Chapter 2564

Either be low-key, and don’t provoke anyone!

Either high-profile, establish enough majesty so that others dare not provoke!

This is what Wang Xian has always thought!

When you are weak, you can keep a low profile, don’t provoke others, and don’t act excessively!

But when the strength is strong, it is necessary to establish sufficient majesty!

Whether it is the three major powers of Xinghua Planet or the Demon Slayer Sect, they completely hate Dragon Star!

It is impossible for Dragon Palace to guard against them from time to time, so it is necessary to either destroy them or make them fearful and dare not have any thoughts about Dragon Star!

Therefore, for the blessing of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, Wang Xian is ready to head-on!

Wang Xian asked himself that the current Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom are enough to wrestle with the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect, so why should I be afraid of them!

“Okay, Prime Minister tortoise, order the wicked demon to make a turmoil on the commercial planet of the 9th-Rank Heavenly Sect, kill only the disciples of the 9th-Rank Heavenly Sect, don’t hurt the innocent too much!”

He immediately ordered to Prime Minister Turtle!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame nodded immediately!

“Old National Teacher, we also have to be prepared. After all, it is the top power of the Xingnan Galaxy with a deep foundation. I am not worried about the defenses of Dragon Star. I am not worried about our Dragon Palace. It is yours!”

Wang Xian reminded the old teacher!

“Don’t worry about the Dragon King, we have been fighting against the Demon Country and the Demon Slayer for thousands of years. If nothing else, there is no problem with self-protection, and they dare not make us anxious!”

The old country master said lightly!

“Well, at the cultivation site, I will make one hundred thousand cultivation sites for you. I won’t charge you any fees, nor do I charge any profit from the sacred stone. You disciples from the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom can practice there!”

“In addition, you can transfer some of your core disciples from the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom to the Dragon Star. In the Dragon Star, more than a dozen immortal kings of the seventh-order powerhouse will not be able to attack!”

Wang Xian said to the old country master!

“Thank you Dragon King, haha, it is our greatest blessing for a country to be able to associate with the Dragon Palace in the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!”

A look of excitement flashed in the eyes of the old teacher, and he immediately stood up and arched and thanked him!

“Thank you Dragon King!”

The master of the tiger chaos, the national teacher, and they immediately got up to thank you!

The Dragon Star Cultivation Field, now in the entire Xingnan Galaxy, can be said to be very hot, and one hundred thousand training positions are directly given to them in the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!

This is still secondary. The practice site consumes the god stones, and the Dragon Palace will definitely intercept some of the god stones. This part is now not collected by the Dragon Palace, which is equivalent to giving them a practice place!

One hundred thousand training positions, placed in the current situation of the hot cultivation site, is a very huge resource!

With this training ground, with a portion of the profits of the Dragon Star Commercial Planet, they can increase the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country ten times faster than in the past!

“It’s okay, it’s all friends!”

Wang Xian waved at them.

After a brief comment, Wang Xian flew out of the Dragon Palace and hovered over the Dragon Star, looking around!

In just a few days, the Dragon Star training ground was full every day, and the profit of the training ground even exceeded that of the pet!

With the sale of battle pets, Dragon Palace has obtained a huge amount of resources, and now the Dragon Palace Immortal King powerhouse has reached nearly two thousand!

Among them, there are already about ten immortal kings of Tier 6 combat power!

As for the fifth-order battle power of the Immortal King, the number has reached more than sixty!

Every day, many members of the Dragon Palace have the fighting power of the immortal king!

In Longxing, there are tens of billions of tourists every day!

“Next, it will be turbulent or calm!”

Wang Xian said lightly!

However, the Dragon Palace now has basically a firm foothold, and is not afraid of any forces!

As time passed day by day, the destruction of Xinghua planet laid the foundation for the complete rise of Dragon Star!

In just a few days, Dragon Star completely replaced Planet Xing Hua!

In the same way, Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom can be regarded as a strong rise!

Now it is basically certain that both the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom both have immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses!

The powerful situation of the four major forces has become the powerful force of the five major forces!

“Boom boom boom!”

However, just five days later, a terrifying explosion suddenly occurred in a luxurious mansion located on the commercial planet Jiu-Pin Tianzong!

The terrifying energy razed the entire building instantly!

“Hey, this…what’s the situation? How could Shenming Building suddenly be razed to the ground? I felt a terrifying force here just now. Is anyone fighting here?”

“Look, it seems that a lot of people have died. Someone dare to kill people on the commercial planet Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect!”

“This…what did this do, do you want to die?”

Around the Shenming Mansion, some people looked over here, with shocked expressions on their faces!

No one has dared to make trouble here for a long, long time on the commercial planet Nine-Rank Tianzong!

For tens of thousands of years, no one has dared to kill anyone in the Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect site!

What’s more, there was such a big noise!

“Swish swish!”

In the next moment, hundreds of immortal kings flew towards this side at a terrifying speed. They looked at everything below, and their faces were extremely gloomy!

“Boom boom boom!”

With a wave of the arm of an immortal king, all the bricks and metals rose up, revealing thousands of corpses below!

“It’s a disciple of our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect. It seems that there are disciples gathering here!”

An immortal king looked over, his face changed drastically, and immediately fell to the ground!

“There is a substantive power of law, and it is the immortal king!”

“Only attack the disciples of our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect. What are they doing? Demonstration or warning? Who dares to kill people on our Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect commercial planet!”

A strong suffocation burst out from the old man in the center!

“Look for all the clues, immediately!”

He shouted furiously!

The rest of the immortal kings search immediately!

“Skynet did not detect any information!”

“Except for knowing that there is an immortal king who has taken action, there is no other information!”

Soon, the information came one by one, and the faces of the powerhouses of the Nine-Rank Tianzong were very embarrassed!

There is no clue, besides knowing that it was done by the immortal king, there is no other news!

“Old Ancestor, will it be the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!”

Suddenly, a middle-aged god king said with a changing face!

The Nine Stage Celestial Sect has not clashed with other forces for tens of thousands of years. If it is said that the most likely to deliberately destroy and kill people on their commercial planet, there is only one, the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Country!

A few days ago, Dragon Palace and Huluo Yaoguo bluntly made Planet Xing Hua and their Ninth Stage Celestial Sect at their own risk!

Now the planet Xinghua has been directly destroyed, and now they are suddenly attacked here, and thousands of disciples have been killed!

“Dragon Palace, the tiger chaos the demon country!”

The old man’s eyes flashed with a strong evil spirit!

“They want to challenge our limits, want to go to destruction, right?”

The violent murderous aura gushes from them!

“Fulfill them!”

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