Chapter 2538 The Influence Of The Star Goddess


The energy swept across, and a dull sound rang in front of the Xinghua Planet Building!

All the people of Sanhaimen covered by the Five Elements Great Mill were beheaded instantly, including four immortal kings and powerhouses!

Ji Shaojian’s body fell heavily on the ground, his eyes widened, and it was full of shock!

“Hmph, a rubbish, dare to threaten me!”

Wang Xian glanced contemptuously at the corpses, waved his arm, and immediately put them away!


He said to the Yinxuan Emperor Star Girl and the members of the Dragon Palace, and immediately flew into the void!

“Hi, they actually killed Master Ji!”

“They dare to kill people on Xinghua planet. They don’t want to live anymore, do they?”

Everyone around saw this scene with a shocked look on their faces!

Master Ji, a group of powerhouses in Sanhaimen, were beheaded on the spot!

This is a business planet!

“You are looking for death, you dare to kill people on our Xinghua business planet!”

Around, the face of the immortal king strong in black clothes changed drastically, and he shouted at Wang Xian and the crowd!

However, he did not rush over, seeing Wang Xian’s terrifying strength, he immediately took out one thing!


With a handle in his hand, he pressed a button!


The next moment, a warning bell suddenly rang from the void!

The alarm bell spread across most of Xinghua’s planet in an instant!


“Is this? Is there a strong person who violated the rules on Xinghua Planet?”

Everyone was slightly surprised, listening to the alarm bell, some strong men immediately flew into the sky!

“Swish swish!”

At the same time, the alarm bell rang, and terrifying battleships flew out in the sky!

Among them, there is also a space battleship with a size of a million kilometers drilled out of the void, and the barrels on it contain an icy atmosphere!

“court death!”

In the sky, Wang Xian saw the entire planet operating instantly, and war machines emerged one by one, with a trace of shock on his face!

“The commercial planet is really powerful!”

His eyes shone with luster, and he saw the strong figure flying out of the space battleship, his eyes were full of murderous aura!

If you think you are the master of the commercial planet, you dare to threaten yourself, then you have to do it, and Wang Xian will definitely not be polite!

“All members, get ready!”

Wang Xian said sensibly!

“Damn, Wang Xian just killed well, that guy is too arrogant, it’s the first time I have met such an arrogant guy for so many years as a star!”

“Auntie Ying, you help me amplify the sound!”

From the position on the side, the Emperor Star Girl looked a little embarrassed at this scene, and said directly to the aunt Ying!


Aunt Ying nodded!

“I am a star girl. Today, Master Sanhaimenji, the master of the planet Xinghua, became lustful and threatened Yinxuan directly, and said that he did not agree to destroy her power!”

“It’s really interesting. My star girl has held thousands of concerts and traveled all over the major commercial planets of the Emperor Star Territory. This is the first time I have seen such a person. It is ridiculous to see such a planet!”

“Commercial planet, everything is equal, Xinghua planet, rubbish!”

The Emperor Star Girl was full of anger and said directly, under the amplification of Aunt Ying, everyone on the planet Xing Hua could hear clearly!


When her voice resounded across the entire planet, everyone was stunned for a moment, with a look of incomparable horror on their faces!

“This…what’s the situation, fucking? Master Sanhaimenji, the master of the planet Xing Hua, is eager to make a direct threat to the goddess Yinxuan if he is unruly?”

“Xing Hua planet actually did such a thing, damn it, is this damn business planet? Shit!”

“The starry sky battleship in this sky is for our star goddess, damn it, damn it!”

At this moment, the entire planet Xing Hua was a little restless!

Most of the people who watched the concert last night did not leave, and now they hear the voice of the star goddess, one by one is extremely angry!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, tens of millions of people flew directly into the sky in anger!

Don’t underestimate a fan of a star!

Sometimes, some fans behave like crazy!


This voice sounded, and the faces of all the Jianhua Group, the Black Forest Group and Sanhaimen that controlled the planet Xinghua changed wildly!

“How did you provoke the Star Goddess? Now it is the Star Goddess and the crowd who are attacking?”

Their faces changed wildly, and the disciples of the three major forces raised their heads and flew toward the location of the signal launch!

“Stop the attack!”

In the sky, inside the space battleship, an old man stood in the command room with a gloomy face!

His face is so gloomy!

Is there a star goddess below?

Now there are people in Zhinao who have a deep background in the goddess of stars, and may be a disciple of the Imperial Court!

Now no matter whether it is true or not, they can’t attack rashly!

If the Star Goddess dies here, those fans in the central area will destroy them!

“Stop the attack!”

In the rest of the place, one by one warship, one by one famous expert also received information, and their faces were extremely gloomy!

These few words of the Star Goddess were definitely a major blow to their planet Xing Hua!

The business planet is meant to be safe and equal for everyone, and everything should be done with fairness!

Otherwise, you can’t even guarantee the safety of other people, and you can’t even do fairness. Who dares to do business with you?

If one day you rob the treasure directly, who do they call to make sense?

No one will come to an unfair business planet!

Once the flow of people on the commercial planet is lost, it will basically be abolished!

This passage of the Star Girl has dealt a great blow to the planet Xing Hua!

After all, no one would think that the star goddess lied!

“Damn, what the hell did Sanhaimen do!”

The powerhouses of Jianhua Group and Black Forest Group looked embarrassed and scolded angrily!

If it is not handled properly this time, it will have a great impact on Xinghua Planet!

“Huh? Yes, star girl!”

In the sky, Wang Xian saw the space battleship stop and saw a famous strong man standing in the sky, raised his brows slightly, and said to her with a smile!

“Hmph, don’t underestimate you guy!”

The Emperor Star Girl raised her head slightly and said coldly toward him!

“Say you are fat and you still pant, well, let’s go!”

Wang Xian smiled and flew quickly into the void!

Although the three powers of Xinghua Planet do not have the 7th-order powerhouse of the Immortal King, be careful!

Of course, if you don’t want to ignore the Emperor Star Girl and the others, Wang Xian and the others can instantly return to the Dragon Palace!

However, Wang Xian would not take the initiative to run away before the opponent had absolutely suppressed it. This was not his character!

He will take the Dragon Palace members into a big fight!


As soon as Wang Xian and the others left, hundreds of figures flew over here!

“There is no need to chase them, there are immortal kings of Tier 5 powerhouses among them!”

An old man in black clothes looked at the disappearing figure, his face was very embarrassed!

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