Chapter 2533 Emperor Star Girl’s Concert

“Brother Yi, grandpa, old country lord, I got the formation, five, and the Dragon King gave five!”

“The highest rank 5 immortal king can be trapped, and it can cover hundreds of millions of kilometers.”

In the core palace of the Demon God Palace, the immortal kings of the Tiger Luan Demon Kingdom gathered, and the Heavenly Demon Kingdom Master walked in with an excited look on his face!

“Five! Well, this time, we will let Demon Slayer Sect pay a heavy price for what we have done to us for thousands of years!”

On the main seat, the old country lord stood up immediately with excitement, violent evil spirits gushing out of his body, and he roared violently!

“What conditions does the Dragon King ask for?”

The old teacher suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked!

“Grandpa, the Dragon King only wants us to kill the corpses of the enemy, as long as the corpse, nothing else!”

The teacher said with a smile on his face!

“Oh? Although the body of a strong man is a good material, the demand for things is too low. It seems that we are going to owe a favor to the tiger country!”

The old teacher said with a smile!

“It seems that making a good Dragon Palace is a wise choice, at least the Dragon King is very atmospheric!”

The Lord of Tiger Chaotic said with a smile on his face!

“Leave other things aside and prepare for battle. This time, once, they killed the Demon Sect and slaughtered the people of our two planets. Today, let them pay the debt!”

The old master slowly stood up, roaring with a full face!

“eye for eye!”

The rest of the crowd roared!

“Dragon King, the tiger chaos demon country has begun to do it, this is the history of the tiger chaos demon country!”

In a palace in the Demon God Palace, Wang Xian and Prime Minister Turtle stood on the second floor of the main hall, looking at the murderous army outside!

“This Demon Slashing Sect is indeed damnable, the Tiger Chaotic Demon Nation has almost grown to where it is today under their suppression!”

Wang Xian looked at some things about the tiger chaos demon country!

In the southern star system, the sky monsters are relatively weaker, and many sky monsters have been caught as mounts!

Among them, the Demon Slayer is headed, hunting the sky monsters frantically and selling them!

And the demon kingdom established by the sky demon, the tiger chaos demon kingdom gradually grew up, and competed with the demon slashing sect!

This confrontation is thousands of years!

“The Demon Slayer Sect will have to pay a heavy price this time. The Tiger Chaotic Demon Nation and them are also big forces. The ensuing fighting war is estimated to affect many planets!”

Prime Minister Kame said!

“This matter is beyond our control!”

Wang Xian said in his mouth!

“Let’s go, Aunt Ying has already negotiated with some forces on Xinghua Planet. The concert will begin in two days. Let’s go to Xinghua Planet!”

At this moment, the voice of the emperor star girl came from behind!

“Oh? Are you ready? Then let’s go over!”

Wang Xian raised his brows and said with a smile!

“Let’s go, we have to test the venue there and get familiar with it a little bit!”

The Emperor Star Girl urged!


Wang Xian nodded, and gestured to Prime Minister Turtle on the side!

The group of people walked out of the palace. After Wang Xian sent a message to the Heavenly Demon State Master, he flew directly towards the position of the teleportation formation!

“A small concert has millions of people, and I should be a little nervous when I get on stage!”

“Sister Yinxuan, it’s not that I said, you become a singer, and I will be behind you in the future. Your strength and sonic waves can make people fall into the environment. I want to reach this state. It’s still too early. !”

“But this time with the accompaniment of Sister Yinxuan’s dolphin sisters, presumably this time the concert will be perfect too!”

The two girls were talking excitedly on the side!

Tang Yinxuan performed in front of so many people for the first time!

And the emperor star girl is excited because there are many immortal king-level master-level accompanists to accompany her!

Wang Xian looked and smiled!

Through the teleportation array, a group of people directly teleported to the planet Xinghua!

Xinghua Planet, one of the five major commercial planets!

The five major commercial planets of the Xingnan Galaxy are controlled by powerful forces one by one!

Planet Xinghua is controlled by three forces together!

They are Jianhua Group, Black Forest Group and Sanhaimen!

Two big groups and one big sect, these three forces are all comparable to the original Tiger Chaotic Demon Country!

Otherwise, they would not be able to control a commercial planet!

As for the other four commercial planets, they are controlled by the pinnacle forces of the Southern Star System!

These four forces have had the immortal king of the seventh-order powerhouse for a long time!

“Let’s wait here, someone will pick us up soon!”

The Emperor Star Girl looked at Zhi Nao, and said to Wang Xian!

Aunt Ying has come here to deal with things in advance, and all of their things have been arranged!

The Emperor Star Girl is one of the pinnacle female stars of the Emperor Star Region. She is here to hold a concert, and any forces will warmly welcome her!

Not only tickets can sell a large number of sacred stones, but also some advertisements can also make a lot of profits!

“Swish swish!”

Before long, a fleet of sky-blue and luxurious fleets came over here!

The convoy parked neatly next to Wang Xian and them!

Aunt Ying walked out of a car and walked towards the Emperor Star Girl!

“This… this is the disguised star goddess?”

Aunt Ying walked over, and a group of young men and women walked out of the other cars. They followed, looked at the Emperor Star Girl, and asked hesitantly!


The Emperor Star Girl nodded coldly at them!

“Wow, Star Goddess, can you sign me?”

A girl couldn’t help but exclaimed!

“Okay, miss, let’s go, take a break, and then look at the venue!”

Aunt Ying motioned to the girl, told her to put things away, and said to the emperor star girl!

The Emperor Star Girl nodded slowly, and walked straight towards the vehicle in front!

Wang Xian smiled and followed behind, this big star is quite fanatical!

“Hmph, I took out everything, and didn’t even sign me a name!”

Seeing that the Emperor Star Girl ignored her, the girl said slightly displeased!

“No, she is completely disfigured, and I can’t tell that she is the Star Goddess. I want to take a closer look at the Star Goddess!”

A young man next to him shook his head!

“Don’t have any ideas, not to mention that she may have a deep background, but her influence is not something we can bear!”

A young man reminded him to the side, fearing that they would do too much!

“Brother Song, we naturally know this!”

A crowd of young men and women nodded!

Although they are all Tianjiao disciples of the generation of the three major forces, their status is still incomparable with the emperor star girl!

Perhaps one of the appealing power of the Emperor Star Girl, some young disciples in the central area of ​​the Emperor Star Region will lead the strong to destroy them!

They still know some measures!

“Let’s go, although we can’t get close, but at least we can appreciate the appearance of the Emperor Star Girl in the first row!”

A young man said with a smile!

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