Chapter 2691 Fleeing Tragically (2)

“Break the formation, break the formation!”

“Quickly, all the strong must break the formation.”

The voice of incomparable horror came from the mouth of the head teacher and the elders.

From the battle to the present, even the Dragon Palace has demonstrated a powerful battle, possessing the strength to resist and even suppress Great Master Tianya.

Even if tens of thousands of immortal king masters were suddenly assassinated, they were not too panic.

But when this strange space appeared and couldn’t sense their own kingdom of God, everyone panicked completely.

Even the two ancestors of the Great Master Tianya felt a panic in their hearts.

If you can’t break this formation, then they will teach tens of millions of people at Tianya University to explain all of them here.

The entire Tianya Great Sect is about to perish.

“Don’t love the battle, break the battle with all your strength.”

An ancestor of Tianya Great Teacher roared wildly, and flew to the side quickly, trying to get rid of the attack of the thorn monster and attack the surrounding formations.

“Broken the formation!”

Master Tianya also roared wildly, controlling Tianya Chi to attack the black hole disturbing air formation.

However, every attack of Tianyachi was blocked by the thorn monster.

“What’s the matter, how come such a weird thing suddenly appeared, the battlefield has been shrouded!”

“What is this? Formation? It covers the entire battlefield, and Dragon Palace still has a secret weapon?”

“The Great Teacher of the End of the World has simply kicked the iron plate. I didn’t expect Dragon Palace to be so strong!”

When the black hole disturbing air array appeared, all the forces around watching the battle were also slightly surprised.

The two ancestors of Jiuxiao glanced at each other, staring solemnly at the formation that suddenly appeared below.

Against Dragon Palace, this time it would be very miserable to replace them with Nine Heavens.


In the black hole at this moment, Wang Xian’s eyes were full of coldness. With a movement, he flew out of the podium and rushed into the battlefield.

The arm turned into a dragon’s claw, violently hunting towards the Tianya Great Sect powerhouse.

For a force chasing Qingyue Lingxiu and the others, Tianya University taught him that the emperor must be destroyed.

If you dare to hurt them, you will have to bear the cost billions of times.


Wang Xian’s shot instantly killed hundreds of immortal king masters.

Around, Tianya Dajiao, a ninth-rank immortal king, was restrained, unable to come to rescue him at all.

“The ancestors, teach us, save us, we are not the opponents of the Dragon King.”

Some powerhouses saw Wang Xian easily hunting down hundreds of immortal king powerhouses, crying for help with horror on their faces.

“Damn it, Dragon King, stop me!”

The ancestor Tianya roared with blood-red eyes.

But his roar was nothing more than an incompetent roar.


“No, be careful around, that weird creature has been assassinated again.”

At this time, a sound of fright and anger sounded, making the entire battlefield completely chaotic.

The emergence of the black hole disturbance and the lack of high-end combat power made all the strong and disciples of Tianya University completely out of order.

“Ah, no, ancestor, save me!”

Suddenly, a terrible voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, everyone at Tianya Dajiao was shocked again.

“Elder Duanmu.”

Some strong men looked at them, their pupils dilated, and their faces were full of amazement.

In the battlefield, behind an elder Tianya, two black and white strange figures emerged.

Nowadays, in addition to Ao Yao, one member of the treacherous demon clan possesses the strength of Tier 9 Immortal King.

With the two of them working together, an elder Tianya couldn’t avoid it at all.


The two Tianya ancestors looked at them, with extremely embarrassed expressions on their faces.

Their hearts beat violently.

Another elder died, this is the seventh elder who died in the hands of Dragon Palace.

If this continues, all of them will have to die.

“At all costs, break the formation.”

An ancestor of the End of the World yelled frantically.

“Sacrifice! Sacrifice!”

At this moment, another old ancestor stared at the Tianya Chi on the side, and shouted at the Tianya Master.


Headmaster Tianya and the two elders trembled when they heard these words, but their eyes swept across the surrounding battlefield, gritted their teeth, and shouted in a low voice.


The next moment, the three of them squatted directly on Tianya Chi, with their hands on top.


Three roars full of pain and madness sounded, and torrents of blood poured into the horizon.


On the side, the thorns of the thorn monster fell heavily on the end of the world.


However, at this time, a terrifying cyan edge bloomed across the entire Tianya Ruler.

In the center of Tianya Chi, blood red symbols slowly appeared.


When the symbol appeared completely, Master Tianya roared, and the power of the law on the whole Tianya ruler was strong, and he rushed forward with a power like a broken bamboo.


One by one thorns were blocked and cut off directly, and Tianya Chi rushed directly to the front of the black hole disturbing air formation.


On the podium, Tianzhen frowned slightly when he saw this scene.


The next moment, the sound of the collision sounded, and the entire black hole disturbing air array trembled and quickly collapsed.

“All disciples, escape!”

Seeing that the formation was broken, Master Tianya immediately shouted frantically.


Seeing that the formation was broken, all the strong and disciples did not hesitate at all, and fled directly towards their own gods.

They don’t want to stay here for a moment.

The terrifying deadly arrows, the assassins who frightened them.

Every second, hundreds of thousands of disciples and strong men fall, they are really scared.

“Give up Tianya Chi and run away.”

Seeing the surrounding situation, the two Tianya ancestors were bleeding in their hearts and roared in the direction of Tianya Chi.

In the next moment, their figures disappeared directly.


Tens of millions of people flee in horror, but in the process of fleeing, there are still millions of people left here.

“This this…”

Confused, everyone around watching the battle was confused.

The formation suddenly ruptured, and everyone saw Tian Ya Chi rush out. On Tian Ya Chi, three strong skinny men knelt on it violently.

Soon some people recognized that it was the head teacher and elder of Master Tianya.

Immediately afterwards, tens of millions of people fled directly back to their own gods.

This scene was quite shocking, but also quite tragic.


“Dragon King, in the future, our Tianya will be with you endlessly, and in the future, for thousands of years, for hundreds of millions of years, we will all be with you Dragon Palace!”

On Tianya Chi, an extremely cold and bitter voice came from the mouth of Master Tianya.

He looked at Wang Xian behind with a trembling body.

This time the sacrifice exploded with Tianyachi’s power, which damaged its foundation, regressed its strength, and could never return to its peak for a lifetime.

This hatred, the hatred of this disciple who was killed by the strong, will never be forgotten, and will not be unwilling to report!


His voice fell, and his figure slowly disappeared.

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