2664.Chapter 2664


In front of the abyss battlefield on the edge of the northern line, millions of northern line disciples gritted their teeth, their eyes are blood-red, and they are fighting with the abyss in front of them.

The Devil Island crisis this time can be said to have affected everyone.

Those who were on a peaceful planet were instantly broken.

No one can avoid fighting on the battlefield.

Some cowardly disciples have fallen, and those who remain have experienced several wars.

Even so, every war is a dance on the tip of a knife, and no one knows if he can survive.

As long as you fight with all your strength, only by becoming stronger can you have a chance of survival.

There was a roar, because in the distribution of the northern alliance, the power of mankind is stronger than that of the abyss species.

It also makes them easier.

Even if it is easy, after a war, one out of ten people will die.

“Swish swish!”

But at this moment, a burst of voices suddenly rang out.

Some people and the abyss were slightly startled, and quickly looked to the right.

“This is?”

Everyone was slightly startled when they saw the rain of arrows all over the sky, and some people showed horror on their faces.

“Puff puff!”

However, soon, a few faster arrows penetrated the abyss species of the Immortal King’s level in an instant.

Several strong men who were confronting the Immortal King Abyss Species felt their complexions hot, and drops of blood fell on their faces.

They stared forward blankly.


Several abyss species with relatively tenacious vitality made a scream before dying.

“Puff puff!”

Don’t allow them to react too much. In front of them, the abyss was pierced by arrows.

The Abyss Seed, which was still fierce just now, lost its voice in the next moment.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, they heard a roar.

From afar, one could see a huge and incomparable mountain entrenched by a dragon flying over here.

On the mountain peak, there are two huge characters Longfeng.

“It’s Longfeng, Longgong and them.”

“So strong, they are so strong in Dragon Palace!”

The sounds of exclamation and shock sounded continuously, and everyone was shocked beyond words.

“Swish swish!”

Soon Longfeng came not far from them, and thorns swept away all the corpses of the abyss in an instant.

“The Dragon Palace is so strong, the Dragon Palace is awesome!”

“Hahaha, too powerful, thanks to the Dragon Palace powerhouse for your help!”

Some strong men and disciples couldn’t help but roar with excitement.

Wang Xian stood on the podium with his mouth slightly cocked.

Long Feng dealt with the abyss species here without wasting the slightest time at all.

It is as simple as passing by and trampling on some ants.

Longfeng keep going!

Soon I came to another battlefield again, still, the second kill!

Longfeng moved forward with unstoppable power.

Push it horizontally!

“What’s the situation? The Abyss Seed on your side has also been cleared by Dragon Palace.”

A minute later, more than a dozen immortal king masters who quickly flew toward this side came here and saw the empty abyss.

Some people have already returned to the abyss, and asked with astonishment on their faces.

“Long Palace passed by here and swept directly, the archer of Long Palace is invincible.”

A strong man went over to greet a dozen people with joy, and said excitedly.

“Gudu, it is estimated that with the strength of the Dragon Palace, it is estimated that it can sweep all the abysses on the edge, walk, we will report the situation here to the adults.”

More than a dozen god kings glanced at each other and flew towards the abyss in silence.

Dragon Palace just passed by them and swept through some abyss species by the way…


Located in the most central position, in front of the planet Inviting the Moon, the roaring sound that shook the sky was endless.

Compared to the edge position, this is the meat grinder.

“It’s very strange that the four Immortal King Ninth-Order Abyss Species didn’t even attack, but locked us!”

In the abyss, the four immortal king ninth-tier powerhouses stood together last month, and they stared at the four immortal king ninth-order abyss species from a distance.

It seems to be constraining the high-end combat effectiveness of both sides.

“It’s a bit strange, but the powerful Abyss-type wisdom is higher than that. They may know that they will fight us without any results.”

The four people suspended in the void and locked the four immortal kings of the Ninth-order Abyss Seed to prevent the opponent from attacking.

“Master, ancestor!”

At this moment, a figure flew from behind and hurriedly shouted at the four.


Last month, the palm teacher spit out a word without turning his head.

“The ancestor of the master, there is news from the edge of the abyss. Dragon Palace Dragon Peak is flying in our direction from the edge position. In the middle of the process, they have instantly killed more than a dozen abyss seeds on the battlefield, and died in the abyss seeds in the hands of Dragon Palace. It has reached nearly 20 million.”

“We have liberated soldiers from more than a dozen battlefields!”

The figure said to the head teacher of last month’s grandmaster.

“Huh? A dozen battlefields were cleared so quickly?”

An ancestor said slightly surprised.

“It’s very strong. According to the report of the soldiers guarding there, there are more than 70 abyss species of the immortal king level, and the remaining abyss species 2 million, but they were instantly killed by the Dragon Palace archer. Thousands of them kill in an instant.”

The middle-aged report said in a shock.

“The archers of the Dragon Palace are indeed extremely powerful. The power they used this time is much stronger than the previous few times. This Dragon Palace is really not easy.”

“In an instant kill more than 70 Abyssal Seeds, 2 million ordinary Abyssal Seeds, Dragon Palace this time almost sent tens of thousands of powerhouses at the Divine King level!”

The ancestors who taught me last month were also very surprised.

They were very surprised by the strength that Dragon Palace had sent.

“Relocate the soldiers from those places to another place for support.”

The head teacher said last month.

“It’s the head teacher!”

The reporting middle-aged nodded and immediately flew towards the abyss.


However, suddenly, a roar came from the front position.


They were slightly startled last month, and they immediately looked forward.

“What are they?”

The four of them looked over, their faces startled.

At the location of the abyss, the four immortal kings of Tier Nine Abyss Species turned their bodies at this moment, and their eyes turned to look deeper into the abyss.

The four abysses roared together.




But at this moment, a slightly smaller roar came.

This roar was not because of too little power, but because it was too far away from here.

At least tens of billions of kilometers away.


“No, there is a powerful Abyssal Seed coming from the depths!”

At this moment, the palm of the last month taught them that their complexions changed drastically, and they stared at the depths dignifiedly.

Being able to respond to the existence of the four immortal kings of the Ninth-tier Abyss Species must also be of the same level.

In the depths, an abyss species of the same level flew over here.

The four of them looked a little embarrassed!

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