2558 Born-18 Mar 1974

“Xing Hua Xing made an explanation, claiming that they did not send anyone to the Dragon Star to make trouble. If Long Xing said that they sent someone to make trouble, please provide evidence!”

“Xinghua Planet is a little bit soft, just explain it directly!”

“After all, the three powers of Planet Xinghua do not have the immortal king of the seventh-order powerhouse, they will not be the opponents of the tiger chaos and the demon kingdom!”

When the concert of the Goddess of the Dragon and Star Goddess Yinxuan is in full swing, when the Dragon Palace and the Tigers of the Demon Kingdom make a statement!

Xinghua Planet quickly explained!

Everyone saw this explanation and talked about it!

Everyone and all forces can see clearly in today’s form!

The three powers of the Xinghua planet do not have the immortal king and the seventh-order powerhouse, their overall strength is weaker than that of the Dragon Palace and the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom!

Facing the questioning of the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom and the Dragon Palace, they must make a response!

“I just don’t know if the Ninth-Rank Tianzong will respond!”

“The Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect shouldn’t care about the Tigers and the Demon Kingdom and the Dragon Palace. After all, the details are there, even if they don’t respond to the Dragon Palace and the Tigers and the Demon Kingdom, how dare they?”

Planet Xing Hua responded, and some people began to speculate about the situation in the Nine-Rank Tianzong!

After all, the remarks made by the tiger chaos and the demon kingdom and the dragon palace this time are very tough!

“Dragon King, Xinghua Planet responded, they said they want us to show evidence!”

The location of the Dragon Star battle pet sales, the Heavenly Demon State Master came over and said!

“If you want any evidence, just say that the members of the Black Cloud Star Skull and Bones have admitted that after we open today, we will send someone to destroy Planet Xinghua tomorrow!”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly raised, and he said coldly!

“Destroy Xing Hua planet?”

The pupils of the Sky Demon State Master shrank slightly, and then nodded heavily!

Once the planet Xinghua is destroyed, there is only Dragon Star in this area as a commercial planet!

Moreover, Heiyunxing’s strong Skull and Bones are 100% hired by Planet Xing Hua, so they have to pay a heavy price!

“Dragon King, the concert is over, and now all the members are coming towards us under the guidance of the goddess of star goddess and the goddess of Yinxuan!”

At this time, Prime Minister Kame came to report!

“Okay, ready to welcome guests!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded!

“Come to everyone, come and see what a paradise for war pets is!”

“Dragon Star has just opened today, and Dragon Palace has taken out 250,000 Eternal Gods Battle Pets and 75 Immortal God Kings Battle Pets!”

“If you want to have a partner who fights side by side, and a powerful mount that pulls the wind, Dragon Palace definitely has a choice that satisfies you!”

The voice of the emperor star woman rang, following the crowd of hundreds of millions of people rushing here!

“Because of the limited space, only hundreds of millions of people can enter. The eternal gods above level 5 can enter directly, and those with certain sacred stones can also enter directly. Those with insufficient qualifications can watch it on the screen outside!”

Then there was another voice!

More than one hundred immortal kings battle pets, hundreds of thousands of eternal gods battle pets, this is a huge and incomparable attraction for everyone and all forces!

It can be said that there are many more people who came to Dragon Star today, who came for the pets than for the Star Goddess!

One by one, powerful forces walked towards the inside!

In the past, the fifth-order battle pet of the Immortal King did not necessarily appear for tens of thousands of years. Now Dragon Star has two directly for sale!

This has made many forces very excited!

The strongest of some forces is only the fifth-order immortal king, if you can buy a fifth-order immortal king battle pet, wouldn’t it be able to double the strength!

“Wow, a lot of pets, too many!”

“Look at the central location, my goodness, you see, all there are immortal kings of war pets!”

When everyone entered the sales floor, they looked at the immortal king’s battle pets around them, and the hundreds of thousands of eternal gods’ battle pets around them, their faces were full of shock!

“Just adding the strengths of these pets together can wipe out the strength of a third-rate pinnacle!”

Some forces swept past, with a hot look in their eyes!

“Go, let’s buy that Immortal King Tier 5 battle pet!”

“I want to buy an immortal king’s first-order battle pet!”

“I don’t know if there is a pet cub, you can buy it for our sect core disciple!”

Some powerful people scanned the surroundings fiercely, and walked straight towards the position of the immortal kings and wild beasts!

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over the strong men walking towards the immortal king’s battle pet, with a smile on his face!

This time, the number of immortal kings coming to Longxing can reach two thousand, most of which are for the pets!

“Dragon King, someone wants to buy that Immortal King Tier 5 battle pet!”

Not long after, Prime Minister Turtle came over and reported to Wang Xianhui!


Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster!

“Prime Minister tortoise, you immediately send someone to purchase the pill, and use all the sacred stones sold by the battle pet to purchase the pill and the sacred grass!”

Wang Xian immediately ordered!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded!

“I want this immortal king’s battle pet!”

“Haha, this one is the best mount, I want this one, give it to the god stone!”

“The Eternal God’s battle pet, we want all the 5,000 of this race from the Tanglin Sect!”

One of the battle pets was quickly bought away, and some people on the side who didn’t have enough sacred stones could only watch them fiercely!

On Zhi Brain, things about Dragon Star have also attracted the attention of countless people. When someone posted photos of their pets, it caused countless people’s shock!

Directly took out more than one hundred battle pets at once, and seeing them with their own eyes now shocked them too much!

Especially when many people look at the pets, they feel itchy!

“I want to go to Longxing, don’t stop me from anyone!”

“Wow, this is too powerful, I want one as a mount!”

The photos and videos of the pets came out one by one, and countless people commented below!

It is the first time that many people have seen so many battle pets, this dragon palace is too powerful!

At the teleportation formation, there are still countless people rushing towards Dragon Star!

“Fuck, look, the Ninth-Rank Tianzong responded to Dragon Palace!”

“Responded, Nine-Rank Tianzong responded: Anyone who makes us Nine-Rank Tianzong pay the price has become history!”

“Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect’s words are domineering, and all those who made me pay the price have become history. Is this warning the Dragon Palace and the tiger chaos demon country?”

“As far as I know, the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect had three immortal kings of the seventh-order powerhouse sitting in town a long, long time ago, and they are qualified to say this!”

“It deserves to be one of the veteran overlords with deep heritage. He is so confident that he hasn’t put the Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaos Demon Kingdom in his eyes at all!”

The statement of the Nine-Rank Tianzong made everyone and all the forces see the self-confidence of the old forces, and they admire them one by one!

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