Chapter 2721 Terrible news about the horizon (4)

“Jie Jie, if you get an elder, then it will be much easier.”

In the study, Yaqi sat in the center.

On the side, an elder from Tianya University and a deacon stood there respectfully.

“Boss, please tell me what to do next, boss.”

The two stood respectfully in front of Yaqi.

“The Great Master Tianya also has six elders, one head teacher, think of a way to parasitize a few more elders, it is best to parasitize the head teacher.”

Baqi narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Boss, according to the memory in my mind, there is a life-saving treasure there. If you want to parasitize the Tianya Master, it is best to parasitize the Immortal King Peak Realm, which is safer.”

“Elder’s words, there is a great opportunity.”

The old man said.


“Then parasite the three elders, and then proceed to the next step.”

Baqi said with cold eyes.

If three more elders are parasited, then the entire Tianya Great Sect will not be far from being destroyed.

“It’s the boss!”

If an elder is parasited, it will be much easier to parasite afterwards.

There is a formation specially arranged by the sky formation to block the abnormal movement, and under the calculations of Baqi and the others, it is not difficult to parasitize a famous elder.

It’s even a lot easier than before.

Soon, within the next two days, there were three more elders in front of Baqi again.

“Jie Jie, execute the plan next.”

Baqi smiled sorrowfully.

“Master, there is news from a disciple who went to investigate, saying that someone has seen our Tianya Dajiao fly to the right.”

Half a day later, an elder came to the palace of the head of Tianya and reported to him.

“On the right, what are they going to do on the right?”

Master Tianya frowned, his face was a little ugly and said.

“I don’t know, but the place where we met the Dragon King last time was on the right, head teacher. I want to lead the Tianya powerhouse with a few elders to investigate.”

The elder said.

The face of Master Tianya showed hesitation.

“I can bring some more disciples this time, don’t enter the abyss, and split the team. Once I encounter any trouble, or even encounter the weird formation of the Dragon Palace, I can react immediately.”

“The disappearance of five or six thousand disciples, I think it’s better to check it out and see if Dragon Palace is secretly doing it.”

The elder Tianya continued.

“If you are safe, you must pay attention to the weird formation of the Dragon Palace. Once you are trapped, it will be a big trouble.”

“Or, let me know the ancestors.”

Head Master Tianya nodded and said.

“Master, there is no need to inform the ancestors about this matter, and we are not going to fight against the dragon palace powerhouse, looking for people, once there is any danger, we will directly return to the kingdom of God.”

“It is enough for me to call a few elders to follow me in this matter.”

The elder Tianya shook his head.

“Okay, Lao An, I can rest assured that you do things, and be careful in everything.”

Master Tianya thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

“Don’t worry, head teacher, I’m called the three elders, nothing will happen.”

Elder Tianya said with a smile.


Master Tianya nodded and watched him leave.

“If it is really what Dragon Palace did, then fight for you to die.”

Teacher Tianya murmured.

They have become mourning dogs. If they were to be assassinated by the Dragon Palace at this time, then their Tianya Dajiao could also be crazy.

“Boss, the plan has been successful.”

When the elder Tianya walked out, he immediately took out his brain and sent a message.

After that, he immediately began to look for several other elders.

“very good!”

At the same time, Yaqi received the information and left immediately.

“Dragon King.”

A few hours later, Yaqi flew over.

“nailed it?”

Wang Xian looked at him and asked with a smile.

“It’s done. Four elders are parasited. Tomorrow, we will kill the other three. All the elders are ours.”

“Dragon King, if you do it tomorrow, you may have to come here to arrange the formation in person.”

Baqi nodded with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian nodded with a smile on his face.

“This time it is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of Immortal King Powers. One of the subordinates of the Parasitic Tianya Elder cannot go back. We can get the ninth-tier corpses of four Immortal Kings. I want to wait until ten of them are accumulated, and I will be promoted to Immortal God. Wang Dianfeng’s combat effectiveness.”

“At that time, I can parasite on Master Tianya’s body, in that case, hehehe…”

Baqi said to Wang Xian, with a sinister laugh.


Wang Xian’s eyes flickered.

Once the Master of the End of the World is parasited, the other three elders are also his own, and the entire Master of the End of the World is in the bag.

If the Great Master Tianya knew that the elders and head teachers were from the Dragon Palace, I wonder if they would die in fear.

“Dragon King!”

Ten hours later, Tianzhen rushed over.

“You and Yaqi discuss tomorrow’s actions. It’s best not to let anyone from Tianya University off.”

Wang Xian said towards the sky formation.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianma nodded, and immediately planned with Yaqi.

“All the disciples are separated by 100 million kilometers. If you need to enter the abyss to investigate, everyone else will wait outside.”

“We must be vigilant, secretly there is a strong possibility that the strong will be targeting us.”

Time was fast, and the next morning, the four head teachers of Tianya University stood at the forefront and said to all the disciples.

“It’s the elder!”

Thousands of powerful immortal kings immediately responded.

They also knew the action this time, to find out whether the disappearance of their Tianya Dajia powerhouse was killed in the abyss or was assassinated.

If he is assassinated, it can be determined that Dragon Palace did it.

In that case, their Tianya will go to another road at all costs.

“Brothers, be careful!”

The talking elder looked at the other three and reminded.

“Don’t worry, if this can kill us, we won’t have to live anymore.”

The other three elders said confidently.

They are immortal kings of rank nine powerhouses. Under such vigilance, they are still outside the abyss. If they are killed, they can’t blame others.

Can only say that the other party is too strong, they are too good.

For this action, in their opinion, there is no danger in the slightest.

“Well, in that case, I will take the lead here, you are scattered around and behind.”

The elder Tianya said with a smile.


The crowd nodded.

“The clues you found, you will lead the way.”

The headed elder said to the immortal king disciples beside him.

“It’s the elder!”

Several disciples immediately led the way.

The corners of the headed elder’s mouth were slightly raised, and the faces of the disciples beside him also showed smiles.

A few of them are naturally venomous horned dragons.

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