Chapter 2630 You Are Not Worthy To Be The Frost Goddess Master (1)

“Huh? What? Dragon Blood Sword, the treasure?”

When Wang Xian’s voice fell, everyone around him was slightly taken aback, and the old man of the Dragon Mang Group floating in the sky was also full of stunned expressions, and his eyes immediately stared at Wang Xian!

“Treasure? Really?”

“Dragon Blood Sword, cast with the blood of the dragon’s bones and dragons, is this… is it possible?”

Some people looked at it in shock, staring at the sharp sword in Wang Xian’s hand!

The sword hilt of the dragon head, the whole body is blood red, and the whole sword exudes a faint coercion!

“This sword is extraordinary!”

“This sword is not simple, even if it is not as powerful as he said, it is comparable to other divine swords!”

When all the powerhouses around looked around, they were slightly surprised!

They are all powerhouses of the Immortal King’s level, each of them naturally has extraordinary eyesight, and the Dragon Blood Sword is not comparable to other Divine Swords at a glance!

That faint coercion made everyone feel palpitations!

Last month, Dajiaoyue Xingguang looked at him, and when he fell on the Dragon Blood Sword, his face changed slightly. This sword was much better than his own!

The old man of the Dragon Mang Group stared at this sword with a hot expression in his eyes!

Such an Excalibur can increase his strength a lot!

The moon essence in Moon Bay has been absorbed by him. Although it is still a rare treasure without the moon essence, it is no longer as powerful as before!

Using it in exchange for a powerful Excalibur can greatly improve his combat effectiveness!

“This friend of the Dragon Mang Group, I am willing to use this divine sword, plus ten immortal divine king fifth-order abyssal crystals!”

Seeing the old man’s expression, Yue Xingguang said in a secret voice, and immediately spoke!


Hearing Yue Xingguang’s words, the old man from the Dragon Mang Group turned his head and took a look, but there was not much fluctuation in his eyes!

“This is obviously that the Dragon Blood Divine Sword is more valuable!”

“I don’t know if the dragon blood sword is made of the bones of the dragon and the blood of the dragon blood? But despite this, the dragon blood sword should be of high value!”

Some people around saw this scene and whispered about it!

“Huh? Xiaoguang, is there a treasure you like?”

At this moment, a group of middle-aged people not far away saw the moon starlight, and came over and asked suspiciously!

There were also many people coming around from the rear position!

The movement here attracted the attention of all the powerhouses around, and came over curiously one by one!

“Elder, that treasure has a great effect on wood attribute cultivators!”

Yue Xingguang said when he saw the great masters of Dajiao!


Last month, all the people at the Great Teacher’s College looked at them, and they were slightly surprised!

“What a majestic vitality, even the sacred tree of our sect’s immortal god king peak is incomparable!”

The pupils of the elder beside him shrank slightly, his eyes were shocked!

“What a deal?”

The elder of the Great Teacher asked immediately last month!

“Elder, the other party needs a divine sword, but that young man took out a very strong divine sword!”

Yue Xingguang looked at the dragon blood sword in Wang Xian’s hand and said!

Last month, the elder of the Great Teacher’s eyes fell on the Dragon Blood Sword, with a trace of surprise on his face!

“This little friend, I am willing to trade with the Excalibur in your hand!”

At this time, the old man of the Dragon Mang Group suddenly spoke to Wang Xian!


When Wang Xian heard it, a smile appeared on his face!

The Dragon Blood Sword is naturally not comparable to other Excalibur!

However, this dragon blood sword is not as precious as imagined, after all, if the fallen dragon is really made into this kind of sword, it can create tens of thousands of handles!

Its preciousness is completely incomparable with Moon Bay!

Of course, the value of this Moon Bay depends on whose hands it is!

In the hands of the old man of the Dragon Mang Group, the value is not as good as the Dragon Blood Sword!

“Wait, this friend of the Dragon Mang Group, we want this treasure in your hands. You can go to our treasure house of the University of Education last month to pick two treasures at will!”

Seeing that Moon Bay was about to be traded, the elder of the Great Teacher last month hesitated and said!


The elder of the Dragon Mang Group was stunned, his face showed hesitation!

You can choose two treasures from the treasure house of the Dajiao last month. It’s…so tempting!

“What? Choose two treasures from the Treasury of the Great Teacher of Last Month? It seems that the Great Teacher of Last Month will get it!”

“Hi, the treasures in the treasure house of the Great Teacher last month are definitely powerful treasures!”

When some people around heard the words of the elder of the Great Teacher last month, they were slightly startled, and they all talked!

“Look at this divine sword first!”

Wang Xian glanced at the elder of the Great Teacher last month, waved his arm, and threw the dragon blood sword in his hand to the old man of the Dragon Mang Group!

The old man took it and held it in his hand!


The power of the laws was condensed, and his eyes widened!


In the next moment, a ghost of the dragon appeared around the Dragon Blood Sword, and a dragon chant came from the Dragon Blood Sword!


The old man of the Dragon Mang Group opened his eyes wide, with an expression of excitement in his eyes!

“What is this? Is the magical tool smart? Is that a dragon?”

“Is it really made from the bones of the dragon? The blood of the dragon is poured? Otherwise, how could there be such a spirit of the artifact?”

“Even if it is not the legendary pure-blood dragon, it is built from the bones of the extremely powerful dragon species regularly, sigh, this is the treasure!”

The people around felt the changes on the Dragon Blood Sword, and their faces were shocked!

Last month, the faces of the elders and Yue Xingguang changed slightly!

“It is very likely that it is really a divine sword cast by the body of a dragon!”

At this time, some strong people gathered around, staring at the magic sword in amazement, and some strong people using sharp swords had fiery eyes!

This is definitely a treasure!

Even many people think that the value of the Dragon Blood Sword is much higher than that of Moon Bay!

“Hahaha, a good sword, a good sword, it is indeed the sword of the dragon, this little friend, I have changed the treasure!”

The old man of the Dragon Mang Group excitedly stroked the Dragon Blood Sword in his hand, and Moon Bay flew towards Wang Xian!


Wang Xian looked at the Moon Bay in front of him, and his eyes were hot. It was worth coming here this time to get such a treasure!

“This little brother, this Guchi Moon Bay is willing to cut love, I am willing to exchange a lot of treasures for you!”

Aside, Yue Xingguang looked at Wang Xian unwillingly, and said to him!

“No change!”

Wang Xian glanced at him and refused directly!

“Don’t rush to refuse first, you can enter our teacher last month to choose two treasures, and I will give you enough treasures!”

Moon Starlight was stunned, gritted his teeth and continued!

“Don’t change anything!”

Wang Xian responded indifferently!


His face changed, very embarrassed!

Wang Xian ignored him and put away Guchi Moon Bay!

“This little brother, we can talk about the price again, and we can let you choose four treasures from our treasure house of the Great Education last month!”

The elder of the Great Teacher last month hesitated aside, he looked like a king immortal!

“I said no change, are you trying to buy and sell?”

Wang Xian frowned slightly looking at them one after another about to buy!

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