Chapter 2544 Only One Escape

“It’s over!”

“Find a chance to break the formation, break the formation, otherwise all of us will die here!”

“Sect Master, find a way to break the formation, otherwise our Sanhaimen disciples will be over!”

In front of the Lorman Wild Animal Park, the Poseidon battleship collapsed and turned into a fire burning in the starry sky!

The remaining Sanhaimen disciples and strong men died 50% directly under a wave of attacks!

This is the reason why their seven immortal kings of Tier 5 can resist all attacks with all their strength and come up with a treasure of defense!

Without their resistance, no more than twenty people would have survived!

Even so, they can’t bear too many attacks!

“Damn Dragon Palace, all of you damn it, break it for me!”

The master of Sanhaimen saw this scene, his eyes were blood red, and his whole body was violent!


Under the influence of his horrible aftermath, the black hole disturbing arrays collapsed one by one!

However, the formations Wang Xian and the others arranged here reached hundreds of thousands!

All the members of the entire Firehammer clan, plus his own hands, they destroyed, and now there are less than 200,000!

Those black holes that can trap the fifth-order immortal king of the black hole disturbing the air array are even less destroyed!

“Hahaha, Sanhaimen sect master, don’t worry, we have no strength to kill you today!”

“But all the rest of Sanhaimen must stay here. Watch them die!”

Wang Xian stared at the sect master of Sanhaimen, his eyes filled with coldness!

“Dragon King, I will kill you!”

Sanhaimen sect master’s eyes are full of blood red!

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the location space on the side trembled, and the force of the terrifying law once again attacked everyone in Sanhaimen!

There are more than 400,000 people in the three legions, and now only half are left. They saw the attack of the three hundred immortal kings again, and their faces were full of despair!


An immortal king of fifth-order strong body roared with trembling body!

Can’t stop it!

The opponent’s strength is more than double theirs, can resist it once, it is difficult to resist it twice or three times!

“No, no, no!”

A group of Sanhaimen disciples roared desperately!



The attack fell, and the remaining half died directly 90% again!

“Do not!”

The body of the Sanhaimen sect master who was entangled by Ao Crab trembled, and his heart was bleeding!

This time he led almost half of Sanhaimen’s power. If all of them fell here, they would not be able to bear it!

“Shadow fish, destroy the surrounding formation!”

His body trembled suddenly, and a vague shadow appeared behind him!

This shadow is transparent all over, like a transparent fish!


With a movement of his body, he instantly shuttled around!


Soon, the sound of bursting arrays came, and the strange black holes in the sky quickly diminished!


“This is? Battle pet, the fifth-order battle pet of the Immortal King!”

Wang Xian looked at the shadow, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!

“Haha, thank you Sanhaimen sect master for presenting a battle pet!”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes and let out a big laugh. With a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Mould went directly towards the shadow!


Feeling the threat, the shadow fish trembled slightly. The next moment, it transformed into thousands of bodies directly in the void!

Every body is so real that it is difficult to distinguish!

Thousands of bodies immediately attacked in all directions, all with terrifying attack power!

“Oh? This talent is good, but I still have to thank the Sanhaimen sect master for his gift!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and the five elements fell on the sky above a shadow fish, and the white lock space immediately imprisoned it!



The next moment, a panic sounded, that shadow fish was directly collected into the Five Elements Great Mill, and all the other shadow fishes quickly collapsed!

“How can this be!”

Seeing Yingyu being caught quickly, the master of Sanhaimen’s face changed drastically!

“No, no, no!”

“Help, sect master, help!”

At this time, a scream came, his eyes swept, and his body trembled!


Under a distraction, a terrifying dragon’s tail swept directly on the body, causing it to fly upside down!

“No, no, how could Dragon Palace be so strong, they have such strength, why are they still hiding in this small place!”

The sect master of Sanhaimen didn’t understand that, with such strength, it would not be weak when placed in the center of their star-south galaxy!

How can such a powerful force live in such a remote place?

He couldn’t understand it anyway!

“Boom boom boom!”

“It’s over!”

On the side of the destroyed warship in Sanhaimen, the powerhouses in Sanhaimen watched the attack ahead miserably!

After several waves of attacks, the rest of the disciples have all been killed, and there are even more than a hundred immortal kings, now there are only about ten!

The rest are all dead!

Looking at the fifteen fifth-order immortal kings and thirty or forty fourth-order immortal kings rushing towards them, their faces were full of despair!

When they came, they thought they would destroy the planets and make the Dragon Palace fled frantically, now?

They don’t even have a chance to escape!


In Sanhaimen, a group of immortal kings and fifth-order strongmen showed death-will and madness on their faces, and they greeted them directly!

“Boom boom boom!”

Fighting and fighting continued, but it was true that a famous expert in Sanhaimen gradually fell!

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the Five Elements Great Mill appeared in his hand. He looked at the Immortal King’s fifth-order war pet shadow fish inside, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked!

“These Sanhaimen are really good people. If this battle pet is sold, I will be able to truly step into the realm of the immortal king!”

A hot look appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes!

He is now in the ninth-level realm of the Eternal God Lord, and there is no Eternal God Lord peak in the Shenlong Transformation, that is to say, he directly stepped into the God King!

Once he becomes the king of gods, he has the fighting power of the seventh-order immortal king of gods!

At that time, the Xingnan Galaxy could be its own adversary, only those few people!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian looked at the battle ahead with a smile on his face!

This battle does not require him to take action at all!

As for Sanhaimen, the only one who could escape alive was the master of Sanhaimen!

The rest, all must stay here!

In the next battle, without the slightest accident, the Immortal King of Tier 5 gradually fell from Sanhaimen!

Every time one falls, Sanhaimen becomes even more desperate!

“Dragon Palace, Dragon King!”

The Sanhaimen sect master trembled when he saw the defeated situation, and his eyes were full of blood!


Wang Xian looked at the sect master of Sanhaimen and said lightly!

“Today’s revenge, I will avenge it, I will avenge it!”

He roared sorrowfully, but his figure slowly disappeared in the next moment!

“Roar of incompetence!”

Wang Xian muttered!

The only remaining four immortal kings saw the master fleeing, and their fighting spirit was lost!

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