Chapter 2570 Status Established

“Catch them, don’t let them run away!”

An angry and violent roar came again, and the Sect Master of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect flew over here violently!

An ancestor of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect also rushed over, roaring wildly with blood red eyes!

One-fifth of the entire 9-Rank Tianzong commercial planet was destroyed, and the entire planet was in a mess!

Compared to the last time a building was destroyed, this time is undoubtedly much more tragic!


The members of the Dragon Palace saw the return of the 7th-order immortal king of the opposing party, and their faces were mocking!

The voice of Ao Yao reached everyone’s ears!


At the next moment, all the members of the Dragon Palace trembled and disappeared!

Leave all, without the slightest damage!


The extremely angry Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect Sect Master landed on the ground with a heavy blow, his body trembling a little!

“Dragon Palace!”

Looking at the destroyed place around, the Nine-Rank Tianzong Sect Master couldn’t help but roared wildly, his eyes were full of blood red!

In the rear, the ancestor of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect was trembling!

This time their millions of troops went to Dragon Star, and they were beaten back before they even entered the opponent’s Dragon Star!

Now Dragon Palace has directly destroyed one-fifth of their commercial planet!

If it were not protected by a ground-based defense system, I am afraid the entire planet would be blown up!

This time, their Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect had lost a lot!


On the planet below, a crowd of people saw the immortal king who came to destroy them leaving, looking at the messy planet with embarrassment!

“Why did the people from Dragon Palace suddenly come here to destroy? The Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect and the others have already killed them, how can the other party send someone over?”

Several immortal kings looked at the destroyed industry, their expressions gloomy!

“Look at Zhi Nao. Someone on Zhi Nao said that the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect attacked Dragon Star and was directly blocked outside. All 15 battleships were destroyed, and the Nine-Rank Celestial Sect fled!”

At this moment, there was an exclamation sound not far away!

Some people around were taken aback for a moment, and immediately turned on Zhi Brain!

Sure enough, the current wisdom brain has spread crazy!

Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect gathered 80% of his power to directly lead his disciples to destroy the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Demon Kingdom, aggressively and full of domineering!

But now there are fifteen battleships in the void!

Some powerful immortal kings claimed that the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect had completely escaped, and even the defense of Dragon Star had not broken!

When this news came out, everyone was shocked. At first, many people didn’t believe it, but when someone teleported to the Dragon Palace, they discovered that everything was true!

“Who could have thought that this would be the case? Fuck, this is simply incredible, the entire 9th-Rank sky has not broken through Dragon Star’s defense!”

“Is the Dragon Star’s defense going against the sky? This is the Ninth Rank Tianzong. Those god-king battleships were easily destroyed, and the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom didn’t do anything at all!”

“Now that the Ninth-Rank Tianzong is so embarrassing, it is so arrogant that it kills it directly, but it all escaped within ten minutes!”

The intellectual brain is boiling. Who can imagine this situation?

The extremely powerful Nine-Rank Celestial Sect fled?

But soon, news of the attack on the Nine-Rank Tianzong commercial planet spread to Zhi Nao, with messy pictures!

One by one, the destroyed videos spread wildly on Zhi Brain!

As soon as this news came out, it once again caused the entire Xingnan galaxy to shake!

“This… it’s a good idea to go to the Dragon Palace, destroy the Demon Kingdom, destroy the Dragon Star, how do you do it now? My home was bombed?”

“This gap is too big, it’s really ironic, the Ninth-Rank Tianzong commercial planet was destroyed by one-fifth of the 500 Immortal Kings of the Dragon Palace!”

“From this point of view, the commercial planet of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect is completely incomparable with Dragon Star. The degree of defense is very different!”

“The Dragon Star has an incomparably powerful array master, and it is estimated that no forces in the entire Xingnan Galaxy can break the Dragon Star!”

“Longxing is the safest business planet!”

As soon as the two news came out, countless people were talking about it!

The power of Dragon Star shocked everyone!

Later, someone broke out that Long Xing possessed an extremely powerful formation master, and no one could break through, and no one could make trouble in Long Xing!

As soon as this news came out, Long Xing’s status increased several levels!

Such a safe planet is the best commercial planet!

Don’t be afraid of comparison, the business planet of the Nine-Rank Tianzong is far apart from the Dragon Star!

On the intellectual brain, countless people are discussing!

The strength of Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!

Dragon Star’s defense power!

In the end, it can basically be concluded that even if they are not as strong as the four top forces, they are definitely not weaker than them!

Even, the other four forces can’t do it at all if they want to break through the Dragon Star!

However, the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom can wreak havoc on their commercial planet!

Dragon Star is also rated as the strongest and safest city in Xingnan Galaxy!

This has caused many people to flood into Dragon Star, and many businesses into Dragon Star!

“Wow, I returned Long Xing’s house not long ago. Now it takes five times as much to buy a god stone. Fuck, Long Xing is stealing money, right?”

“You blame others for being so stupid. You ask for the Stone of Retreat when you think Dragon Star is about to be destroyed. Now Dragon Star has become the safest planet in the Xingnan Galaxy. Will they not increase the price of Dragon Palace and Tiger Country?”

“With the price of Longxing here, it is estimated that it will rise a lot, and there may be many people and many businessmen staying here in the future!”

At this moment, in Dragon Star, when everyone learned that Dragon Palace could easily withstand the attacks of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, many people rushed towards Dragon Star madly!

Especially those who have bought a house, come immediately and want to buy the house again!

It’s a pity that this time it’s five times more directly.

Today’s World War I completely established the strength and status of Dragon Star!

It can now be said that Dragon Palace plus Tiger Chaotic Demon Country can rival the other four powers!

Dragon Star can surpass the other four major commercial planets!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian stood on the planet above, looking down at the Dragon Star below with a smile on his face!

“Next, don’t be careless, continue to establish Dragon Star’s security and defense, and we must take revenge, and lay the foundation of our Dragon Palace!”

He said lightly towards the sky array!

“It’s the Dragon King, with me, I promise that nothing will happen!”

Tianzhen responded confidently!

“Okay, let’s develop steadily for a while!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face. This time, they stood completely in the Xingnan Galaxy!

Once the foundation is built, it will be much easier for Dragon Palace to quickly improve!

However, compared to the prosperity of Dragon Star, the celebration of the Dragon Palace and the Tigers of the Demon Kingdom is located in the Nine-Rank Tianzong, and everyone’s expressions are extremely embarrassing!

It has not been fought for hundreds of thousands of years, but this battle has become a shame!

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