Chapter 2566 head-to-head

“Report to the Sect Master, except for the strong ones in the abyss, all the nine-rank Tianzong strong have come!”

“Report to Sect Master, all the powerhouses of Demon Slayer Sect are here!”

On the planet Nine-Rank Tianzong, in the hall of the valley of the Nine-Rank Tianzong sect, the sound of a notification sounded!

In the entire hall, there are now thousands of people standing around, and soon more than a hundred immortal kings and powerhouses walked by the door!

In the hall, everyone’s face was filled with cold light, and a wave of evil spirits burst from their bodies!

The powerhouses of the Demon Slayer Sect saw a middle-aged man sitting in front of the three old men, and their hearts were slightly stunned!

Speaking of this time, it broke out because of them!

This made all the powerful people in the Demon Slayer Sect a little bit apprehensive!

“All the disciples are here!”

Sect Master Nine Stage Celestial Sect looked around and said in a deep voice!

“Sect Master, this matter started because of us Slashing the Demon Sect, and this matter we Slashing the Demon Sect…”

“All right!”

Sect Master Sect Demon Sect was a little nervous and stepped forward, arching his hands and talking, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking!

“Now it’s not your business to kill the Demon Sect!”

Sect Master Nine Stage Celestial Sect said coldly!

“Sect Master, the two newly emerging forces dare to provoke us. Today, I will wait to kill them directly and destroy them!”

A burly old man took a step forward and said murderously!

“Haha, what do you think?”

Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect Sect Master raised his head slightly and asked coldly!

“Kill, destroy the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom, let them know how powerful we are!”

“No one has dared to provoke us for hundreds of thousands of years. Today, let the Star Southern Galaxy once again know that our Ninth Stage Celestial Sect is powerful!”

There was a cold voice!

“Set off!”

The next moment, the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect Sect Master stood up suddenly, roaring with murderous expression on his face!

“Ninth-Rank Tianzong first-Rank, 2-Rank, 3-Rank, 4-Rank, 5-Rank Legion disciples are ready!”

“Remain behind the three hundred immortal kings to guard the sect, and the rest of the strong will go out with the ancestor of the suzerain!”

“The immortal dragon palace tiger chaos demon country vows not to return, all disciples prepare!”

“Open the war teleportation array and go to Dragon Star immediately!”

Soon, one by one orders sounded in the realm of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect, and the entire Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect immediately moved!

What is the scenario of a huge force that has been standing in the Southern Star System for fifty to six million years all moving?

In the sky, terrifying warships rise one after another, and each warship can easily destroy the stars!

Even if it is the sixth-order powerhouse of the Immortal King, in front of him, he will run away!

There are more than a dozen warships of this level!

This was born entirely for war!

There are nine legions in the Nine-Rank Celestial Sect, from Rank 1 to Rank 9 respectively!

And this time, the five legions came out together!

Located in the realm of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect, large teleportation formations are opened one by one. This teleportation formation will only be opened during the war!

More than a dozen warships with a size of more than a thousand kilometers entered the teleportation array, crossing the void in a terrifying manner, and carrying out black hole teleportation in the void of the Southern Star System!

When the entire Ninth Stage Celestial Sect moves, everyone can feel a terrifying energy sweeping through the void!

Half an hour later, the news that the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect Legion went to the Dragon Star to expedition immediately spread throughout the entire Xingnan galaxy!

“This… this has only been a few hours, the entire Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect actually moved, and they actually killed Dragon Star directly!”

“It seems that the Ninth-Rank Tianzong is completely angry. It is said that all the strong have gone on the march. This is to destroy the Dragon Palace and the tiger chaos demon kingdom!”

“It’s a big game. This time the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country are playing big. The Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect is a veteran force standing in our void. They are completely angry!”

“Hey, is the war going to break out? It’s only three hours. The Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect is about to go on an expedition to destroy the Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Country. I’m afraid they didn’t even imagine it!”

“Hahaha, dare to provoke our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, and wait for its destruction, two stupid things!”

When some people on Zhi Nao got the news, their faces were full of shocked expressions!

Regarding the resolute march of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, all the forces were a little shaken!

It took only a few hours for the provocation of the Dragon Palace Tigers to chase the demon kingdom, and the entire Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect moved. It seemed that they were completely angry!

“Now that the Dragon Palace and the Tigers are playing big in the Demon Country, they may have to pay a heavy price!”

“It is more than a heavy price. It is estimated that the Dragon Star will be destroyed. Even if the Dragon King and the old national teacher of the Huluo Yao Country have the fighting power of the immortal God King, they will not be the opponent of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect!”

“Haha, dare to provoke our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, that Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom will surely perish!”

Some people on Zhi Nao talked a lot, and they were not optimistic about everyone in the Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaos Demon Country!

Even now they also have the 7th-order immortal king to sit in!

But the foundation of the Nine Stage Celestial Sect is definitely not something they can shake!

The people and disciples in the realm of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect are even more ridiculing on the intellectual brain!

At this moment, everyone is paying attention to the Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect’s expedition!

“It’s not good Dragon King, the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect is already rushing towards us, wanting to destroy us!”

At the position of Dragon Star, the powerful people of Tiger Chaotic Demon Country came to the Dragon Palace and said anxiously!

Faced with such a giant, they are also a little panicked!

“I have received the news, don’t panic, be prepared to meet them!”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth were slightly raised, and they said lightly towards the lord of the tiger chaos!

Since they provoked, Wang Xian and the others had prepared for the worst!

It’s just that the speed of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong’s expedition has exceeded his expectations!

“Dragon King, are you sure?”

The old teacher frowned slightly!

“How many immortal kings of rank 7 will they come?”

Wang Xian looked at him and asked with a smile!

“Up to five, maybe less than five, but the sixth-order immortal king of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong may be much more powerful than us!”

The old teacher said with some worry!

“Don’t worry, get ready, appease the guests of Longxing, let’s go out!”

As Wang Xian said, he moved and flew directly outside!

“Boom boom boom!”

Soon, a member of the famous Dragon Palace followed and landed straight on a planet around Dragon Star!

“Send someone to appease the Dragon Star customers, and then follow the Dragon Palace!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s self-confidence, the old teacher gritted his teeth and said directly!

Now that you are ready to follow Dragon Palace, prepare for the worst!

“Dragon King!”

On a planet above Longxing, Tianzhen looked at Wang Xian and shouted with a smile!

“Did you get the news? Be prepared!”

Wang Xian asked towards the sky formation!

“Dragon Palace, wait to see the attack methods of my big formation!”

The corners of Tianjin’s mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes looked at the void!

He is the former Heavenly Formation God Emperor!

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