Chapter 260 Dragon Ball vs. Flame (four more, please subscribe!)

“Do you think you can compete with us with a spiritual treasure?”

The old man with blue flames had cold eyes, and his body shook when he saw the flame dragon exuding dragon power.

The blue flames condensed into a spear, exuding bursts of flames and fiery sharp edges.

“Let me kill the dragon!”

The old man was holding a spear and directly attacked the flame dragon.

Wang Xian saw sarcasm on his face when he saw the old man heading towards the dragon ball attack.

After his pregnancy, Dragon Ball almost became a part of his body.

And Dragon Ball possesses part of the power of Shenlong under his control.

This flame dragon does not require a chart, but a dragon with a soul.


The flame dragon looked at the blue flame old man, his pupils revealed a look of sullenness, and the flame dragon tail swept away directly.

“Hmph, an illusory dragon, under my blue flames, turn it into its original form!”

The old man’s eyes flashed with blue light, and the blue spear in his hand pierced directly toward the dragon’s tail.


However, there was a sudden sound, and the blue flame spear fell on the dragon’s tail like an egg hitting a stone.

The powerful dragon’s tail smashed the spear directly and swept towards the old man heavily.


The old man’s face changed drastically.

“No, stop it!”

The faces of the surrounding powerhouses of the Fire God sect changed slightly, and flames attacked towards the flame dragon.

Two of the strong men rushed towards Wang Xian’s position.


The flame dragon’s eyes showed disdain, and the dragon’s tail swept the world.


The fierce flame dragon tail fell on the blue flame old man, and the terrifying dragon power directly made him wide-eyed and flew towards the distance.


The faces of the strong men of the Vulcan sect changed drastically.


However, before they could react, the Flame Dragon turned his head, and Long Yan attacked the two flame sect powerhouses who were attacking Wang Xian and them.

“What a terrifying flame!”

The two strong men of the Vulcan sect were horrified and hurriedly hid in the distance.

The flame fell on the ground, and a crack of four or five meters long appeared on the ground instantly.

Dragon flame, burning the ground.

“What a terrifying Lingbao, this… how is this possible!”

The two fleeing Vulcan sect powerhouses saw the cracked ground with embarrassment on their faces.

“Penetration of light!”

At this moment, a light and noble voice came.


The horrified voice of King Humming sounded around, and all the strong men of the Vulcan sect looked at it.

I saw that the karst pearl was in front of King Hum at this time, he grasped the karst pearl with both hands, and the strong flame formed a flame shield.

The shield resisted the light like an aurora.

The lines of light are like terrifying lasers, densely and endlessly penetrating the flame shield.

The shield melts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“What a strong woman!”

All the strong men of the Vulcan sect were horrified.

Although King Hum was the weakest among them, he held the Vulcan Sect’s Arctic Karst Orb, and his strength was comparable to the strongest among them.

Now he was forced to use karst beads to resist in a short time, and was completely suppressed.


Wang Xian glanced at Sun Lingxiu with a smile on his face. He was controlling the flame dragon, and the dragon claw directly grabbed a strong man of the Vulcan sect.

The powerful dragon claw of about half a meter is like tearing the space.


“Die to me!”

The fire wing of the Vulcan sect powerhouse surrounded his body, and the flame turned into a sword, penetrating towards the dragon claw.


However, in an instant, the dragon claws and grasped tightly.


A scream came, and the blood had melted before it dripped from the dragon’s claws!

Very powerful and terrifying!

“How can this be!”

A group of strong men of the Vulcan sect felt unbelievable.

Holding a piece of Lingbao tightly, the dragon that turned into a flame tightly injures one of them and kills one of them easily.

They are the top innate powerhouses!

Moreover, there are still five of the six opponents who have not done anything.

“Besiege this dragon and destroy it first!”

An old man roared and was surrounded by flames, turning into a three-meter-high flame giant.

The other five strong men of the Vulcan sect immediately besieged the Shenlong.

The fireball fell on the flame dragon and was directly absorbed.

Huo Huan nests into the flame dragon’s head and is directly blended!

“Hehe, the dragon ball is conceived by the power of the flame origin, far beyond the ability of ordinary flames to eliminate, the blue flame just now can compete with the flame dragon, but he is still too weak!”

Wang Xian looked at him with a smile on his face.

The blood man genius doctor and the madman who stood beside Wang Xian were completely stunned.

Just a bead spit out from the mouth can easily fight against the eight strong men of the Vulcan sect after becoming the flame dragon.

Is this still a human?

“Oh, so scary, so scary, no wonder it’s the man the master admires, too strong!”

The blood man genius doctor murmured, a little dumbfounded, he turned his head to look at his master.

“Fuck this golden retriever, dare them to molest my master, haha, now it’s a fool!”

The blood man genius doctor looked at King Hum, who was holding the karst beads in his hands to resist the penetration of the line of light, and shouted with a mocking face.

At this time, there was a faint fear in the pupils of King Humming who heard the words of the genius doctor of the blood man.

He couldn’t imagine that this holy and beautiful woman would be so frightened.

He had thought that after extinguishing the Flame Palace, he would abduct this woman and become his own concubine at night according to the flame tracking he used.

But now, he felt horrified and desperate.

Had it not been for the resistance of the karst beads, he would have been pierced by the terrifying light long ago, and he would have been completely purified!


However, just as he was thinking about it, he heard a sweet voice.

However, this voice was like the cry of a hell demon at this time.

He widened his eyes and suddenly saw the light in front of him quickly condensed together and turned into the head of a light dragon.

The head of the huge light god dragon bit directly at him!

“do not want!”

Fear and regret came from his mouth, and King Hum was swallowed directly.

Fist-sized karst beads fell to the ground.

The head of the Guangming Dragon disappeared, and King Humming also disappeared.

Be completely purified!

“Dragons burn all over the world!”

At this moment, Wang Xian gave a soft cry.

Ahead, the flame dragon rolled over his body, a dense flame covering a radius of tens of meters.

The entire area became the domain of the flame dragon, and the dragon rolled.

Screams and unbelievable voices came from inside.

Ten of them destroyed the flame palace of a dozen innate powerhouses, but they were completely wiped out by one person using a spiritual treasure.

When did China have such a powerful existence!

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