Chapter 2657 Background, Battle Pet: Chu Snake

Historically, the imperial court disciples have the ability to reach the seventh rank of the eternal god, and they can almost become the emperor and the emperor.

Just like the two emperors and daughters of the previous generation, they are of this strength, and five thousand years have passed, they are only the strength of the peak of the gods.

It’s not even close to the Immortal King.

However, the emperor star girl shows the strength of the peak of the gods, which means that she can compare with the emperor and emperor of the previous generation.

This can be said to be a gap of five thousand years.

“How could the strength of the Emperor Star Girl be so strong?”

“A few years ago, I remembered that she was still the fifth rank of the Divine Lord. Could it be that she has gained any kind of rapid improvement in strength?”

“It’s not that she has been hiding her strength, or that she has obtained huge resources in recent years.”

Some people around looked at the emperor star girl who looked down upon the heroes with gleaming eyes.

Faced with the 19 most outstanding disciples of the same generation, one person can easily suppress it. The Imperial Court hasn’t seen such a powerful disciple for a long time.

“So strong.”

Among the emperors and daughters, Emperor Haosong’s expression kept changing. This was his daughter.

If it were normal, he would be very happy, his daughter became an emperor, and the strength is still so strong.

but now…

His face slowly darkened.

“God Lord Peak!”

The expressions of the nineteen disciples kept changing, and Di Suzhuang’s expression sank, and he clenched the snow-white long sword in his hand.

“I surrender.”

Aside, the dark horse woman looked at the emperor star girl who exuded a powerful force, shook her head, and retreated directly to the rear.

“I also admit defeat.”

“I also admit defeat.”

Someone took the lead and two other women shook their heads helplessly, and retreated to the side.

The strength of the peak of the gods is not something they can contend.

“what about you?”

The Emperor Star girl raised her head slightly, her eyes swept across the rest, including the fourteen young men.

“Want to go down.”

“I didn’t expect that the Emperor Star Girl would be so strong.”

Several young men shook their heads and retreated to the side.

All of a sudden, ten men stepped aside.

“Emperor Star Girl, don’t think that you have the strength of the pinnacle of the god, we are afraid of you, the selection of the emperor and the emperor, the test is the strength, not the realm.”

Di Su clasped the snow-white long sword in his hand with a face full of unwillingness.


The next moment, drops of white liquid dripped from her long sword, and the liquid slowly condensed into a human shape.

The white humanoid phantom directly entered Di Suzhuang’s body.


The next moment, an extremely powerful aura shot out from her body.

“This is that I have obtained a war spirit, conceived for a thousand years, and fit with it. Don’t think that if you have the strength of the peak of the gods, you can suppress everyone. This time the competition is not over yet.”

There is no wind on Di Suzhuang’s body, and his momentum skyrocketed.

“Zhan Ling, I didn’t expect Emperor Suzhuang to obtain such a treasure.”

Some people saw that Di Suzhuang’s power increased greatly, with surprised expressions on their faces.

The princes and daughters looked at with twinkling eyes.

The emperor and emperor grand competition compares strength and combat effectiveness.

Except for high-tech things that cannot be used, the rest are available.

“Haha, Emperor Star Girl, you are a little delusional if you want to suppress all of us, even if your strength is very strong.”

At the next location, there was an extra wooden staff in the Emperor Soul Singer, and a stick of cane protruded from the staff, and the cane slowly covered it, enveloping the whole body.


Soon, the same incomparably powerful power radiated from his body, not weaker than the peak of the gods.

At the same time, his body shape is more than 100 meters high under the wrapper of the rattan.

“Come out, Muji!”


But all this is not over yet, his large-scale staff waved in front of him, and a ten-meter-sized battle pet suddenly appeared.

The battle pet has a pair of wings like leaves, falling on the huge shoulders of Emperor Soul Song.

“The trump card has been revealed, and the emperor soul song has shown the trump card. The battle pet of the god master peak level, and the powerful rattan covering the whole body, what kind of treasure is that?”

“Hehe, sure enough, none of our imperial court’s arrogance is simple.”

“The power of the Emperor Soul Song is so powerful, he has the combat power of the peak of the Divine Lord, and coupled with the battle pet, the combat power is even stronger than the Emperor Star Girl.”

“Although it is with the help of external forces, it is also part of the strength.”

Some people saw the change of Emperor Suzhuang and Emperor Soul Song with surprised expressions on their faces.

Even the mother of the Emperor Star Girl was full of worry on her face.


In the field, several young men and women saw the change of the Emperor Soul Song, their faces showed jealousy, and their pupils shrank slightly.

“Hehe, didn’t you expect a decisive battle so soon?”

On the side, the corner of Di Ming’s mouth was slightly tilted, and his arm waved.


Pieces of metal appeared in front of him, and the metal turned into a ten-meter-sized giant like a Transformer!

He leaped lightly and jumped onto Transformers!


“All of them are very strong!”

“There are so many hole cards!”

Di Jiu, who was dressed in a black robe, shone with a dark luster in his eyes.

“Crack, click, click.”

Around him, two dark golden skeletons appeared in front of him, and the dark golden skeletons exuded an aura.

“Hehe, I’m a bit unwilling if I don’t try it.”

“Emperor Star Girl, don’t be arrogant too early, on the cards, on the background, you are still far away!”

Emperor Qingshan waved his arm, and beside him appeared a battle pet covered in scale armor and looked like a wolf!


The battle pet scanned the surroundings and let out an angry roar, a powerful evil spirit radiating towards the surroundings.


Emperor Qingshan gave a soft drink, and the pet on the side lowered his head slightly and stood beside him.

“Two powerful battle pets, the dark gold skeletons are also alternative battle pets, they are completely tamed, this…”

“It’s not that they have tamed it, but a strong and powerful animal trainer has been helping to tame it for a long time, so that it can be swung like an arm. This requires long-term assistance. This can be said to be the foundation.”

The young men and women who had withdrew saw this scene and said with some envy.

“Hehe, Emperor Star Girl, don’t challenge us so blindly and arrogantly, don’t be so violent, and apologize. You girls will compete first and then fight again, otherwise we will only be able to come and not be indecent.”

Emperor Soul Song stared at the Emperor Star Girl and said coldly.

The Emperor Star Girl embarrassed them just now, and they naturally found the place back.

“Hmph, I want to see you continue to be arrogant.”

Di Qing Shan stared at the Emperor Star Girl with a calm face, and said.

“Hehe, it’s worthy of the support of the elders behind it, it’s different, but you still don’t have the qualifications to compete with me.”

The Emperor Star Girl glanced over the surrounding circle, and slowly squatted down, with a cold expression on her face!


She whispered.


At the next moment, a huge monster suddenly appeared.

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