Chapter 2662


When the head teacher’s voice just fell behind last month, Wang Xian was slightly taken aback.

Around, the rest of the forces also frowned slightly, looking over with blinking eyes.

Let Longgong send Longfeng to guard the northern line of defense?

“Dragon Palace has also obtained a lot of abyssal crystals in the previous wars, and it has also harvested a lot of resources.”

“Even the Dragon Mang Group has given 10% of Dragon Palace’s resources, and Dragon Palace will join in together.”

The words of the head teacher of last month fell, and a elder from last month said lightly.

“Let us Dragon Palace send people to guard with you? Sorry, our Dragon Palace is not a force on the Devil Island, and the Northern Line is not our territory.”

Wang Xian looked at the few people who taught at Shangyue University, shook his head and refused.

Just kidding, it is impossible for Wang Xian to completely plunge Dragon Palace into this war.

There is no Dragon Palace on the northern line, how could he swear to stay here.

“Dragon King, you have obtained so many abyssal crystals here. Now that the danger is coming, should you run away immediately?”

“How can there be such a good thing in the world!”

However, when Wang Xian’s voice just fell, Yue Xingguang yelled with a cold expression on the right.

Since the last exchange meeting, Guchi Moon Bay was snatched by the Dragon King, and he was directly reprimanded by the Frost Goddess, which made him lose face.

He has always kept this grudge in his heart.

“The Dragon King is not a force on our northern line after all, and has no responsibility or obligation to help us guard this place.”

A leader of the Dragon Mang Group looked at Yue Xingguang, hesitated and said.

“Indeed, Dragon King is able to help. We are already very grateful. Even if we are facing a great crisis, we can’t force others into the water, let alone Dragon Palace has helped us.”

“The situation of the Dragon Palace, the Dragon King decides for themselves, and we are very grateful that Dragon Palace can take action.”

As soon as the words of the Dragon Mang Group came to an end, the experts from the Beichuan Sect and the ancient gods next to them also spoke immediately.

It can be said that the three forces owe a lot of favor to Dragon Palace.

At this time, it is natural to speak for the Dragon Palace.

If they don’t speak again at this time, then they are simply white-eyed wolves.


Moon Starlight saw a group of strong men speak, his face changed slightly, and he did not dare to interrupt.

In the front position, the head teacher of last month frowned slightly, and he looked at the Beichuan Sect of the Dragon Mang Group and the ancient gods.

“Since all of you have said so, then Dragon Palace is free to decide.”

The palm teacher last month said blankly.

“I said in advance. If the northern line is really unguarded, or if you need to fight to the death, don’t take our Dragon Palace into consideration.”

“Next we will still take action, but we will leave immediately if it is irresistible.”

Wang Xian looked at them and said directly.

Once there is a crisis, Wang Xian will not hesitate at all, and will leave here directly to stay away from danger.


Last month, the palm teacher frowned slightly and nodded.

Beside, some of the strong men from last month were slightly dissatisfied.

“Next, let’s discuss the matter of the army combination.”

The head teacher said last month.

Next, we will discuss the matter of joint combat.

The disciples of a group of forces joined together and were responsible for guarding each front.

Moreover, a group of forces formed a support corps, and where the Abyss was strong and beyond the scope of resistance, they would directly send people to support it.

The various forces talked for about an hour.

“Dragon King, after the Battle of the Abyss, we thank you again.”

After the group of people had finished talking, Wang Xian and the others flew out of the planet Yueyue.

A group of strong men from the Dragon Mang Group, Beichuan Sect, and Ancient God Dynasty politely said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded towards them, and then flew towards Longfeng.

“Master, this Dragon Palace obviously took the opportunity to earn the crystals of the abyss. I don’t want to take any risks. It’s too despicable and cunning!”

In the palace of the Great Teacher last month, an elder couldn’t help but speak as he saw the forces leaving.

“Yes, head teacher, and the Frost Goddess didn’t give us any face in the last month, now…”

“All right!”

Yue Xingguang opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by the head teacher last month before he was finished.

The others closed their mouths immediately and dared not continue the discussion.

“The Dragon King is unwilling. The Beichuan Sect, the Dragon Mang Group, and the Ancient Gods owe the Dragon Palace favor. We can’t force it. Even if we know that the other party is for the crystallization of the abyss, the Dragon Palace can still reduce a lot for us. Lost.”

“There is no need to make Long Palace embarrass me. There is no way for the other party to leave us directly.”

Last month the head teacher waved his hand lightly: “Prepare for the unity.”


Last month, the great teachers nodded their heads.

Regarding the Dragon Palace, apart from Yue Xingguang, an elder, and individual divine kings, most of the strong did not have much opinion.

As the head teacher said, you can’t force it.

“Dragon King!”

“How is it? How long will Longfeng be able to complete the transformation?”

At the same time, Wang Xian rushed to Longfeng and asked with a smile on his face.

“Although Longfeng has a foundation, it still takes seven or eight days.”

Tianzhen replied.

“Seven or eight days, time should be too late.”

Wang Xian nodded, staring at the abyss ahead.

In the abyss, there was a roar from time to time, and countless kinds of abyss gathered.

According to the gathering speed of the Abyssal Seed, at most ten days, a war may break out.

In the next few days, the entire northern line underwent an integration.

Compared with the previous time, a more reasonable allocation of legions to guard the front of the planets.

Moreover, in order to support as soon as possible, in the front position, a special teleportation formation used for warfare was set up on the northern line to provide timely support.

It can be said that the combination of the northern line can at least double their losses.

Naturally, Dragon Palace did not participate. Wang Xian has been staying on Longfeng for a few days, and has also learned some formations of the sky formation.

“Master, tomorrow morning the North Line is ready to launch a joint attack.”

In the afternoon of the eighth day, Wang Xian received a message from Bei Shuang.

“Will it break out?”

Wang Xian muttered, looking forward with a smile on his face.

Longfeng, a few hours ago, had also been completely remodeled.

After the transformation, Longfeng is more than ten times more powerful!

“Prepare, the battle will start tomorrow, see if you can get a wave of fat.”

Wang Xian joked with a smile on his face.

“A good Dragon King also allows the entire Northern Front to see our strength.”

Tianzhen nodded confidently.

Wang Xian smiled and looked inside Longfeng.

This time, the improvement mainly increased the strength of the Sky Eye Arrow and the wicked monster, followed by the Star Wood Dragon.

On the arrow stand below, there are tens of thousands of immortal king archers!

Next, it’s time to show your true strength!

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