Chapter 2688 Dragon Palace vs Tianya 3

They had such a good relationship with the Dragon Palace last month, and they naturally did not want to see the Dragon Palace conflict with the Tianya University.

This will make it difficult for them to ride a tiger last month.

After all, Dragon Palace helped them.

However, Tianya Dajiao’s strength was not something Dragon Palace could contend.

Even if they were helped by the Great Master last month, they were not the opponent of Great Master Tianya.

“Shut up, five elders of our Tianya University were killed. This hatred is not shared. Among the forces, only Dragon Palace has the strength to kill them!”

When the ancestor Tianya heard the words of the head teacher last month, he directly scolded coldly.

This changed the face of Palm Teacher last month, with an ugly look on his face.

At the same time, his heart shook slightly.

The five elders of Tianya were killed, they were at the same level as him, and they had only four Immortal Kings of the ninth rank last month.

“What? Five elders from Tianya were killed?”

“Hey, these are five immortal kings of rank nine powerhouses who were actually killed. How could this be possible!”

“Dragon Palace killed it? Did they look for death in Dragon Palace? They actually killed the elder of Master Tianya?”

The Great Master of Nine Heavens and the Great Master of Breaking Heaven, as well as the surrounding forces rushing over here, heard the words of the ancestor Tianya, his face also showed shock.

The death of the five elders of the Great Master Tianya is a big deal!

“It’s not just Dragon Palace that can destroy the five immortal kings of Tier Nine, but they may also enter the abyss.”

An ancestor said with an embarrassed expression last month.

“Last month, there is no place for you to speak here. Believe it or not, say one more thing, I will destroy your entire teaching of last month!”

Another ancestor of Tianya University shouted with a cold face.

His words made the hearts of all the people of the Great Teacher last month slightly startled.

“Dragon King, say, give me a reason why you didn’t do it, otherwise our Tianya Dajiao will definitely destroy you and leave no one behind.”

Head Master Tianya stared at Wang Xian, and also roared murderously.

Now Dragon Palace is the most suspicious, even if they don’t have enough evidence, but if Dragon Palace has no evidence that they didn’t do it, they will destroy it.

I’d rather kill the mistake than let it go!

This is their power of the end of the world!

Around, the four masters of the Devil Island, the rest of the powerful forces and their disciples looked at Wang Xian together, shaking Tianya’s strength in their hearts, waiting for his answer.

“Master Tianya, why do your elders come to our Dragon Palace for no reason?”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly.

“Then, the elders of our Great Master Tianya were killed by your Dragon Palace?”

As soon as Wang Xian’s words fell, an ancestor of the Tianya Great Master showed a magical axe in his hand, and the energy in his body roared.

“Haha, your Great Master Tianya dared to break into our side to hunt the Abyss Seed when we were hunting the Abyss Seed, and also killed our Dragon Palace disciples. You said, I will let go of your Great Master Tianya’s rubbish?”

Seeing their murderous expressions, Wang Xian laughed and said coldly.


As the voice fell, a violent murderous aura instantly surged around.

“It’s really Dragon Palace, they dare to kill our elder, Little Dragon Palace, Tianya Dajiao, looking for death!”

“Kill them, dare to kill our elders and destroy the Dragon Palace.”

“Kill our elders, take revenge, and make them pay ten times a hundred times the price.”

“Little Dragon Palace dared to kill our elder Tianya!”

Upon hearing Wang Xian’s words, all the powerful men and disciples surrounding the Dragon Palace, their faces were full of violent expressions, raising their weapons one by one, roaring murderously.

“Hey, this… this Dragon Palace actually killed the elders of Master Tianya.”

“Are they looking for a dead end? Even if their strength is good, but with Tianya as an enemy, Dragon Palace is not qualified.”

“Elder Tianya killed the disciple of Dragon Palace, and Dragon Palace destroyed them. This is too fierce.”

The surrounding great teachers and forces were also shocked.

They also know the strength of the Dragon Palace. What’s the difference between offending Master Tianya so fiercely and sending him to death?

Last month, the palm of the hand taught them to hear that, their complexion changed, swallowed and foamed, and looked at Wang Xian blankly.

“Okay, very good, Dragon King, since you dare to kill our elders at the End of the World, very good, today next year will be your memorial day!”

A violent murderous aura surged from the ancestor of Tianya, and all the experts and disciples of Tianya Great Teacher around him exuded fierce aura.

“It’s very good. If you dare to kill our Dragon Palace people, I dare to kill them!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly.

It is said that the elders of Tianya Great Sect killed the Dragon Palace people for the sake of becoming famous.

“This Dragon King is so arrogant and arrogant!”

“This is completely without regard to Master Tianya.”

When all the strong heard Wang Xian’s words, their hearts were shaken.

The Dragon King in front of the Dragon Palace, has never regarded Tianya Dajiao in his eyes.

“All the disciples of the Great Teacher of the End of the World, kill me. I want to kill everyone in the Dragon Palace, leaving no one behind!”

“Anyone who dares to help the Dragon Palace is our mortal enemy, who will never die!”

Master Tianya stood on the Tianya ruler and commanded loudly.


Around, tens of millions of disciples raised their weapons, their murderous intent stunned the world.

“I want to destroy your dragon peak.”

The palm teacher Tianya murmured, and when his arm moved, a wave of energy poured into Tianya Chi.

In the rear, the two elders came to the left and right, and also input energy towards the end of the world.


The whole Tianya Chi trembled slightly, and a metal edge and a vast force of law radiated toward the surroundings.

“The battle is about to break out!”

“This Dragon Palace is looking for death. At this time, it caused a battle. This is when the abyss is invading.”

“At this time, internal fighting, this… Dragon Palace Dragon King and the others are simply stupid.”

Some strong people around saw a slight change in their faces when they saw this scene, and some people retreated towards the back.

During the invasion of the abyss, internal fighting occurred, which many people did not want to see.

Even the two ancestors of Jiuxiao frowned, but they couldn’t say anything.

Dragon Palace beheaded the five elders of Tianya, this hatred is not shared by Tianya, and Tianya can’t not do it.

In the rear, they looked very embarrassed last month. They swept through the murderous Tianya Great Teachers, gritted their teeth, and hesitated.


At this time, the cold roar resounded through the world.

“Tianya Chi, one Chi Tianya Zhushen extinguishes demons!”

The voice of Master Tianya continued to sound, and the energy condensed by a ruler-like rule burst out on Tianya Chi.

The ruler instantly grew to the size of tens of thousands of kilometers, and rushed towards the center of Longfeng.

Around, tens of millions of experts and disciples of Tianya Dajiao also launched an attack instantly.

“Haha, Dragon Palace disciple, kill!”

Wang Xian licked his lips when he saw the crowd attacking from Tianya, commanding with a stern expression on his face.

“Swish swish!”

The order was issued, and countless arrows flew directly from the dragon peak, and attacked the surrounding tens of millions of Tianya Dajiao disciples.


At the same time, in front of Longfeng, a monster formed by three thorns condensed.


A thorn monster saw Tianya Chi attacking towards Longfeng and swept away directly.

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