Chapter 2612 Breakthrough in Strength, Abnormal Changes in the Abyss (1)

“Sister Beishuang was really accepted as an apprentice by Dragon Palace?”

Outside the Dragon Palace, the Immortal God of the North Gate stood outside with a shocked expression on the girl’s face, and couldn’t help exclaiming!

“Yes, trouble Xiaoxun to tell the emperor that I will practice in the Dragon Palace in the future!”

Bei Shuang nodded, said to her, looked at the North Gate Immortal God King on the side, then waved at the girl and entered the Dragon Palace!

The girl opened her mouth and her face was full of surprise!

“Huh? Miss Beishuang was really accepted as an apprentice by the Dragon King?”

Soon, the Emperor Beimen received the news with a shocked look on his face, and then he frowned slightly!

“Apprentice to the Dragon King is good for our North Gate Immortal Kingdom, but what about Beichuan Sect?”

He murmured, with hesitation on his face!

“Just notify Beichuanzong. Beishuang is not as valued as before, and Beichuanzong shouldn’t care about her anymore!”

An old man from the North Gate Immortal Dynasty next to him said!

“Well, too!”

The Emperor Beimen nodded!

Beishuang was sent to them, which meant that Beichuan Sect had completely abandoned it!

The fact that Bei Shuang was accepted as a disciple by the Dragon King did not arouse much attention!

After this great war, Dragon Palace became completely low-key, and Dragon Star became completely prosperous!

The years are long, and half a year has passed quickly, and the Dragon Star has become the center of the Xingnan Galaxy!

On this day of half a month, Wang Xian took Hua’er Cai’er and Xiao Ran and all of them!

The arrival of the two little girls made the entire Dragon Palace a lot of fun, and the two of Hua’er Cai’er clung to the Wang Xian all day long!

This made the Emperor Star Girl a little stunned, calling Wang Xian a beast!

In the Xingnan Galaxy, Dragon Palace has an absolute status, and the resources that Dragon Palace obtains every day are also very terrifying!

Every day, the immortal king is born in the Dragon Palace!

The strength of Dragon Palace is also advancing by leaps and bounds!

“After entering inside, be careful, Aotu, you’d better defend, the abyss species of the eighth-order battle power of the Immortal King is not so easy to deal with!”

A year later, in the abyss, around the abyss giant peak, Wang Xian led a group of dragon palace powerhouses to the front of giant peak, and said to them!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A total of forty-two immortal kings of the seventh-order powerhouse, plus Wang Xian himself, this time the Dragon Palace can be said to have sent all the powerhouses!

In addition, one hundred and fifty immortal kings of the sixth rank came!

A year and a half later, Wang Xian came here again!

This time, Wang Xian wants to break through this abyss and get the treasures inside!

After eliminating the six major forces, Dragon Palace has obtained all their resources!

With their resources, Dragon Palace has added eleven immortal kings of rank 7 and 50 immortal kings of rank 6!

And Wang Xian, also in all the immortal kingdoms and treasure houses of the six major forces, has obtained a lot of resources!

It’s a pity that these resources can’t raise it to the first level!

But the distance is improved, not far!


Wang Xian gave a soft drink and went directly into the giant peak!

With such strength in the Dragon Palace, even if there are four eighth-order immortal kings in it, they can still contend with it!

Of course, if there are really four, Dragon Palace would have some difficulty in capturing this place!

But last time, according to his investigation, there was only one Immortal King Eighth-order Abyss Species inside!

“As long as you can break through here, the fruit of that huge tree should be able to increase your combat power to the eighth-order of the Immortal King, and it can also increase the Dragon Palace with an eighth-tier member of the Immortal King!”

He murmured, his eyes showed hope!


At the side position, the sky formation took out one formation compass and waved it towards the void!

“Dragon King, according to energy reconnaissance, there is only one immortal king of rank 8 in it, and there are fifteen immortal kings of rank 7!”

The sky array on the side said slowly!

“Yes, old man of heaven, great!”

On the side, the evil spirit gave him a thumbs up!

“Little guy, treat the elderly with respect, especially if you can’t beat them!”

Tianzhen said lightly towards him!

“Hey, rely on selling the old, next time you abuse you!”

The evil spirit smiled and said with a chuckle!

“Okay, get inside!”

Wang Xian smiled, and a group of people immediately entered from the hole around the top of the giant peak!

“Fifteen seventh-tiers plus one hundred and fifty sixth-tiers to deal with the rest, the abyss seed of the eighth-tier immortal king, let’s solve it!”

Wang Xian said lightly!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

“At most five minutes, it’s all done!”

A group of Dragon Palace members said confidently!


The next moment, a crowd of people flew down at a terrifying speed!

They lock onto an abyss species one by one!

Located under the magma on the seabed, a group of abyssal species sensed the arrival of the Dragon Palace powerhouse, felt the strong pressure, and immediately drilled out of it!


Even the Abyss Seed of the Eighth Stage Immortal King showed his head agitatedly, staring at Wang Xian and all of them with cold blood red eyes!




In the next moment, the members of Wang Xian directly transformed, one by one transformed into a powerful dragon species, with a roar in their mouths!

Wang Xian turned into a colorful dragon, swaying a huge body, and the dragon claws attacked downward!

At this moment, the power of Dragon Palace is undoubtedly revealed!


The Abyss Seed below let out a roar and directly greeted him!


With the strength of the Dragon Palace, ten members of the seventh-order combat power can leapfrog against the immortal king of the eighth-order abyss species!

Twenty-five members of the rank 7 immortal king fight against the rank 8 abyss species!

Yulong dragon kind of Ao soil they master defense!

The arrow dragon dragon species Mu Zesen and their masters attack from a distance!

Ao Qitian, a mad dragon, is in close combat with Ao Qizhu!

Ao Yao thorn dragon dragon seed attacked and killed!

At the end, there is the interference of the evil evil spirit and the master of the eight Qi, toxins!

Dolphin family master and auxiliary!

In addition, Ao Xingmu’s Xingmu dragon species and Ao Fenghuang’s heavenly thunder and fire dragon and phoenix species are added!

Under such circumstances, the Dragon Palace instantly suppressed all the abyss species inside!

“Okay, kill!”

Wang Xian smiled when he saw this situation!

According to this situation, as long as the ten members of the Dragon Palace cooperate well, they will be able to kill the eighth-order Abyss Species within half an hour, let alone twenty-five!

“Boom boom boom!”

The powerful battle lasted for four minutes, and the Abyss Seed of the Eighth Tier of the Immortal King was killed by Ao Yao and Mou Zesen, penetrating their bodies!

“Jie Jie Jie, it’s easy!”

Eight Qi and the others saw the immortal king’s eighth-order abyss species being killed, and smiles appeared on their faces!

“This corpse of the eighth-level abyss of the Immortal King can raise a person to the eighth-level combat effectiveness of the Immortal King. Look for yourself, who uses it!”

Wang Xian said with a smile!

“Dragon King, I want it, I will promote it first, juniors, are you okay?”

Tianzhen’s eyes were fiery, and he immediately spoke!

“Rely on the old and sell the old!”

Baqi Demon Sha and the others said it, but no one opposed it!

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