Chapter 2703 Convergence Of Heroes

“Let’s go, go to the imperial court.”

On the ancient planet, Wang Xian led Ao Qitian and three dragon guards to the teleportation formation.

Today’s ancient heavens only have people from the Dragon Palace, and no other people.

And on this planet, there is a teleportation array leading to the imperial court.

The five entered the formation and disappeared instantly.

When they appeared again, they had already arrived on a planet in the Imperial Court.

“Welcome all heroes to the Imperial Court.”

When they first walked out, a mechanical voice sounded.

This voice made Wang Xian stunned for a moment and looked around.

In the front position, there is a big eye-catching sign, which says to welcome all the heroes of the Emperor Star Territory to gather in the Emperor’s Court and become famous.

“It seems that the Emperor Court attaches great importance to the powerhouses in other places in the Emperor Star Territory.”

Wang Xian murmured.

“My lords, are you on the battlefield of the abyss?”

At this time, a beautiful lady came over and asked respectfully towards them.


Wang Xian nodded.

“My lords, go to the battlefield of the abyss. We have a special teleportation formation on our side, which can be reached directly. Please follow me.”

The beautiful lady took Wang Xian and the others to a side position.

“It seems that the imperial court is well prepared!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

This planet is only a subordinate planet among the many life planets of the Emperor Court. This subordinate planet has a teleportation array directly teleported to the battlefield. It is conceivable that the Emperor Court is already fully prepared to meet the strong forces of the Emperor Star Territory. The arrival of the person.

“Yes, my lord, all the heroes of our Emperor Star Territory who come to enter the abyss battlefield, our Emperor Court will naturally do a good job of logistics.”

“The front is the teleportation array. I wish you all to be famous in the battlefield of the abyss and build meritorious services.”

The beauty bowed and gestured respectfully.

“This is too convenient.”

Wang Xian walked straight towards the teleportation formation. He originally thought it would take several days to get it.

This only takes tens of minutes, which is very convenient.


Stepping into the teleportation array, you can teleport directly without even paying the god stone.

“A lot of people, it seems that this time there are many strong people coming to the battlefield of the abyss!”

“This time the treasures that the imperial court took out were so attractive, even many immortal kings who were in retreat came over.”

“I became famous in World War I. I heard that the Imperial Court has built a hero list, which is ranked by meritorious merit. This has attracted many strong people who want to rise.”

“As long as you accumulate enough merits to join the Imperial Court, there are many people who want to leapfrog the dragon.”

“I heard that the Heavenly Sword King of Pingyi Island has also rushed over. I don’t know if it is true or not. This is the existence of the peak of the Immortal King.”

Soon, the hustle and bustle of the sound came into the ears, and Wang Xian and the others appeared in a huge square.

This square is so big that it has no boundaries, and the entire planet should be used as a teleportation position.

There are four characters in the sky above, where heroes gather.

In the surrounding locations, there are more eye-catching buildings. The names of the buildings are exactly the same, the Meritorious Exchange Office.

“There are really many strong people.”

Wang Xian glanced around, with a look of surprise on his face.

At a glance, there are at least four to five thousand immortal kings and powerhouses.

“It seems that this time this hero meeting, there may be hundreds of thousands or even more immortal kings coming over.”

Muttered in his mouth.

The emperor star field is very large, the abyss crisis this time mainly comes from the imperial court and the three major islands, and other places have not been affected.

In the boundless emperor star field, no one knows how many powerhouses are hidden.

Among other things, the number of powerhouses above the god king is at least one million.

The things that the Emperor Court took out this time really had a strong attraction.

“Go, let’s go to the planet ahead.”

Wang Xian looked at the position on Zhinao, and when he moved his body, he immediately flew towards the planet in front of him.

In the front position, there are hundreds of planets, these planets are arranged in a row, you can see strong flying above them.

In front of these hundreds of planets, there are meteorites of various shapes and densely packed meteorites.

From the depths of the meteorite, there was a roar.

That is the abyss!

In the abyss, there are strong people coming in and out from time to time.

“On this planet.”

When Wang Xian came to the top of a planet, he sensed the position of the Dragon Palace members, and flew past when he moved.

Not long ago, Wang Xian sent an eighth-order immortal king and three powerful seventh-order immortal kings to follow the emperor under her command.

Wang Xian came to the top of a palace, the yin and yang and five elements of the dragon’s eyes swept across and landed in a large hall.

There are more than a dozen people in the hall, among them is the Emperor Star Girl.

He didn’t say hello either, his figure moved, and he landed directly in front of the hall.

Sweeping his eyes around, he immediately walked inside.


In the hall, a dozen middle-aged young people were sitting there, and they were slightly taken aback when they saw Wang Xian who had suddenly come and entered.

The Emperor Star Girl immediately stood up, her face full of surprises.

“Who are you?”

A young man looked at Wang Xian, frowned slightly and asked.

“Wang Xian!”

But at this moment, the emperor star girl stood up directly with a look of surprise on her face, and immediately walked towards Wang Xian.

“Why did you rush over so soon.”

The Emperor Star Girl walked to his side, grabbed his arm and said.

“Your Imperial Court Teleportation Array makes it very convenient. It will be there in tens of minutes.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“Star Girl, who is he?”

In the hall, the crowd saw a look of surprise on Wang Xian’s face.

Especially the young man who had just spoken, saw the Emperor Star Girl holding a young man’s arm affectionately, his face was a bit ugly, and he looked at Wang Xian with a gloomy face and asked.


Seeing the young man’s sullen face, the female emperor cocked her mouth slightly: “My friend, I’m sorry, my friend is here, I want to entertain.”

“Brother Fa, Brother Marco, sorry, sorry, we will talk again tomorrow.”

As she said, she waved to the middle-aged people next to her, and took Wang Xian’s arm: “Go, I want to treat you well.”

Wang Xian smiled and looked at her, and followed behind.

In the back, the young man’s face changed, watching this scene uncertainly.

The other middle-aged people looked at Wang Xian, with a pensive expression on their faces, and they stared at each other and left.

“Go and find out what identity that young man is.”

The young man looked at the disappearing figure of the Emperor Star Girl and Wang Xian, clenched his fists tightly, and shouted at the two middle-aged people beside him.

“It’s the young master.”

The two middle-aged people nodded immediately.

“I used me as a shield as soon as I arrived, isn’t it?”

Following the Emperor Star Girl into a courtyard, Wang Xian looked at her and said with a smile.

“That guy is disgusting, not as handsome as you, but he wants toad to eat swan meat, hum.”

The emperor star girl raised her head slightly and said with a light hum.

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