Chapter 2573 Abyss Seed


Wang Xian quickly flew forward, flying to the top of a land plate!

On the top of the plate, there are simple houses, and the continent with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers is also very lively!

There are many people, but no one is below the level of the eternal god!

There are no guards on the plate, which means that there is no restriction here, and humans can fight each other arbitrarily here!

However, Wang Xian hasn’t seen anyone fighting here. Obviously, this land plate cannot withstand too strong attacks. Maybe the unspoken rule can’t fight here!

Wang Xian kept flying forward, and soon came to the edge of the land plate!

When he came to the edge, he saw a dark abyss hole!

The entrance of the cave is very irregular, the inside is pitch black, and the line of sight is greatly hindered!

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and flew directly inside without hesitation!

Around, there are many people flying out of the abyss, or entering it!


As soon as he entered inside, Wang Xian immediately sensed some changes in his empty space!

The space inside is extremely strong, unlike when outside, a powerful attack can tear apart the cracks in the space!

“This is? It really is the same as Zhi Nao said!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster!

There is something terrifying about the abyss, that is, when you enter the abyss, you can’t return to your own God’s country!

The surrounding space will imprison you here, it is impossible to escape directly!

The deeper the imprisonment, the stronger, the immortal king should not immediately return to his immortal god’s country!

The greatest threat to the abyss is here, it is very difficult to destroy the abyss seed!

“But this also has a benefit, that is, the Abyssal Seed is in the abyss, and don’t even think about returning to its nest in an instant!”

Wang Xian murmured, this place seems to be a special space!

“This is?”

Wang Xian flew thousands of kilometers in the abyss, and saw a huge land in the dark abyss ahead, and there were some special plants on the land!

“Is this the place where the Abyssal Seed lives?”

Wang Xian looked at it, his eyes shone with luster!

Once any suspended forests, land, mountains, flames, and rivers appear in the abyss, it means that there are abyss races here!

In the front position, the entire abyss race has either been killed or has fled!

The abyss has a huge area, there are countless entrances to the abyss, and the entire abyss is connected!

However, the more entrances to the abyss, the more dangerous this place is!

“This vast abyss is like a huge ocean. It is a bit difficult to hunt down the abyss, and it is full of danger!”

Wang Xian murmured, his body moved, and he continued to fly in one direction!

I can still meet people around by chance, and people come in hordes!

It can be said that the crystallization of the law of an abyss can make a cultivator improve quickly, even if it is dangerous here, some people will come to take risks!

And there are a lot of people!

“Swish swish!”

After flying for half an hour, Wang Xian is already tens of billions of kilometers away from the abyss exit!

At this time, several phantoms in front attracted his attention!

“This is?”

He looked at it and saw two jet-black figures that looked like cockroaches passing in the void, attacking him directly!

“This is?”

He narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his arm, and the imprisoning force of the Five Elements Rule directly restrained him!

“Chi Chi Chi Chi!”

A sharp and piercing sound entered Wang Xian’s ears, making his face a hint of surprise!

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the two Abyss Species showed their figures!

The blood-red eyes are green with a long nose, the mouth is slender like a mosquito, and the body is like a cockroach!


Wang Xian’s arm gently squeezed, and the Abyss Seed exploded directly, and there was a law crystal in his body!

This is a green crystal of law, and the two abyss species are also at the level of the eternal god. He sensed energy, and a crystal of law was equivalent to the entire body of a barren beast of the same level!

The corpse of the Abyss also contains a lot of energy, which means that one corpse of the Abyss is equivalent to the energy of two wild beasts of the same level!

“It has a lot more energy than the wild beasts. The wisdom brain says that the abyss species has no wisdom and only knows about hunting!”

“Try it!”

It took nearly two hours to find two Abyssal Species, and Wang Xian thought: “Destroy the soul!”

Desperate, it is the first time that Wang Xian has used this kind of low-witted creature!


In an instant, bloody words appeared in his mind. Located in a place that looked like a beach, countless abyssal species broke out of their shells!

The first time they broke their shells, they would fight with the surrounding abyssal species to swallow and grow!

Then hunt in the boundless abyss!

The mighty abyss species will subdue the weak and form a group, and they will feed on the weak and weak of the same kind!

As long as it swallows the same kind, it can evolve quickly!

It seems that as long as they swallow more crystals of the law, they can grow without limit!

But soon Wang Xian discovered that he liked human blood more than these abyss species!

There are a few scenes where they sneak into the abyss of human beings, soaking up all their blood!

“One more thing, this Abyssal Seed seems to have a very powerful sense of smell!”

Wang Xian muttered!

Only this abyssal species around the fifth rank of the Immortal King can smell human beings within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers!

The range of hundreds of millions of kilometers is generally the detection limit of the Immortal King!

“Some people in the brain have also discovered that the Abyssal Species are bloodthirsty, and there are forces to attract the Abyssal Species with a large amount of blood from the wild beasts!”

Wang Xian murmured, he hesitated, his palm moved!

“Let’s see if the dragon’s blood can attract the Abyssal Seed!”

Wang Xian murmured, at least one hundred catties of Shenlong blood appeared in front of him!

All of these are his own blood, the Wang Xian who has a figure of more than 10,000 meters, a hundred catties of blood is nothing!

But for other creatures, this is a huge energy pool!

“It should be more effective than the blood of wild beasts!”

He murmured in his mouth, suspended the blood in the void, took out the Five Elements Mould, and laid out a hidden formation!

At the same time, his concealment ability of yin and yang is also fully deployed!

“If the blood of Shenlong is useful, that would be a great thing for Dragon Palace!”

“If it’s useless, if you want to hunt down a large number of abyss species, you need to enter the more dangerous abyss entrance, and there may be casualties at that time!”

Wang Xian muttered, waiting quietly!


However, within a minute, Wang Xian sensed the changes around him!

Under his induction, several Abyssal Seeds flew towards this side at a terrifying speed!

“it works!”

He looked happy!

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