Chapter 2672 Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed 1



Wang Xian and their arrival rescued Yue Shangfeng, and the three Abyss Species showed extremely angry expressions on their faces when they saw this scene.

Their terrifying faces let out a deafening roar at Wang Xian and the others.

“One for each!”

Ao Fenghuang locked them with a cold expression in his eyes!


In the next moment, he directly transformed into a heavenly thunder, fire, dragon, and phoenix species with a dragon body and phoenix wings.

Surrounded by flames and lightning, he directly attacked an abyss species.

“I can’t deal with one person, Ao Xingmu, the two of us fight against the two of them.”

Mou Zesen smiled faintly. As an arrow dragon type, long-range attacks are very terrifying, but in close combat, it is one level weaker.

Two or three immortal kings of the eighth-tier combat power existed in close combat against him, and he could hardly resist.

But on the long-range, his attack is very terrifying.


Ao Xingmu faintly responded, rushing directly, and with a single spark of thorns, he attacked the two 9th-order Abyss Species.

“Boom boom boom!”

The sound of the collision of the ninth-order abyss broke out again.

“Good good!”

“Dragon King, help me entangle the abyss seed in front of me. I have a treasure. It takes 20 seconds to prepare. After 20 seconds, I can severely injure or even kill a beast.”

An old man of the Great Teacher last month showed excitement in his eyes, staring at the Abyss Seed in front of him with a full face, and said to Wang Xian.

“Don’t worry, hold them for a few minutes first.”

Wang Xian looked at it and said lightly.

It takes about four minutes for Longfeng to arrive here.

As long as you entangle these abysses for four minutes, it is time for them to perish.


The ancestor of the Great Teacher last month was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: “Okay, listen to the Dragon King!”

They were grateful for the arrival of Dragon Palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Dragon Palace saved the Great Teacher of Last Month.


Wang Xian was suspended in the starry sky, and the Five Elements Damo suspended in front of him.

He stared at the thirty-odd 8th-order Abyss Species below, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.


The Great Mould of the Five Elements rotates with full force, and the obliteration law of the five elements above seems to be able to silence everything.

The Five Elements Great Mill enveloped two Tier 8 Abyssal Seeds and attacked directly.

The elders of the Great Sect last month, who were contending with those two Tier 8 Abyss Species, hurriedly went to the side to hide.

Those two Tier 8 Abyssal Seeds also wanted to evade, but the Five Elements Great Mill directly pursued them.

The long river of gray and dead silence directly brushed the body of the two immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss.

Two tier eight abyss species died directly.

“Thank you Dragon King for taking the shot.”

The two elders of the Great Teacher last month said gratefully.


The Five Elements Damo moved, and continued to attack the other eighth-order Abyss Species.

“Haha, with Dragon King and their help, this time we are determined to win.”

“It’s too strong, Dragon Palace also has four immortal king ninth-tier powerhouses? Too powerful.”

“There should be more than four, and the huge dragon peak is also very terrifying, but we saw three thorn monsters flying out of the dragon peak, equally powerful.”

From the position below, all the strong men and disciples saw this scene with an expression of excitement on their faces.

Especially the disciple of the Great Teacher last month, the ancestor was rescued, and now the Dragon King has taken action to slay the 8th-order Abyss Species.

The crisis here will be resolved soon.

The battle continued, but for all the strong and disciples, the pressure was greatly reduced.

Ao Xingmu and the three of them were fighting against three 9th-order Abyss Species, and last month the head taught the three of them against the other three.

As for the other ancestor of the last month, he recovered from his injuries on the side, and his body was severely injured. If there is no powerful treasure, he will not be able to recover for thousands of years.

Wang Xian slaughtered only the eighth-order abyss species, and the liberated immortal king eighth-order powerhouse was to kill the immortal god king seventh-order abyss species.

The pressure on the human side has plummeted.


Four minutes later, the roar of Longfeng came, and Wang Xian looked at it, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

This time, he was not going to make these six immortal kings of the Ninth-order Abyss Species escape.

“First trap Ao Xingmu and the three Tier Nine Abyss Seeds on their side!”

Wang Xian immediately said towards the sky formation.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Longfeng drove up, the formation above was activated, and the thorn monsters condensed from the three formations immediately flew towards Ao Xingmu and the others.

The three entangled ninth-order abyss species saw another powerful presence attacking them and let out a low growl.

“Ao Xingmu, Ao Fenghuang, and Mou Zesen, let’s join forces to kill the other three Tier 9 Abyssal Species.”

The condensed monsters entangled the three 9th-order Abyss Species, and Wang Xian ordered again.


Afterwards, the Dragon King and the four flew towards the battlefield where the three of them were taught by the head of the last month.

“Then Longfeng was able to trap three immortal kings of the Ninth-tier Abyss Seed. Is this the strength of the Dragon Palace?”

“Hahaha, kill these beasts, kill them!”

Last month, the head teacher and the two ancestors showed shocked expressions on their faces, and shouted after laughing.

“Old Feng, let’s avenge you. Brothers from Dragon Palace will help me hold one. Laozi is about to start amplifying his moves.”

An ancestor said with a big smile.


Ao Xingmu flew over, and the law and thorns immediately attacked the 9th-order Abyssal Immortal King.

The ancestor of the Great Teacher of last month withdrew from the battlefield and took out a thunder and lightning ball.

The Thunderbolt contains an unparalleled destructive power.

Wang Xian glanced over and raised his brows slightly.

“Brother Dragon Palace, hide!”

Twenty seconds later, he roared and threw the thunder ball in his palm directly.

Ao Xingmu moved his body and quickly moved away.


“Boom boom boom!”

With a thunderous roar, when the lightning ball came to the ninth-order abyss within a thousand kilometers range, it directly exploded.

A vast force of thunder and lightning directly flooded the surrounding area.

The devastating thunder and lightning tore the space apart.

“Oh, oh!”

The Ninth-Order Abyss Seed inside felt the threat of death and let out a roar of fright.

“It’s such a powerful power, even if it is the ninth-order abyss seed that can’t kill it, it can cause severe damage.”

Wang Xian glanced over and raised his brow slightly.

Soon, the thunder dissipated, and an abyss seed appeared inside.

It saw Wang Xian and their gazes, and turned around in horror, trying to flee away.


But at this time, a black and white shadow appeared, easily harvesting it.

“Huh? There is still a ninth rank in Dragon Palace?”

Seeing the Ao demon suddenly appearing behind the Ninth-Order Abyss Seed, the head teacher of the Great Teacher last month was shocked again.

If you count the thorn monster, this is the eighth one.

They are twice as powerful as the Great Teacher last month.

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