Chapter 268 The Death of the Dragon Man (Part Two, ask for a monthly pass!)

Guan Shuqing, Xiaoyu and the others all looked at the old man speechlessly.

The old man is terrifying in strength, a little arrogant, and some old urchins.

When they first rescued them, he focused on Guan Shuqing and said that he would find him a boyfriend so that he could marry them to their Sui family.

As a result, they are now accepting her as a disciple again, and the speed of changing her face is completely inconsistent with the strong, which makes them very speechless.

But it also feels a little cute.

After all, the old man can be regarded as their savior.

Wang Xian also looked at this old guy speechlessly.

He doesn’t have the dignity and temper of a strong person at all, but like a rascal, he can do things like repaying favors.

But he is not good to say anything.

“Should I not need you to teach?”

Wang Xian had a bad first impression of this old guy, and said lightly to him.

“Why not, little brother, the old man has decades of teaching experience. Several of my apprentices are now powerful players on the Megatron side. They have rich teaching experience, which is not comparable to ordinary people.”

“The old man has all the resources and treasures for one journey of cultivation, and they can provide them, right.”

The old man said, taking out something from his pocket with a smile on his face: “Does the girl see what it is, do you see it?”

“The muscle spirit pill, a pill made by the old man. Taking a medicine that can make the skin smooth like a baby. I think back then, all the beauties in Beijing were crazy to get an old man’s muscle spirit pill. The real value is priceless, come, Give you a taste!”

As the old man said, he took out a few more and handed them one to Elder Fan Xiaoyu and Sun Lingxiu.

Sun Lingxiu took the bright energy in his hand and flashed by, with a smile on his face: “Thank you, old man!”

“No thanks, no thanks. The most powerful thing about the old man is alchemy. Know the alchemy. Combine all kinds of spiritual herbs to refine powerful pills. I said girl, you will worship me as a teacher in the future. Both the pill and the face of the old pill can be refined!”

The old man said loudly to Guan Shuqing there.


Guan Shuqing asked with eyes shining, his face moved.

The face is not old, but the pursuit of every girl!

“Naturally, when I speak, Sui Emperor, how can I deceive you little girls, girls, worship me as a teacher, and take as many pills as you want in the future, even if you are in your 50s or 60s, you can still maintain your current beauty!”

The old man continued to agitate, somewhat eagerly and attentively.

It was like wanting Guan Shuqing to marry into his Sui family just now, and he didn’t hesitate to show all his strengths.

Wang Xian smiled on the sidelines, and in recent days he also discovered that Guan Shuqing’s body is special.

He also wondered if it was because of the mingling with his dragon body.

“Comfortable, it’s up to you to choose!”

Wang Xian did not decide for Guan Shuqing, this old man named Suihuang was terrifying.

And looking at him, he really wanted to close Shuqing as an apprentice.


Guan Shuqing hesitated.

“Girl, what are you hesitating about, the invincible and loving master is right in front of you!”

The old man stared at Guan Shuqing and said eagerly.

“This…I don’t want to leave Jiangcheng…”

“You don’t need to leave Jiangcheng. This is a small matter. Master is now home from all over the world, and I will settle in Jiangcheng in the future.”

“I…I’m still in school…”

“It doesn’t matter. With your talent, girl, the time after school every day is enough for cultivation…”


Guan Shuqing was still hesitating, a little uncertain about it.

“Girl, this is a meeting ceremony for your teacher. After a few days, you can accompany me to go to Beijing. At that time, we will hold an apprenticeship with the master. Don’t worry about the apprentice. It will take up to two days!”

Seeing Guan Shuqing still hesitating, the old man took out a bracelet directly from his pocket.

The bracelet was red with a phoenix embroidered on it.

“This is a fire phoenix bracelet. It can be activated with fire attributes to form a fire ring to attack the enemy. Even the strong innate will be seriously injured when it is unprepared. Wear it on your hand!”

The old man directly began to call himself a master and gave gifts.

Guan Shuqing took it over in a daze.

“Haha, girl, I will change my name to Master in the future.”

The old man shouted with excitement.

Wang Xian smiled on the side, did not speak, and looked at Xiao Ran on the side: “Come here, as my named disciple, I will also give you something.”

“It’s the master!”

Xiao Ran nodded and walked over immediately.

With a move of Wang Xian’s finger, Lan Youyihuo appeared in his hand, wrapped in dragon energy, and directly penetrated Xiao Ran’s body.

“This is!”

The old man on the side suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the blue flame in Wang Xian’s hand with a shocked face.

“The different fire of heaven and earth, it turned out to be the different fire of heaven and earth!”

The different fire of heaven and earth entered Xiao Ran’s dantian, Wang Xian’s palm moved slightly, and the dragon ball appeared in his hand, slowly floating on top of Xiao Ran’s head.

“Spirit fire refining body, running internal force, blending with Lanyou fire, replacing other fire attributes with Lanyou fire, it will be very painful next, hold it back!”

Wang Xian said lightly towards Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran nodded heavily: “Master, I am not afraid of pain!”

“Okay, sit cross-legged on the ground!”

Wang Xian said to him, the dragon ball slowly grew larger, and finally the size of a basketball, floating above his head.

The flames slowly flowed into his body, refining the impurities in his body!

“This, this… Body Refining Fire Spirit Orb!”

The old man’s eyes widened, his face was shocked, and his face changed drastically.


The old man looked at Wang Xian and couldn’t help but spit out two words.

The crowd around heard these two words from a strong man, and they were a little speechless.

“Apprentice, the fire of Lanyou is not suitable for alchemy. I will get you a different fire from heaven and earth suitable for alchemy. We have this body-refining fire spirit orb!”

The old man ignored the apprentices of other people’s homes and assured Guan Shuqing.

“Never mind the spirit fire body refining, this method will be very painful, I have a way, and there is no need to look for it if the world is different, I will make my own arrangements in the future!”

As Wang Xian’s girlfriend, Guan Shuqing must let her turn the dragon into a dragon in the future.

As long as the dragon is transformed, the different fires of heaven and earth will not be of much use to her.

This is also the reason why Wang Xian did not give Guan Shuqing the different fires of heaven and earth.

The old man curled his lips, stared at Wang Xian with some dissatisfaction, and muttered, “This is my apprentice!”

“Master, this is my boyfriend!”

Guan Shuqing whispered beside the old man.

The old man’s face turned dark, he didn’t speak any more, and he was a little bit angry.

Thinking of him, Emperor Sui, if you say accepting apprentices, I am afraid that the entire upper capital will be boiling, and now I have received an apprentice.

Not only to coax, but also to look at her boyfriend’s face.

Ma Dan, if it’s not an apprentice boyfriend who is awesome? How could he be so humiliated?

“Xiaoxian, this is your apprentice!”

Guan Shuqing walked to Wang Xian’s side, looked at Xiao Ran who was sitting on the ground with a flushed face, a bit ferocious, suffering from the great pain, Xiao Ran asked curiously.

“Well, a nice kid.”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and said briefly to them.

On the side, Moyuan’s face changed after receiving a call.

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