Chapter 2598 Attack of the Six Powers


Hearing a report from a civil servant in Longgong, Wang Xian raised his brows slightly!

“Let’s go and take a look!”

As Wang Xian said, he flew towards the outside as soon as he moved his body!

The planet in the main dragon palace was the planet of the former Sanhaimen. In order to prevent this planet from being destroyed, the Prime Minister Turtle recently moved it to the side of the Dragon Star, within the envelope of the formation!

When Wang Xian flew to the sky, his gaze swept away, and he found that legions were slowly gathering in the void!

Located in the foremost position, a huge star-piercing sword points to the Dragon Star, exuding a cold metal atmosphere!

Around, there are huge battle pets, slightly fanning their wings and hovering around the planet!

Located above the battle pet, there is a cold-skinned archer standing!

Located in the rear position, one by one the strong standing on the sword, there are hundreds of thousands of people, looking at it, it is awe-inspiring!

In all directions, powerful legions are converging here!

There are millions of people scattered all around, and the strength of each is no less than the realm of the eternal god!

This is the core disciple of the six forces!

“Dragon King, you are finally back, and the six powerful forces attacked. They deliberately hid the news and wanted to catch us by surprise!”

The powerhouses of Huluoyao Nation noticed Wang Xian, and their expressions were a little anxious and flew towards him!

“Well, don’t worry, they can’t break the Dragon Star formation!”

Wang Xian nodded lightly!

“How do we respond now, just watch them attack us?”

The old teacher of the tiger chaos demon country asked with some embarrassment!

The planet was destroyed, and now I can only hide here, no different from the bereaved dog!

“Let them fight!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he looked at the crowds of Huluan Yaoguo on the side: “Don’t worry, you guys, they will pay a heavy price soon, don’t worry, wait slowly, and soon!”

“With your words, Dragon King, we can rest assured!”

The tiger chaos country lord smiled!

“Dragon King, let’s not take action today? With our strength, we can completely…”

Ao Qitian hesitated and asked!

“If you don’t make a move, the other party has at least eight immortal kings of the seventh rank, and they can’t stay!”

He shook his head slightly!

“Dragon King, the leaders have arrived!”

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle flew over, followed by the leaders of the Dragon Palace!

“Go to Hualong Pond, and come over a few more thorn dragon dragon species, star wood dragon species, and heavenly thunder, fire dragon and phoenix species!

Wang Xian looked at the leaders and continued to give orders to Prime Minister Turtle!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded, and Wang Xian moved to the front of the Dragon Pond in the Dragon Palace!

With a wave of his arm, he placed all the bodies of the abyss species aside!

Fifteen abyss-type corpses of the seventh-order immortal king, forty abyss-type corpses of the sixth-order immortal king, and more than a thousand abyss-type corpses of varying strength!

With so many resources, it is enough for Dragon Palace to increase at least more than 20 immortal kings’ seventh-order combat effectiveness!

Once ascended, Dragon Palace will have the power to sweep the entire Xingnan galaxy!

“Go inside and improve your strength!”

Wang Xian said toward the leaders of the Dragon Palace!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The expressions of excitement appeared on the faces of all the leaders, one by one, they entered the Hualong Pond directly!

“Dragon King, with so many resources, once upgraded, our Dragon Palace can completely eliminate those six forces!”

Prime Minister Turtle on the side sparkled in his eyes, and said excitedly!

“Well, improve first!”

Wang Xian nodded!

“Hahaha, all the beasts of the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country, come out and die!”

At this moment, a violent voice spread across the entire starry sky, and everyone on the surrounding planets could hear clearly!

Wang Xian raised his brow slightly when he heard this voice!

Seeing that the members of the Dragon Palace had begun to ascend, he moved his body and came to one of the nine planets above Dragon Star!

As soon as he arrived, he could feel an extremely cold and violent aura!

He looked forward, the star-piercing sword was in the center, and more than a thousand immortal kings stood on it!

There are ten star eagle battle pets around, and a famous archer is standing on it!

Behind is a legion headed by the Immortal King!

Sweeping his eyes away, the immortal king level reached about two thousand!

The most striking thing is the nine middle-aged people at the forefront of Star Piercing Sword. Their eyes are as bright as stars, and the surrounding air is solidified by the strong murderous intent!

Nine middle-aged old men stared at the planet ahead coldly!

“A bunch of rubbish, let us out? Is there a kind of attack you come in?”

“The six forces besie us, don’t think you are embarrassed, huh, you are not as good as a beast!”

Not far from the side, a strong man from Huluo Yaoguo pointed at them with an angry face and cursed!

Wang Xian smiled faintly and watched quietly!

“Hahaha, do you really think we can’t break this formation? Dragon King, you dare to kill our strong men and disciples of the Tianshan Sword Sect, today is when you pay the price!”

On the Wearing Star Sword, a strong Tianshan Sword Sect roared with full face!

“You two screaming beasts here, we’ll take your skins later and put your muscles and bones in my god’s country!”

A Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect expert roared coldly!

“Hmph, don’t talk so much nonsense with it, just break the formation and go in!”

The Sword King slowly drew out his bloody sharp sword, and said coldly!

“Well, let’s break the formation. I want to see if this formation can withstand our attacks!”

Beside, an old ancestor of the Tianshan Sword Sect said sternly!

“The last time we made our move was blocked by the formation, this time you are here, so there is no big problem with breaking the formation!”

An ancestor of the Nine Stage Celestial Sect said lightly!

“In that case, prepare to shoot!”

An ancestor of the Tianshan Sword Sect took two steps forward, and a big sword appeared in his hand!

“Prepare to do it, break their formation with one blow!”

Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect Sect Master raised the thunder hammer in his hand and roared!


Millions of disciples shouted loudly and responded loudly!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, a breath of horror came from the front!

Millions of powerhouses exploded with all their aura, two thousand immortal kings did not hide their power, and a panic aura rushed towards the planet ahead!

“Damn it, let’s run away, teleport and escape!”

“How come the six major forces of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong and the Tianshan Sword Sect suddenly arrived, hiss, what a terrifying aura!”

“It’s too strong. Almost all the powerhouses of the six major forces have been sent, so there are at least two thousand. Let’s quickly teleport to other planets. The Dragon Star is going to be over, and the Dragon Palace is going to be over!”

At the same time, in the Dragon Star, hundreds of people who had not had time to leave saw this scene, feeling the terrifying breath from the sky, and their faces were shocked!

They flew crazy towards the teleportation array one by one, leaving here as soon as possible!

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