Chapter 2653 Zhenshi Bell

“Boom boom boom!”

Just when Wang Xian was talking with the Emperor Star Girl, a powerful force swept over, and the sky made a roar!


Wang Xian looked at it, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes!

Everyone in the entire square quickly looked towards the front of the center, and soon opened their mouths slightly, with shocked expressions on their faces!

In front of the center, three or four thousand young, middle-aged, and old men flew toward this side, and everyone carried a hint of pride!

Among them, the weakest is also the peak of God Lord!

The strongest party possesses the eighth and ninth steps of the Immortal King, and there is even a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Immortal King!

Three or four thousand people lined up and flew over, the momentum is compelling!

Many of their auras are not the kind of powerful coercion, but the invincible aura!

A contemporary invincible, strong self-confidence, the weak will even feel inferior to the past!

This kind of momentum is difficult to develop.

And this kind of momentum has a powerful increase in combat.

I am invincible!

“This is the emperor’s son and daughter before our imperial court, so powerful.”

“It is the emperor and daughter of our imperial court for thousands of years. The emperor headed by the emperor has become a protector, and it is in his twilight years!”

“These are all the arrogances who have suppressed every era!”

In front of the ceremony staircase in the square, all the disciples of the Imperial Court looked at the figures in awe!

Of those three thousand or so, one of them was drawn out randomly, all of them were the same generation that the Emperor Star Region suppressed at the beginning.

They are the most dazzling existence in an era.

The emperor and the emperor, symbolizing the two most outstanding in the emperor star domain.

“Swish swish!”

When more than three thousand emperors and princes stood in the front, a crowd of people flew out again from the rear.

Similarly, more than 10,000 people flew from the rear, still young, middle-aged, and old.

They are also the shining figures of each era, the most outstanding group of people in each era.

There are even some people who came from behind, surpassing the emperor and emperor of their generation.

These people are the same outstanding disciples who participated in the competition before, and they are among the best.

More than 10,000 people arrived, and 80% of them had reached the realm of the immortal king, that is to say, they were tens of thousands of immortal king masters.

“Ring the bell!”

A group of powerful imperial courts arrived, and the old guardian with white hair and wrinkles on his crutches said softly!

Although his voice is soft, it reaches everyone’s ears!

This is the existence that has lived for nearly tens of millions of years, the twilight old man, the former emperor!


“A warning!”


“Er Zhong Weishi!”


“Three Bells Zhenshi!”

“Imperial Court’s 10th and third generation disciple Dabi, start!”

As soon as the old man’s voice fell, the huge and simple divine clock in the central position slammed into it automatically!

Also, a pale voice came from the divine clock.

The bell sounded like a voice from outside the sky, hitting the soul directly.

When Wang Xian heard this voice, his heart shook slightly.

“What kind of artifact is this? It is so horrible, one bell to warn the world, two bells to be the world, and three bells to be the world!”

“There are one hundred and three generations of the Imperial Court? Every five thousand years is one generation, which means that the Imperial Court has existed for more than 500 million years.”

Wang Xian’s heart shakes, powerful bells, long history.

“All the disciples participating in the Big Bi debut.”

“The rest can just watch the ceremony on the ceremony ladder, don’t be restrained.”

A smile appeared on the old face of the guardian who presided over, and he said faintly.

“Yes, protector!”

Some disciples immediately responded and leaped towards the open space in the central square.

A famous disciple entered the square, and soon millions of disciples fell into it.

“It is the happiest thing for us old guys to see the imperial court becoming more and more prosperous, ha ha.”

The old guardian smiled and looked at the hundreds of thousands of disciples below!


His crutches lightly landed on the ground with a roar.

“Next, Zhen Shizhong will test your strength, mind, and only one hundred to one hundred and fifty emperors will be left in the field.”

“All disciples must work hard, even if they can’t make it to the forefront, those who perform well are extremely likely to be accepted as disciples by the strong present!”

At the same time, the voice of the old guardian sounded.

The disciple of the Emperor Court is not selected after several days or even ten days of competitions.

There are powerful artifacts, the selection is very simple, and there will be no injustice.


A famous disciple immediately responded loudly.

“Disperse immediately, five hundred meters apart.”

The old guardian said lightly.

All the disciples immediately dispersed, spreading across the square.

“Zhen Shizhong, check it out.”

The old guardian gave a soft sigh.


Zhen Shizhong, located in the center, trembled slightly, and thunder covered all the sky. In the next moment, every surrounding space was torn apart and became a separate domain.


One after another thunder and lightning fell on everyone, and one after another thunder appeared in front of millions of disciples.

Thunder is illusory, transformed into a human form, and each human form possesses the fourth-order combat power of the eternal god.

“The first assessment begins, defeat the opponent in front of you.”

The old guardian said.




All the disciples also knew that the assessment had already begun, staring at the thunder and lightning in front of them to condense their opponents, and immediately killed them.

“This Zhen Shizhong is strange.”

Wang Xian saw the scene ahead and scanned the Zhenshi Bell standing there in the center.

The assessment has already begun, and 99% of the people will be wiped out in the first round of assessment.

“The fourth-order thunder of the eternal god has no threat to the star girl.”

Bei Shuang looked at the position of the Emperor Star Girl and said lightly!

“There is no threat.”

Wang Xian nodded, his eyes swept away.

At this moment, the emperor star female among the disciples of the emperor court appeared in the hands of the dragon blood sword, and waved at the thunder figure in front of her.

A burst of energy swept across, and Thunder’s figure instantly collapsed.

In the field, many people were able to defeat the Thunder Phantom in one blow.

Some look very relaxed.

Those disciples who were more relaxed, raised their heads slightly, and waited for the ghost images that continued to appear after ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, two thunder ghosts appeared, the same strength as just now.

The Emperor Star Girl waved her arm in the same way and instantly disappeared.

Ten seconds later, three emerged.

“The first test was a bit boring, and the truly capable disciples couldn’t show it. I almost fell asleep during the test!”

“Hehe, your kid can really brag, the first test is just to screen people, and some disciples can’t reveal their hole cards!”

“By the way, I am more optimistic about the Emperor Soul Song, his strength now has the seventh rank of the Eternal Divine Lord, right?”

“I am optimistic about my nephew, Di Ming. Yesterday my elder brother came to me and I gave him a treasure. Now Di Ming has also broken through to the seventh rank of the Divine Lord!”

“The realm is one aspect, more than actual combat and power!”

In the front position, the former emperor and daughter, and the former Tianjiao were talking and talking with a smile.

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