Chapter 2727 catching turtles in the urn (2)


The flourishing fireworks slowly condensed the appearance of a flame-covered human form, unable to see his face, but could feel the terrifying power.

The figure covered in flames slowly protruded a palm, which turned into claws, and attacked Beishuang.

Everything, just for a moment.

“What a terrifying flame!”

“No, someone attacked!”

The emperor female Beishuang and the crowd, their faces were shocked when they sensed this terrifying flame.

The headed Deacon Ying immediately turned his head and saw the flame figure attacking them, his pupils shrank slightly.

“not good!”

His heart trembled.

“His goal is the Frost Goddess.”

But the next moment, he sensed the target of the flame man, his face changed slightly, and he roared loudly.

“Roar, die.”

A roar full of anger came from the flame man.


In the front position, Bei Shuang saw a flame man attacking him suddenly, his face also showing shock.

She found that she couldn’t avoid the other party’s attack at all, and she didn’t even have time to return to her immortal god’s country.

“I just died like this?”

Bei Shuang was suddenly very calm at this moment, standing there blankly.

She could predict that in the next moment, she would be beheaded.

All around, everyone just reacted.


At this moment, two waves of terrifying energy attacked the flame man.


The Flame Man saw that his attack was about to fall on the Dragon King disciple, but he suddenly sensed this terrifying attack, and his face changed slightly.

If hit by these two attacks, he will be hit hard.

This made him roar with murderous fury.

“Want to kill our Dragon King’s apprentice, do you want to die?”

A cold voice sounded.


When the sound fell, a burst of energy directly enveloped this area.

Strange black holes appeared irregularly in the void.

“Dragon Palace!”

The flame man saw the changes around him, his eyes widened, full of shock.

There is a strong man at the peak of the Dragon Palace God King protecting the apprentice of the Dragon King?

How is this possible, God King Pinnacle protects an immortal God King eighth-tier powerhouse?


At this moment, blood-red chains entangled in front of Beishuang’s group of people, directly protecting them!


In the next moment, a huge Dinghai Shen Needle smashed towards the Flame Man.


Immediately afterwards, a huge Tianya Chi appeared, with several Baqi people standing on it.

A series of terrifying attacks were released on Tianya Chi, and they also moved towards the Flame Man’s attack.

Tian Zhen also stood on the Tian Ya Chi, waving his arms, and a rudimentary formation slowly appeared.

“Dragon Palace, do you know our actions?”

At this moment, the ancestor of the Flame Man Tianya saw a famous god king peak powerhouse in the Dragon Palace, his eyes widened and roared violently.

At the same time, he was also a little frightened.

This is obviously a trap.

How did Dragon Palace know that he was going to attack Beishuang?

Seeing that at least three immortal kings in Dragon Palace are at their peak combat effectiveness, his face is very embarrassed.

He was hit.

“Your actions? Who are you who dare to kill our Dragon King’s apprentice?”

Ao Qitian stared at the ancestor Tianya knowingly, and said coldly.

“Jie Jie Jie, if we had found something nearby, our Miss Beishuang would have been killed by you. An immortal god king peak powerhouse assassinated an immortal god king eighth-order powerhouse, is it so shameless?”

On Tianya Chi, Baqi also asked knowingly.

They said this deliberately to the emperors and powerful men in the Imperial Court.

“You are nearby? Stumbled upon it?”

When the ancestor Tianya heard what Baqi said, he didn’t believe it.

How could it be so coincidental?

How could such a coincidence happen?

“This…this is someone who wants to assassinate the Frost Goddess, or is an immortal king of peak power!”

“Who is this strong man? Why does he want to assassinate Beishuang?”

“Hey, fortunately, there is a strong person from the Dragon Palace suddenly appearing. Look, does the Dragon Palace use three immortal king peak powerhouses? It’s terrifying, and the formations around it are so weird.”

The powerhouses of the imperial court who were protected by the chain saw this scene, their faces were extremely shocked and talked.

An immortal king of peak power unexpectedly assassinated Goddess Frost.

“Who is he, dare to assassinate the same kind at this time, but our imperial court has given an order that no one or any force is forbidden to fight, otherwise, if he is found, he will directly kill, even if it is the immortal king peak powerhouse, he is in Provoking our imperial court.”

Beside Bei Shuang, an emperor from the same team stared at the flame man above with a cold face and said.

The rules of the imperial court can not be violated by the immortal king peak powerhouse.

“Leave him behind, water formation, floating torrent!”

At this time, the voice of the sky formation came from a side position, and a terrifying torrent rushed towards the ancestor Tianya.

“Damn it!”

The ancestor Tianya saw this terrifying attack, his face changed wildly.

At this time, he also knew that he could not conceal it. Once he concealed it, he himself would be left here.


With a wave of his arm, a flame pagoda appeared in his hand. On the flame pagoda, a torrent of flames faced a torrent of floating water!

“It’s you, ancestor of Tianya Great Teacher!”

“It turned out to be you, the ancestor of Tianya Great Sect, no wonder you wanted to attack and assassinate our Dragon King’s apprentice, it turned out to be you.”

“However, the imperial court stipulates that humans are forbidden to fight each other, and you Tianya Great Sect disregards the imperial court rules and seeks death!”

When Baqi released the pagoda, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, and he shouted sharply.

“The ancestor of Tianya, I didn’t expect to be the ancestor of Tianya. He came to assassinate Miss Beishuang in such a despicable manner!”

“This is too shameless, Master Tianya is not an opponent of Dragon Palace, and now he is thinking of assassinating Goddess Frost!”

“The most important thing is that the Great Master Tianya dared to violate the rules of our emperor court. Are they looking for death?”

Sure enough, when Baqi’s voice sounded, the powerhouses in the Imperial Court roared with anger.

Especially when they were in the same team as the Beishuang Emperor Star Girl, they can be said to be their own.

“Dragon Palace, you have killed so many people at Master Tianya. Our Master Tianya swears that you will pay a heavy price. You wait, you wait.”

When the ancestor Tianya heard Baqi’s words, he roared sadly.

This time, he unexpectedly failed. The most important thing is that their Tianya Great Sect broke the rules of the Imperial Court.

This made him angry.

“Let us Dragon Palace pay the price, you have to pay the price for the attack on our Dragon King apprentice!”

Ao Qitian and the others roared wildly and directly attacked the ancestor Tianya.

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