2606: Words Crush Variety-Chapter 2606

“Boom boom boom!”

On the planet where the six major alliances are located, a weird space is shrouded, and more than 500 strong men are fleeing in despair!

There is only one of the three Immortal Kings 7th-tier powerhouses on the other side!

What frightened them the most and even wanted to curse them was that one of the other party’s Immortal King Seventh-order powerhouse did not attack them, but instead attacked them like a cat and a mouse!

From time to time, let out a harsh laugh!

This made them completely desperate, and a strong man named Immortal King Sixth Rank was beheaded!

It was not as good as the opponent’s strength, and now that they have been beheaded so many, everyone is desperate!

An immortal king of six forces was beheaded!

“Despicable, your Dragon Palace is too despicable, deliberately showing weakness, deliberately looking for opportunities to cheat us, you despicable group of guys!”

At the moment, the Sanhaimen sect master has collapsed a bit!

Half of the powerhouse of the sect died in the hands of Dragon Palace. He always thought that revenge was hopeful, but the repeated failures made his heart full of despair!

Seeing the Dragon Palace powerhouse attacking him jokingly from above, his body trembled, and his face was full of icy roar!

“Ha ha!”

Baqi looked at him mockingly, and attacked him one after another!

“Dragon Palace, you must not die, you must not die!”

Sanhaimen sect master shouted sternly!



An immortal king of Tier 6 was beheaded, and the other six powers collapsed even more, their eyes were blood red, and they gritted their teeth and roared!

Now, they don’t want to escape, they just want to kill one!

However, under the huge gap, they did not have much resistance at all, and the immortal kings fell quickly!

“Do not!”

Above the position, the ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect stared at the bottom with a splitting eye, full of murderous roar!

“Die me!”

He roared wildly!

“Jie Jie Jie, don’t worry, now it’s your turn!”

Baqi looked at him and roared with a stern face!

Just when the fighting here has been fully carried out, it is located in the Tianshan commercial planet!

More than one hundred powerful immortal kings of Dragon Palace and more than one hundred powerful kings of Tianshan Sword Sect were fighting together!

The aftermath of horror and the power of powerful laws made the entire planet tremble!

In all directions, a tourist and shopkeeper on the famous Tianshan commercial planet looked at the energy-shrouded planet with a gloomy face!

“Hasn’t the Tianshan Sword Sect come over yet? If you don’t come again, the entire Tianshan commercial planet will be destroyed!”

“Damn it, my shop, it’s just destroyed!”

Some strong men looked at the front and said angrily!

“People of Dragon Palace, you are looking for death!”

At this moment, a roar full of anger came from the void, and immediately following everyone, he felt a huge and incomparable pressure!

Everyone’s complexion changed, and even those who were watching from a long distance felt as if there was an extra mountain on their bodies!

“Is the ancestor of the Tianshan Sword Sect, the strongest of the Tianshan Sword Sect is finally here!”

“The group of people who killed the Dragon Palace were the ones who destroyed our territory and killed them!”

Some people showed excitement on their faces when they saw the strong men from the Tianshan Sword Sect Town faction!

Many of them have settled on the Tianshan commercial planet, and opened shops and companies here. It can be said that they are also part of the Tianshan Sword Sect!

Now that Planet Home has been attacked by Dragon Palace, they naturally don’t have the slightest affection for Dragon Palace!

“A group of Xiaoxiao? When we attacked, they looked like a tortoise with their heads shrunk. Now they dare to get out and make trouble and find death!”

Another extremely cold voice came!

The two bodies were densely covered with thunder, as strong men like ancient gods and demons came from the void, and their faces were full of furious expressions!

“Everyone in the Dragon Palace, suffer to death!”

Their gazes swept over, and confinement circles appeared in their hands, locked onto an immortal king in the Dragon Palace, and sprinted straight away!

“Swish swish!”

The immortal king of the seventh-order powerhouse makes a move, and if he doesn’t immediately escape back to his own God’s country, he will be instantly locked in the imprisonment circle!

One by one the imprisonment circle is suspended above the head of the Dragon Palace powerhouse!

“Hahaha, okay, beast of the Dragon Palace, let’s see where you guys escape today!”

The people of the Tianshan Sword Sect who were fighting with the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace showed excitement and hideous expressions on their faces!

Once locked in the imprisonment circle, they would never want to escape!

All these immortal kings must stay here!

“There are two rank 7 immortal kings, and according to information from other places, all the rank 7 immortal kings are all together!”

Located in a place on the commercial planet of Tianshan, Ao Qitian looked at the two immortal gods of rank 7 of the Tianshan Sword Sect who was flying over, with a smile on his face!

The last two are here!

“Do it!”

Ao Xingmu took a look and took out an array compass in his hand!


At the same time, Ao Qi on the side let out a roar and rushed out from the hidden position!

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, it’s finally here!”

He roared wildly, and the power of blood-red laws attacked the two Tianshan Sword Sect Immortal King Seventh-Rank powerhouse!


At this time, the surrounding space has undergone terrifying changes!

The world has changed!

“Swish swish!”

In the lower position, the thorns covered by the law were attacking the two ancestors of the Tianshan Sword Sect in the sky above!

“Huh? What!”

“The fighting power of the seventh-order Immortal King has an ambush!”

“The god king of Dragon Palace?”

The two old men saw Ao Qi and Ao Xingmu’s attack, and their faces showed cold expressions!

“Longgong Ao Qitian, come today to take your dog’s life!”

Ao Qitian moved his body, followed behind and rushed forward, waving the Dinghai Shenzhen in his hand!


When the two ancestors of the Tianshan Sword Sect saw Ao Qitian, their expressions changed slightly!

“I let you down, more than three!”

In the rear, the old patriarch of the Fire Hammer clan, and a Dragon Palace Crazy Dragon Dragon Seed also flew out, directly targeting the two ancestors of the Tianshan Sword Sect!

“Hoho, today is the day of destruction of your Tianshan Sword Sect!”

At the rear, a group of members of the Dragon Palace below the seventh rank of the Immortal King flew over, staring at more than one hundred god kings of the Tianshan Sword Sect, full of murderous aura!

“What? There are strong people hiding in the Dragon Palace!”

“Look, are those five immortal kings of the seventh-order powerhouse?”

“Oops, this weird space seems to be able to prohibit us from returning to God’s country in an instant!”

When Ao Qitian and the others flew out of the hidden position, everyone in the Tianshan Sword Sect looked at them, with a look of astonishment on their faces!

Even the two domineering ancestors of the Tianshan Sword Sect had their pupils slightly shrunk, staring at Ao Qitian and the five with dread!

Dragon Palace, how come so many powerful people suddenly appeared?

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