The 2550th chapter build a planet

“Dragon King, the plan to build a commercial planet is ready!”

Half a month later, Tianzhen came to the Dragon Palace with a smile on his face and said respectfully towards Wang Xian!

“Oh? Are you ready?”

Wang Xian immediately stood up and walked towards him with a full face!

“Look at the Dragon King!”

With a wave of Tianjin’s arm, a planet appeared in front of him!

“Dragon King, this is the commercial planet we want to build. I can enshroud this planet with a large array, and maintain the consumption of the large array, which requires a lot of sacred stones!”

“In order to prevent the consumption of the sacred stone, the Weichen used the sacrifice of nine life planets to maintain this commercial planet. The nine life planets are used as energy, surrounded by the nine stars, and the sky is locked!”

“The Sky Locking Array, with the current strength of the Weichen, can block 20 Immortal Kings of the Seventh Order. As long as the Sky Locking Array is turned on, all the Seventh Order of the Immortal Kings will be sealed inside!”

“In addition, in order to prevent the strong from coming to disrupt and kill people, it can be set once the vitality of a certain area disappears, the sky-locking formation will be opened directly!”

Tian Zhen talked to Wang Xian!

Considering that he was once a god emperor, he considered very comprehensively in terms of security, and various big formations were one after another!

In addition to blockade formations, attack formations, phantom formations, trapped formations and more!

This kind of formation is different from the battle formation. The big formation needs to be maintained by the god stone. Once the god stone is turned on, it consumes a lot of money!

But the power and coverage are equally terrifying!

“Dragon King, in terms of safety, I can assure you that unless there is an immortal king’s eighth-order powerhouse destroying it, there will be no problems!”

“In addition to the security aspect, Weichen has created a formation in the commercial planet that can attract countless people and cultivate a large formation!”

“In the cultivation formation, by consuming the sacred stone, energy comparable to the sixth and seventh ranks of the immortal god king can be exploded, and I will be divided into nine attributes!”

“That is to say, even if it is an immortal king, the speed of cultivation will be higher than in one’s own divine kingdom!”

“Of course, this cultivation needs to spend a lot of sacred stones to enter the training ground, they need to pay a certain amount of sacred stones, we can also cut half of the sacred stones used for consumption!”

Tian Zhen said with a smile on his face!

“Cultivating formation!”

Wang Xian moved slightly: “In other words, as long as an eternal god master has enough divine stones, he can enjoy the rich energy cultivation environment in the sixth and seventh-order immortal gods?”

“Yes, Dragon King, but this requires a lot of sacred stones, but this training ground poses a fatal threat to many people!”

Tianzhen said with a smile!

“Indeed, how many people are in the practice field enough to support the cultivation?”

Wang Xian asked!

“Ten million people!”

Tian Zhen replied!

“Ten million people, if they pay a certain amount of sacred stone to enter, this is a terrifying resource, and they need to take out their own sacred stone for cultivation, and cut half of it, which is another horrible income!”

Wang Xian’s eyes were hot, and if the training room was full, wouldn’t the amount of sacred stones for a day be counted in one billion?

The value of an immortal king’s first-order battle pet is converted into a god stone, which is about one billion god stones!

The pill resources purchased by billions of sacred stones can give birth to ten immortal kings in Dragon Palace!


Wang Xian took a breath of air-conditioning, which is more profitable than catching a battle pet!

“Of course Dragon King, this has a shortcoming, I need to maintain it there!”

At this time, the Heaven Array God Emperor added!

Wang Xian nodded slightly. Although the income is terrifying, it needs to be maintained by a terrifying array mage like Tianzhen!

Looking at the entire shining starry sky, only the god emperor who became the witch club could arrange the formation method arranged by the sky array!

This is equivalent to a god emperor sitting there and earning money by practicing the formation!

“Dragon King, Cultivation Array is a very important place, next is the commercial center…”

The sky array waved the simulated planet in front of him, and Wang Xian nodded in satisfaction!

Having been discussing for half an hour, Wang Xian was impeccable about Tianzhen’s plan!

“First of all, ten life planets are needed, and nine of them must be uninhabited for the purpose of sacrifice!”

“It should be easy to prepare for these ten planets, Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!”

Wang Xian murmured, and immediately sent a message to the Sky Demon State Master!

Start building a business planet!

Huluan Yaoguo quickly agreed that ten life planets are still very easy for them!

This time he attacked Demon Slayer Sect and occupied hundreds of life planets!

“Next, determine the location of the commercial planet!”

Wang Xian turned on Zhinao and looked at the starry sky map of the Xingnan Galaxy!

“In that case, let it be here!”

Soon, Wang Xian was determined, and the location of the commercial planet was not far from the planet Xing Hua!

This location is not very far from the planet of Huluo Demon Country!

And with the rise of this commercial planet, other commercial planets must fall!

Wang Xian now finds the best bully to bully!

“Once they dare to make trouble, give them a surprise!”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly cocked!

Even Wang Xian can be sure that Planet Xing Hua will come to make trouble, and he will be famous by then!

“Tianzhen, let’s go to the tiger chaos demon country first!”

Wang Xian said towards the sky formation, and immediately hurried towards the tiger chaos demon country!

“After the planet is determined, the first thing is to build a dragon palace there, which will save a lot of time!”

Wang Xian muttered!

After traveling for more than ten hours, Wang Xian flew directly towards the Demon God Palace!

“Lord Tiger, how is the planet prepared?”

Wang Xian entered the hall and asked with a smile!

“Dragon King, it’s ready, our demon country powerhouse is moving the planet, and it’s coming soon!”

The lord of the tiger chaos greeted him: “Dragon King, are you sure?”

“I won’t do things that I’m not sure about. Put the star that is a commercial planet not far from Xinghua Planet!”

Wang Xian said to him confidently!


The lord of tiger chaos nodded his head!

Now with the strength of the tiger chaos the demon country, except for those four forces, he is not afraid of all the rest!

No one dares to provoke them with the 7th-tier powerhouse of the Immortal God King!

“Lord, the planet has been moved to the starry sky not far away!”

Before long, a soldier came in to report!

“Okay, Dragon King, I’ll rely on you next!”

The Lord of Huluo nodded and looked at Wang Xian!

“Leave the rest to us!”

Wang Xian smiled, his body moved, and he immediately flew into the void!

After flying for more than an hour, they saw nine planets floating in the starry sky!

“Tianzhen, let’s start your performance next!”

Wang Xian looked at the sky formation and said with a smile at him!

“Don’t worry, Dragon King, leave it to me next!”

The sky array nodded heavily, and moved directly towards the ten planets!

And Wang Xian also entered the ocean of a planet, where he began to build a dragon palace!

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