Chapter 2660 Dragon Palace Strength Improves

“This trip went very smoothly. I don’t know what happened to the Devil Island.”

After speaking directly with the mother of the emperor star girl, Wang Xian did not stay in the emperor court for a long time, and flew directly in the direction of the devil island.

After flying and transiting, ten hours later, Wang Xian and the others came to the planet Yueyue.

“Master, I’m going back to Beichuan Sect first.”

Bei Shuang said to Wang Xian and flew towards Beichuanzong’s planet.

And Wang Xian flew straight towards the planet where the Dragon Palace was on the edge of the northern line.


When Wang Xian came to the front of the planet where the Dragon Palace was located, he saw hundreds of people floating around in front of the Dragon Peak on the side.

He raised his brows slightly and flew over immediately.

“Huh? The Dragon King is here!”

“The Dragon King is here, let’s go and thank the Dragon King.”

Beside Longfeng, hundreds of people noticed Wang Xian flying over and immediately greeted him.

“This is? Ancient God Dynasty!”

Wang Xian looked at their clothes and raised his brows slightly.

His gaze swept over, more than two hundred people, among them there were two powerhouses of the eighth rank of the Immortal King.

“Meet the Dragon King.”

“I finally saw the Dragon King. I would like to thank Dragon Palace for helping me in the previous battle. We are very grateful to the ancient gods.”

A crowd of people flew over and immediately thanked Wang Xian.

“Oh? I’ve been out here for a few days, and I don’t know what happened to the Devil Island.”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and looked at the civil servants in the Dragon Palace in front of Longfeng.

“Dragon King, after you left, the powerhouses in our Dragon Palace also returned to the Dragon Palace to improve their strength. Another war broke out on the Devil Island. This time the scale of the war is not very large, but the ancient gods’ bad luck encountered six. Only the eighth-order abyssal species of the immortal god king.”

“They asked us for help. Prime Minister Turtle sent the Dragon Palace Fire Hammer clan to control the Dragon Peak, and sent a group of strong men to help them withstand this crisis.”

A civil servant walked over immediately and whispered towards Wang Xian.

“This time thanks to Dragon Palace’s action, otherwise our ancient gods will lose a lot. If the Dragon King will order in the future, our ancient gods will not refuse.”

Next to him, an ancestor of the ancient gods said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face, and bowed his hands.

“Hehe, it’s all trivial things. I just came back from the outside, and some things have not been dealt with. After this war is over, we will get together again.”

Wang Xian shook his head indifferently when he heard what he said.

“Well, then we won’t bother the Dragon King. After the Battle of the Abyss, our ancient gods are grateful to everyone in the Dragon Palace!”

The group of people from the ancient gods nodded.

Wang Xian smiled and flew straight towards the Dragon Palace on the side of the planet.

“The Dragon Palace is really righteous, for helping us so much, the Dragon King didn’t care about it at all.”

“Yes, this time the battle of the abyss is fortunate for the appearance of the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King is really free and easy. In the future, our disciples of the ancient gods will meet the people of the Dragon Palace and respect them.”

The people of the ancient gods sighed slightly when they saw Wang Xian leaving.

Dragon Palace, they helped a lot this time. Although the ancient gods also gave them enough corpses from the abyss, the ancient gods still owed this favor.


“Prime Minister Turtle, another war broke out during the time I was away?”

In the main dragon palace, Wang Xian came to the position of Hualongchi instantly after returning, and the Prime Minister tortoise stood there.

“Dragon King!”

“Dragon King, a war broke out suddenly on the fourth day of your departure. The ancient gods ran into trouble. They gave us some abyss-type corpses. I sent someone to drive Longfeng to help them resist.”

“However, because the Heavenly Formation and most of its members are improving their strength, they have not been able to hunt down the Eighth Tier Abyss Species of the Immortal King.”

Prime Minister Turtle said.

“Well, what’s the situation on the Devil Island?”

Wang Xian asked.

“There is no situation at present, but there was another Immortal King 9th-order Abyss Seed from the Great Teacher last month, and the future situation is a bit bad.”

“The strength of the Great Teacher last month was not the best among the few Great Teachers. There is no immortal king of peak power.”

“According to the news we got, there should be four ninth-tier powerhouses in the Great Teacher last month.”

Prime Minister Kame said.

“Four people, you call Ao Yao and Mou Zesen over.”

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly and ordered to him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded, and immediately flew towards the rear.

Wang Xian stood in front of the Hualong Pond, looking at the dragon palace powerhouses inside.

Inside, Ao Fenghuang, Ao Jian, Ao Qitian, and Ao Qi all promoted inside.

The central location is a strange formation of heaven.

The heavenly formation is breaking through towards the 9th-order of the Immortal King, while Ao Fenghuang and Ao Jian are breaking through the 8th-order of the Immortal King.

After this time, Dragon Palace was able to increase the combat effectiveness of one immortal king of rank 9 and the combat effectiveness of eight immortal kings of rank 8.


When Wang Xian moved his palm, spatial rings appeared in his hand. Inside the spatial rings, there were a lot of resources.

“These resources can make Dragon Palace increase the combat effectiveness of the four immortal kings of Tier Nine.”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he was going to promote Ao Yao, Mu Zesen, Ao Xingmu and Ao Fenghuang.

After the promotion, the strength of the Dragon Palace will have six immortal kings with ninth-tier combat power.

If last month’s Grand Master Rugui Prime Minister had said the strength, then last month was not their Dragon Palace’s opponent.

“Dragon King!”

Soon, Ao Yao and Mou Zesen rushed over.

“First improve the strength of both of you!”

Wang Xian looked at them and said directly.


The two already possessed the fighting power of the Eighth Tier of the Immortal King, so they didn’t have the promotion this time.

Hearing what Wang Xian said, he was slightly taken aback.

“Good luck, got some resources, you guys sit here cross-legged.”

Wang Xian smiled and poured a large amount of resources directly into his mouth, quickly transforming it into dragon energy.

Subsequently, Wang Xian passed the Dragon Qi to Ao Yao and Mou Zesen.


Half an hour later, the strength of Ao Yao and Mou Zesen successfully broke through.

After the breakthrough, the power of the two people is even more vast.

“Dragon Palace, Ao Yao Mu Zesen and the others will be promoted, and then we will be able to obtain more abyss-type corpses!”

Prime Minister Kame said excitedly.

“I don’t know how long this war will take. There will soon be a war on the Imperial Court. This is also an opportunity for our Dragon Palace!”

“But opportunities and dangers coexist.”

Wang Xian murmured, his eyes flickering and said.

Now he hopes that the war on the Devil Island will last longer.

Longer duration means that the more resources Dragon Palace obtains, the faster Dragon Palace’s strength will increase.

If the Devil Island is breached, the trouble will be big.

With a move in his heart, he came to the front of the dragon chair!

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