Chapter 2548 Reshaping Body

When Wang Xian was refused entry by Tianshan Commercial Planet, he always considered this issue!

The Dragon Palace battle pet is sold, and he must be helped to tame it, and the best way to sell the battle pet is to choose a commercial planet!

Because the commercial planet is safe and crowded!

Now that the commercial planet does not let him step in, it can only be sold elsewhere!

Since it is to be sold elsewhere, why not build a commercial planet?

The horror king of commercial planet profits has seen that a Dongchi planet can bring huge resources, not to mention the commercial planet in the center of the Xingnan galaxy!

Moreover, Wang Xian has the confidence and strength to build a powerful business planet!

However, he is not too familiar with the Xingnan Galaxy after all, he has no background, it is best to need a powerful force to help deal with some things!

Tiger chaos demon country is a good choice!

“Huh? Dragon King, can you solve these things? The safety of the commercial planet alone is a huge problem. If the Immortal King wants to make trouble, there is no way we can escape directly after killing!”

The Lord of Tiger Chaos frowned, and asked again with some disbelief!

“Relax, since I am considering building a commercial planet, I have already considered these issues. I will solve this problem. In addition, I can solve the problem of commercial planet customers. I know the goddess of the star, and the goddess of the music is also my dragon palace. People, plus our dragon palace’s battle pet, ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly at the lord of tiger chaos, with strong confidence on his face!

“If the Dragon King is confident, we will naturally agree with the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!”

“However, there may not be much we can produce in the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country, but the old national teacher has no problem in suppressing the commercial planet!”

The Sky Demon State Master immediately stood up, her eyes gleaming!

The significance of a commercial planet is too great. Xinghua Planet, the weakest commercial planet in the Southern Star System, is also sufficient to feed the three major forces!

If they can have a commercial planet in the country of tigers, chaos and demons, they will be able to obtain a steady stream of resources!

“It takes some time to prepare how to do it, and I will tell you when I am ready here in Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian smiled and said!

“Well, when the time comes, we will definitely not reject the demon country!”

The lord of the tiger chaos promised!

“Okay, by the way, the lord of the tiger chaos, I have a fifth-order immortal king battle pet here, I don’t know if you can help sell it?”

Wang Xian hesitated and said to them!

Replace that immortal king’s fifth-order battle pet with resources, and his strength can be improved!

Quality improvement!

“Well, Dragon King, our Tiger Chaotic Demon Nation is temporarily unable to eat this battle pet. The breakthrough of the old national division is too expensive. Although this war has gained a lot, we also have many soldiers who have fallen!”

“We have few friends in the tiger chaos demon country, and it is a bit difficult to find buyers for you!”

The lord of tiger chaos shook his head slightly!

“It’s okay, I can wait, and when the commercial planet opens, there will be a war pet sale party!”

Wang Xian shook his head slightly disappointed!

After a brief conversation with them, Wang Xian hurried back to the Dragon Palace!

“Dragon King, now we can reshape the body!”

As soon as he returned to the Dragon Palace, the Heavenly Formation God Emperor couldn’t help but a phantom appeared, and his eyes fiercely said towards Wang Xian!

“Now you can!”

Wang Xian nodded, and immediately flew in the direction of Hualongchi!

“Prime Minister Turtle, let the Dragon Palace members in Hualong Pond go out temporarily!”

As he said, with a wave of his arm, he placed the corpse in the space ring directly aside, and the corpse was quickly absorbed into dragon blood!

Ten spatial rings, there are a million corpses in them, of which more than two hundred are the corpses of the Immortal King!

Ten immortal kings of rank five have reached!

The eternal God’s also five or six hundred thousand!

Obviously, the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country has spent a lot of thought and price in order to kill so many powerful people in the Slash Demon Sect!


In the next moment, a large amount of dragon blood poured out from the mouth of the nine dragons entrenched on the dragon pillar!


When Wang Xian moved his body, he immediately flew into the Dragon King Palace!


Behind him appeared the Unstarted Holy Wing!

“You come out of the sacred wing of the beginning, the soul-returning wood will directly absorb you and form the soul-returning fruit!”

“The resources of the Dragon Pond are enough to make you evolve at will. You can choose a variety of dragon species!”

Wang Xian said toward the heavenly formation god emperor!


The heavenly formation god emperor immediately broke free from the beginningless holy wings, the soul-returning tree trembled slightly, took its soul away, and a fruit was slowly born!

Ten hours later, Wang Xian picked off the fruit and threw it directly into the Hualong Pond!

“Hope not to disappoint me!”

Wang Xian waved his arm again, and still inserted a fetal fruit inside, muttering in his mouth!

The main reason why he reshaped his body for the Heavenly Formation God Emperor at this time was to prepare for the next plan!

Business planet!

For the creation of a commercial planet, the Heavenly Array God Emperor is indispensable!

“Prime Minister Turtle, send the monsters, the Firehammer clan, and Ao Qitian to catch the wild beasts in the Lorman Wild Animal Park!”

While the Heavenly Formation God Emperor was reshaping his body, Wang Xian ordered the Prime Minister tortoise!

At first, Commercial Planet wanted to attract a large number of customers, mainly relying on war pets, a large number of war pets!

The Firehammer clan knows the formation method, and then holding the Five Elements Great Mill, coupled with the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace, they can enter the Lorman Wild Animal Park to hunt wild beasts!

“It’s the Dragon King, Weichen will make arrangements immediately!”

Prime Minister Kame immediately responded!

Next, Wang Xian waited silently, waiting for the body of the heavenly formation god emperor to be reshaped!


A month later, a loud roar resounded throughout the Dragon Palace!

The sudden voice surprised all members of the Dragon Palace!

When Wang Xian moved his body, he immediately came to the position of Hualongchi, staring at the front!


Wang Xian looked ahead with a look of surprise in his eyes!

“What is this guy doing?”

In the Hualong Pond, nine heads are suspended in the sky, and each head is an attribute!

The head is exactly like a dragon’s head, with a nine-color body!

Nowadays, Dragon Palace does not have this kind of dragon species. Reshaping the body is not about having which attribute you want to possess!

However, now the Heavenly Formation God Emperor has indeed come up with nine attributes!

Wang Xian can clearly see that these nine attributes are not connected together, which is a bit strange!

Because of these nine attributes, this physical body cannot be compared with the dragon’s body at all, or even far away!

“Xiao Xian, what happened?”

At this time, a group of girls and Prime Minister Turtle also rushed over and asked with surprise on their faces!

Wang Xian shook his head, didn’t speak, and looked at Hualong Pond quietly!


At this moment, the nine dragon heads changed. The left and right four were directly separated, and the water dragon head was in the center!

The other eight dragon heads now look more like a weird arm!

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