admires slightly, this level of stealing is very strong.

“Let’s go, we also continue to add some happiness to the Imperial Court.”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly raised, and he flew directly towards the abyss.

Mosha immediately followed behind them.

“Damn, that damn fellow, all the Abyss Seeds accumulated in our Imperial Court in the past two months have all been stolen by that fellow!”

In front of a starry sky, the nameless old man stood in the void, his face was extremely embarrassing and roared.

They haven’t been so angry for a long time.

Even if it was the battle of the abyss, even if a group of strong men in the imperial court disappeared in the abyss half a month ago, they were not so angry.

This time, I was really angry.

One is because someone provokes their imperial court, and the other is that the loss this time is too great.

In the teleportation planet, the Abyssal Seed hunted by all the strong over the past two months have been gathered. After they exchanged their merits, the Abyssal Seed corpse has been kept there.

In their opinion, would anyone dare to come to their imperial court to make trouble?


So they never thought that someone would steal all the corpses from the Abyss today.

And there are a large number of elixirs and other treasures.

The loss of these items, even their imperial court, would be heartbroken.

Their God Emperor Taizu knew that, and he would be extremely angry.

“It’s the guy from the Abyss of the Giant Beast System. I didn’t expect that he had crossed such a long distance to come to our side, damn it, half a month ago, our imperial court had so many deaths and injuries, he must have done it!”

An old man said murderously.

“The people of the Abyssal Monster of the Giant Beast System are the biggest mistake that our Emperor Court made at the beginning, and it is also our biggest negligence, but it won’t be long before we will destroy them all.”

An old man roared murderously.

“Go back, this time it’s our negligence.”

An old man said with his eyes flickering, and he turned and flew towards the front line of the Imperial Court Abyss battlefield.

The other four also reluctantly followed behind.

“Little ones, follow me. This time the boss, I will parasitize the immortal king peak and abyss seed. Next, watch the boss’s performance.”

In front of the abyss, Demon Sha full of fighting spirit led more than 8,000 men into the abyss.

Wang Xian watched quietly from behind.

In the next few days, everyone was still in the shock of the imperial court being stolen, and the brain was discussing this matter.

The situation in the abyss is much calmer.

To Wangxian’s interest, the Imperial Court issued a message that a large number of disciples died in the abyss half a month ago, related to the person who stole the Imperial Court treasures.

When Wang Xian saw the news, he was slightly taken aback, his face was full of surprise.

He didn’t expect the Emperor Court to throw this pot to the Emperor Earth Dragon.

However, judging from the current situation, only the Emperor Tulong had this motive. Who would have thought that there would be such an existence as the Dragon Palace Drug Manufacturing Department?

“The pot is good for the Emperor Tulong.”

He smiled lightly, sat firmly in front of the entrance of the abyss, looked at the information on the brain, and communicated with the demons and the others from time to time.

At present, Baqi became the head teacher of Tianya University, and nothing happened.

In addition, half a month ago, the two ancestors of Tianya went to Yelen Island to enter the Kingdom of God Emperor and God, and Baqi was the boss.

Even as long as he wants, he can destroy the horizon and shout at any time.

However, the two ancestors of the Great Teacher of the End of the World have not been smashed to death, and Baqi has not destroyed the last remaining disciple of the Great Teacher of the End of the World.

As time passed, the evil spirit was developing wretchedly in his words.

They led their men to dive into a large-scale abyssal race group. The entire abyssal race group was close to hundreds of millions of abyssal species, led by the immortal king of peak abyssal species.

He was thinking of a way to parasitize this immortal king peak and abyss species.

According to his plan, it is estimated that it will take some time before this god king can trust the peak of the abyss, and find an opportunity to severely injure him with poison.

After the severe damage, he successfully parasitized and regained his peak with vitality liquid.

This is Demon Sha’s plan.

Wang Xian didn’t urge him either. Once he parasitizes the Abyss Species of the God King Peak, it is much more convenient whether he is hunting the Abyss Species or the Imperial Court Powerhouse.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

“Boom boom boom!”

“You are my descendant, and you are qualified to inherit the mantle of this god emperor.”

Half a month later, the night is cold on the island.

Located in the center of Ye Leng Island, a rain area covers a radius of billions of kilometers.

In this area, it is shrouded by rain all year round.

The vast rain has tilted for hundreds of millions of years.

At this moment, in the center of the rain, a gray palace stands in the center.

There are eighty-one side halls in the entire palace, and the central hall is a radius of 10,000 li.

The palace is not very big in the whole rain area, but at this moment it exudes immense brilliance.

The Kingdom of God, which was still dead last moment, slowly bloomed with luster at this moment.

The surrounding rain also slowly turned into rain and mist, making it misty.

At this time, a sound was full of coercion, and the sound of nine days profound sound rang out over the entire area.

After hearing this sound, the bodies of millions of people around the rain area trembled.

If someone inherits the mantle of the god emperor, there will be a god emperor born!

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