Chapter 250: All-round Suppression

The head of the Lingyue faction warned Tianjiao Shaojie 51 sentences to get out of here within three seconds, otherwise he would die!

Two congenital powerhouses appear directly.

A scheming madman, one person beheaded a first-level force.

Unidentified middle-aged, with a terrifying aura and a great tone.

Just go back, otherwise, the chickens and dogs will not stay!


The Lingyue faction leader’s face suddenly became embarrassed, he stared at his Demon Abyss with a sullen face and murderous expression on his face.

Two innate powerhouses, a cruel scheming madman who is also righteous and demon.

A middle-aged man who asked Lingyue to send chickens and dogs not to stay when he opened his mouth.

The two congenitals, what they said, the head of the Lingyue faction didn’t dare to treat it as a joke.

This made his face very embarrassed, hard to ride a tiger, hard to ride a tiger!

He swept across Ji Mad Demon and Mo Yuan with a sullen face, and slowly looked around.

At this time, unless someone with innate power comes out to help him, he can only grit his teeth and roll back.

His eyes swept over the innate powerhouses of the first-degree forces, and finally fell on his friends.

The patriarch of the Fengyang family, Feng Yanglie, at this time, as long as his friend comes out, plus the flame palace with his back.

What about the two innate powerhouses!

Standing below Feng Yanglie hesitated slightly when he saw the gaze of the head of the Lingyue School.

He hesitated slightly, and nodded slowly.

At this time, as long as he stands up, he will surely make a good relationship with the Flame Palace and the Holy Sect in the future.

“Do not keep the chicken and dog, haha, let my friend Lingyue send the chicken and dog not to stay, are you qualified?”

Holding a long sword in his hand, Feng Yanglie walked slowly toward the front.

“Another congenital!”

“Is this going to be a battle of the innate strong?”

“Oh my god, the Fengyang family patriarch came out, another innate powerhouse!”

“Jie Jie!”

Feng Yanglie’s voice caused a sensation in the entire quiet square.

Another innate, another innate, not to mention anything else, just this lineup can already move everyone!

However, Feng Yanglie, who was walking toward the front, suddenly stiffened.

He heard a familiar voice.

He heard a trembling voice.

That sentence Jie Jie, with a foreign accent, is so harsh and so profound.

He froze and looked to the left.

He saw that the gringy in a big red tuxedo stared at him coldly, and slowly licked his tongue.

This look made him wonder whether he should say it or not.

“Fuck, is this group of people all in one group!”

Feng Yanglie’s face changed drastically, and the three congenitals, the three damn congenitals who stood up were obviously in the same group.

F*ck, their Fengyang family is not the Flame Palace, the three innate powerhouses, let alone whether they can destroy their Fengyang family.

Just bring the Lingyue faction and destroy it together, all easily.

Is it worth it to provoke three innate powerhouses in order to please the Flame Palace? Obviously fucking worthless!

Feng Yanglie’s body suddenly froze, his face constantly changing.

The head of Lingyue faction standing in the center was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Feng Yanglie with a bit of astonishment.

The people around also looked at Feng Yanglie in surprise, what’s the matter, why did they stop as they walked?

Force it? Why don’t you continue to install it?

“Ha ha!”

Feng Yanglie’s face changed, and he turned his head awkwardly and politely before returning directly to his position.

So I returned to my place!

Feng Yanglie’s mysterious operation stunned everyone around him.

What’s the situation, what does this congenital boss mean?

Everyone was a little stunned, and said: Do not keep the chickens and dogs, ha ha, let my friend Lingyue send the chickens and dogs not to stay, are you eligible?

I went back, what’s this?

“What’s the matter? What is the patriarch of the Fengyang family doing? Why did he suddenly return?”

“I don’t know, the operation is a bit fascinating. The mind of the innate strong is not something we can guess.”

A group of people talked in surprise.

However, the Lingyue faction leader’s expression on the stage changed drastically. He looked at the two innate powerhouses who were staring at him in a dilemma.


“All retreat, looking for trouble in our flame palace, is it looking for death?”

At the central location, Elder Liu saw this situation, slapped his face on the chair with embarrassment, and shouted in a low voice.

His gaze swept coldly towards Ji Crazy Demon and Demon Abyss.

“Yes, Elder Liu!”

The head of Lingyue faction breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly.

Elder Liu looked at Wang Xian with a cold expression and looked at everyone around him, his expression a little gloomy.

The elders of the Flame Palace also saw that the middle-aged man next to the Crazy Demons and the Thorns Sect was the king’s genius doctor calling.

“Dare to make our Flame Palace so embarrassing!”

Several elders of the Flame Palace looked cold, and one of them looked at Sheng Hua next to him.

“Ha ha!”

A faint smile appeared on Sheng Hua’s face, he slowly stood up, came to the central position, and stared at Wang Xian.

“I have long heard the name of the genius doctor Wang, I thought that in the future we would become the same class and learn medical skills, but I did not expect that the doctor Wang refused the invitation, then I can only use this opportunity to ask for advice!”

Sheng Hua said directly to Wang Xian, with a smile on his face: “I also want to see if the genius doctor Wang is as his name, young genius doctor!”

“This is!”

“The practice of the genius doctor Wang is obviously to make the Flame Palace dissatisfied, and the Flame Palace is going to teach him a lesson.”

“Yes, after all, as the holy gate, the holy gate must not be insulted, and the face that has been thrown out must be retrieved!”

“The Holy Doctor Shenghua is very famous abroad, but I don’t know how he will teach the Doctor Wang!”

Everyone around me felt the shock and watched quietly, the shock it brought to them today was simply too great.

“Sheng Hua this old thing!”

The blood man genius doctor Xiao Hong stared at Sheng Hua and whispered with cold eyes.

“Huh? You know this Shenghua?”

Sun Lingxiu looked at him and asked.

“Yes, a big sex stick, damn, he robbed a woman I was fond of before and taught me a lesson.”

The blood man genius doctor Xiao Hong looked at Sheng Hua and said coldly: “But master, Xiao Hong is now my strength has soared, even if it is against Sheng Hua, I am not afraid!”

“Really?” Sun Lingxiu smiled.

“This old thing used to be afraid of him, but now I’m not afraid.” Xiaohong patted her chest, and the master, you see, I am very awesome.

“Go!” Sun Lingxiu said lightly.

“Good master, today the minion will play with this old thing!”

The blood man genius doctor Xiao Hong showed excitement on his face. He stared at Sheng Hua and laughed.

“Sheng Hua, you old thing, you still want to compete with my master’s friends in medical skills, I think, let Laozi come!”

Just as Sheng Hua was staring at Wang Xian, the bloody genius doctor’s words rang out.

Still arrogant.

Still squirming!

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