Chapter 2735 Tragic Abyssal Battlefield (2)

The battle lasted for half an hour.

As a result, there was no accident. Although the Abyssal Seed had died more than 100,000, none of the more than 1,000 powerful men in the Imperial Court remained.

“Half an hour is a bit long, our strength is three times that of the opponent, but it took half an hour to destroy the opponent.”

“We need to review this. Our advantage is a sneak attack. When we ensure victory in the battle, we can let us in the imperial court powerhouse, deliberately parasitize a member of the ninth-tier god king who is parasitic in the abyss of the immortal god king. Repulse to the side of the strong imperial court, and then carry out a surprise attack!”

“In this case, it should be ten times faster to get an immortal king ninth-tier strong.”

After the battle was over, Du Jiu stood there and muttered in his mouth.

“The third boss, all the corpses have been put away, and from a group of them, we have also obtained a lot of abyss-type corpses, and a lot of treasures.”

At this time, a member of the Drug Production Department flew over and said with a smile at Du Jiu.

“That’s not bad. Killing them will have two harvests.”

A smile appeared on Du Jiu’s face.

“Let’s go, before there is no contact between Big Brother Demon Sha and the others, we will hunt down some Abyss Species to add to the strength of our group.”

He said in his mouth, leading all the abyss species to leave immediately.

“Dragon King, the first team has been dealt with by Poison Nine, and none of them will stay.”

At a place in front of the entrance of the abyss, Mo Sha received Du Jiu’s message and said with a smile on his face.

“Well, go ahead!”

Wang Xian nodded.

At this moment, he is like a big BOSS in the dark, watching his men hunt and kill everything.

He smiled softly.

Next, when the Abyss Seed has wisdom, when the Emperor Court has the dark line of the Abyss Seed.

When the powerhouses of the Imperial Court were all kept in the dark, when they entered the territory of the Abyss Seed.

All in all, it will create a tragic abyss battlefield.

“According to some news, many strong men have fallen into the abyss in the past month. I heard that there have been at least tens of thousands of them!”

“Many teams in the Imperial Court were directly destroyed, and many elder-level powerhouses fell. The abyss today is too dangerous!”

“It’s true that a lot of powerhouses have died. Has there been a powerful Abyssal Seed in the Abyss this month?”

A month has passed, and it is located on the front line of the Imperial Court and on the brain, but there has been some panic in the past few days.

During this period, the number of deaths suddenly increased.

This number of deaths can even be felt by some powerful elders and deacons in the Imperial Court.

The teams of some races and divisions did not see any figures for several days, and never returned after entering the abyss.

This makes many strong people feel jealous.

With such a high mortality rate, who would dare to enter the abyss?

Even some strong men who came to the imperial court to build meritorious services have stopped entering the abyss after perceiving some changes, which has made the situation in the battlefield even more tense and crisis.

“Everyone, what’s the situation in the abyss recently?”

At this moment, in the hall of a planet, an old man slowly appeared inside.

The last old man who appeared was holding a cane with white hair and a long beard.

“We haven’t found anything in the abyss, but in the past month, a dozen or so teams in our Imperial Court have never come out again.”

“There are already more than fifteen thousand immortal kings and powerhouses who may have fallen inside.”

An old man said with a calm face and frowned.

“How many elders are missing?”

The old man with a cane asked.

“Eleven, eleven elders have fallen, and the recent mortality rate is too high. The situation is a bit urgent.”

The old man who responded shook his head and frowned slightly.

“There can be no problems with the abyss here. The battlefield in Pingyi is about to break out. We must first stabilize here.”

The old man with crutches said in a deep voice.

“I will go over and check it myself in these two days.”

An old man said.

“Stop things here, God Emperor Ye Leng will start the kingdom of God, and the old guys of us are going to enter it.”

The old man with a cane spoke.

“Uncle, you can rest assured to pursue the opportunity, and leave it to us here.”

An old man said with a smile.


The old man with crutches smiled and nodded, his figure disappeared.

Around, half of the old people followed him and disappeared, and soon there were only five people in the hall.

“We need to investigate the situation in the abyss. During this time, our disciples have fallen a lot.”

Among the five, the headed old man spoke.

“I will check again tomorrow.”

An old man on the left spoke.

“I followed a team to see if there was any special abyss species.”

An old man on the right also spoke.

“Okay, we must stabilize this side, otherwise the war in Pingyi will break out completely and it will be even more difficult.”

Several people nodded, and their figures slowly disappeared.

“Dragon King, the harvest this time is good. The 9th-rank Immortal King has won a total of fifteen, of which 11 are the elders of the Imperial Court.”

Located in front of the entrance of the abyss, Du Jiu and the others met Wang Xian and said excitedly.

This time, Du Jiu stayed in the abyss for a month. After a month’s harvest, they harvested more than 20,000 Immortal King-level corpses.

Most of them are the corpses of imperial court powerhouses.

“Boss Dragon King, do you want to improve my strength?”

The evil spirit on the side rubbed his hands and said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

“After you are promoted, you will enter the abyss and let Du Jiu deal with the parasitic things on the imperial court.”

He added.

“I know.”

Mo Sha nodded and looked at Du Jiu: “You will stop your hands for a while now, and wait until my strength breaks through before acting.”

In recent days, Wang Xian and Mo Sha have also been paying attention to the situation in the imperial court.

At the same time, I am very concerned about some information on the brain.

The imperial court has lost so many powerhouses this month, which has caused some panic.

Many experts in the imperial court reported the matter to the elders and protectors.

They can guess that the Emperor Court will definitely make some reactions next.

At least, the immortal king peak powerhouse will be sent over to investigate.

This requires that the venom horned dragon species that enters the abyss has the immortal god king pinnacle, otherwise it is very easy to go wrong.


Du Jiu nodded.


At this moment, Wang Xian’s communication stone trembled, and when he saw the message from Baqi, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“The Kingdom of God Emperor Ye Leng is about to open.”

He looked at the message and muttered.

The God Emperor Ye Leng was a Void God Emperor hundreds of millions of years ago. Today’s Ye Leng Island is named after the God Emperor Ye Leng.

At the same time, the people of the Ye Clan are also descendants of the God Emperor Ye Leng.

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