Chapter 2655 Sweep With One Sword (1)

“What kind of father is he!”

When the Emperor Star Girl finished speaking, Di Haosong’s expression on the side immediately sank.

He was the emperor from 40,000 years ago and possessed a glorious body. Which of his children did not fear and respect themselves?

Now the Emperor Star Girl completely ignored him.

“The wings are hard, boy.”

Di Haosong’s face became cold, staring at the Emperor Star Girl and said.

“Yes, the wings are hard.”

The Emperor Star girl stared at him without shyness, and said lightly.

“Star Girl, how did you talk to your father.”

The woman on the side hurriedly said to the Emperor Star Girl with an embarrassed expression.

“He is not worthy to be a husband, a father.”

The Emperor Star Girl looked at her mother a little bit hard, and said stubbornly.

“Hehe, okay, Meijuan, your good daughter of discipline!”

Di Haosong’s expression turned gloomy for an instant, and his eyes stared at the woman coldly.

“Don’t look at my mother with this look, do you think you deserve to be a husband? You still have the face to blame others!”

The Emperor Star Girl stared at him with disdain, and said directly.

“Lack of education.”

Di Haosong’s face was cold, and his palm hit the face of the Emperor Star Girl!


Wang Xian stretched out his hand and held Di Haosong’s palm with ease, coughed and said nothing!


Di Haosong sensed Wang Xian’s palm, his face changed, followed by staring at him with a gloomy face, and roared in a low voice, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

“It’s you who should stop.”

Wang Xian said lightly, released his palm and stared at him lightly.

“Haha, okay, I think your wings are really hard, and you dare to resist my words!”

Di Haosong laughed, staring at the Di Star Girl and her mother with a cold face.

“Husband, I…”

“Mom, we don’t have to be angry with him. We haven’t come here in these years, ha ha, this time I became an emperor, so I am afraid of him?”

The Emperor Star Girl said coldly.

Once she becomes an emperor, she will be valued by the emperor court.

Although her position is not as good as her father’s, her father can’t handle her.

After all, her talent is no worse than that of her father.

Before her father had become a top combat power like Tier 8 and Tier 9, the Emperor Court would treat him equally.

The Emperor Star Girl’s mother was somewhat silent, and sighed helplessly.

“As your father, even if you become an emperor, I will be able to educate you and be rebellious!”

When Di Haosong heard the words of the Emperor Star Girl, he was completely angry, and raised his arm again, trying to hit her!

“Hey, don’t embarrass yourself.”

Wang Xian looked over, said faintly, and grabbed his arm easily again to remind him.

“Get out of here, this is our family affair, let me go if you don’t want to die.”

Di Haosong’s face changed again, and he stared at Wang Xian with no secret of murderousness.

“Don’t find embarrassment yourself.”

Bei Shuang next to him heard his words and put his palm on Di Haosong’s shoulder.

Di Haosong wanted to evade, but found that he couldn’t react at all.

The palm fell on his body, half of his arm was covered with frost.

Wang Xian and Bei Shuang could see that the Emperor Star Girl didn’t have the slightest affection for her father, and even had a trace of hatred.

And the mother of the Emperor Star Girl also has no feelings for his husband.

Given to Emperor Haosong by his family, he naturally has no feelings at all, plus these tens of thousands of years of neglect.

How could it have a good impression.

More helpless and unwilling.

“You are looking for death, so you dare to make trouble in our imperial court.”

Di Haosong’s expression changed, and he stared at Wang Xian and Bei Shuang with a murderous look.

“The matter of the emperor star is the matter of our Dragon Palace, so if you are looking for something, then I will be embarrassed!”

Wang Xian’s palm gently pushed towards him, and Di Haosong’s whole body was shaken, and he retreated directly to the rear.

For a moment, his face was filled with anger.


In the front center position, all the emperors and daughters who watched Bidou noticed the situation here and were slightly surprised.

“Big Brother!”

Di Haofang’s expression changed, and he immediately rushed out to hold onto Di Haosong’s body.

“what happened?”

The old guardian looked towards Emperor Haosong, glanced at the Emperor Wang Xian and the stars, and asked faintly.

“Faculty, no…nothing.”

Di Haosong’s expression kept changing, he took a deep breath and said with a gloomy face.

The ugliness of the family is still there!

What can he say about this matter?

Bullied by the forces that your daughter relies on?

What’s his face then?

He stood with a sullen face among the emperors and daughters, his expression constantly changing.

“Sir, the strength of that girl is good, she is the highest among the disciples, and the power she relies on is also very strong. Not surprisingly, the emperor belongs to her.”

At the central location, an old woman glanced at the emperor star woman, and spoke to the old guardian.

“Well, not surprisingly, she is the strongest, and she also belongs to the strongest disciple of the last dozen generations.”

The old guardian nodded slightly.

“Mom, we don’t care about him. When your daughter I become an emperor, we don’t have to be afraid of him at all. What’s more, there are good people, Sister Beishuang, and they help me.”

On Wang Xian’s side, the Emperor Star Girl comforted her worried mother and said with a smile.

“He is your father after all.”

The woman sighed and said.


The Emperor Star Girl snorted, then turned her head to say thank you in a low voice to Wang Xian.

He smiled and nodded.

In the front position, ninety disciples competed one by one, and it took more than ten hours to rank them.

“Eleven to twenty disciples came out, and the other ten disciples also entered the field.”

Ten hours is very short for a group of strong people.

The voice of the old guardian continued to sound.


The disciples came to the field with some excitement in their eyes. They looked at each other’s competitors, their faces full of fighting spirit.

“Twenty disciples, six women, the woman first chooses an emperor, and then ranks!”

The old guardian tells the rules!

There is one emperor and emperor in each session, but sometimes there will be a situation, that is, the strength of the emperor may not be as strong as the second or even third place on the men’s side.

This has no effect on the emperor’s name, but it will affect the final resource allocation.

“All the male disciples watched from the sidelines, and the female disciple thought that six of them were free to challenge!”

The old guardian continued.

“It’s a guardian!”

A crowd of male disciples immediately stood aside!

“Who do you think will become an emperor?”

“The strength of Di Suzhuang should not be underestimated. It can definitely be ranked in the top three in our generation. There is a dark horse among the women, and the specific strength is unknown!”

“Don’t forget the Emperor Star Girl, her strength is not weak!”

Fourteen young people walked to the side, several of them guessed.

“Emperor Star Girl, huh? What qualifications does an actor have to be called an emperor.”

Di Qingshan said with an ugly expression.

Several young people nearby smiled faintly when they heard what she said.

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